BLM on two corners with Private on the other two, ok to cross corner?

One question for the pro corner hoppers. If the owner of the private land freely gave access to the public, by a route he designated, other than the corner would you be happy? Suppose the corner was 100 yards of flat ground from the road and the agreed upon access 1 mile back and up a steep incline. Would you take the freely given route or would you still want it where it is easiest on you?
One question for the pro corner hoppers. If the owner of the private land freely gave access to the public, by a route he designated, other than the corner would you be happy? Suppose the corner was 100 yards of flat ground from the road and the agreed upon access 1 mile back and up a steep incline. Would you take the freely given route or would you still want it where it is easiest on you?
I'd still take the corner where I wasn't trespassing on his/her property

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One question for the pro corner hoppers. If the owner of the private land freely gave access to the public, by a route he designated, other than the corner would you be happy? Suppose the corner was 100 yards of flat ground from the road and the agreed upon access 1 mile back and up a steep incline. Would you take the freely given route or would you still want it where it is easiest on you?
Thats a really good question. The short answer, for me, is the legally crossing at the corner, even if the locations were reversed.

The long answer is that I want legal access at all the corners meeting the criteria for corner hopping. I have seen access continually decline and here is this potential solution that floats in a gray area of mixed enforcement, potentially mixed prosecution, and creating deep resent in a population that would otherwise likely be enjoying comradory. I personally do no corner hop. Not because I feel it is morally wrong, but because my reputation is based on fair dealing and following boundary law whether I feel it is just or not. The decision on being just is left to the courts. I don't want such an important issue left to the personal discussion of an ever changing cast of characters I want it clarified. Currently it has the same risks as going 1 mph over in the highway. You will probably not get a ticket, but you are breaking the law in technical terms, but are you breaking the intent of the law?
The field crew found this a couple weeks ago. would you believe me that this is a BLM corner? granite stone 1.6' below ground
When was it set? Isn't that one of the best feelings! I love finding old mon's. I just wish I could be on the crew more often when those come up.
The field crew found this a couple weeks ago. would you believe me that this is a BLM corner? granite stone 1.6' below ground

I found one yesterday, just for the fun of it while out hunting pronghorn on my way back to the truck zoomed in as much as I could and put the curser on the corner. Saw the marker from 300 feet away or so, zero'd out the GPS and was 3 feet away.


I'd cross that corner if it was
Point is landowners know what they’re doing with this law and that’s using to rape and pillage land that they pay no taxes on that’s just plain and simple we can argue semantics till the cows come home, but at the end of the day they know why they don’t want corner hopping legalized to access PUBLiC ground and that’s to use it for themselves while WE pay for it

I found one yesterday, just for the fun of it while out hunting pronghorn on my way back to the truck zoomed in as much as I could and put the curser on the corner. Saw the marker from 300 feet away or so, zero'd out the GPS and was 3 feet away.


I'd cross that corner if it was
Did you compare OnX to the gps unit?
Adam634 - Point is landowners know what they’re doing with this law and that’s using to rape and pillage land that they pay no taxes on that’s just plain and simple we can argue semantics till the cows come home, but at the end of the day they know why they don’t want corner hopping legalized to access PUBLiC ground and that’s to use it for themselves while WE pay for it

How do we pay for it and landowner does not? If your taxes is used on the public land, how is it that the landowner taxes are not. If they have grazing rights they pay the rate set by our government, if not they can do nothing on the public land that you can't except access it through their own private land that they pay taxes on as well. I think those that own land next to our public land probably take better care of it than someone that only visits it once a year. I have seen how "we" take care of our public land.
I think those that own land next to our public land probably take better care of it than someone that only visits it once a year. I have seen how "we" take care of our public land.
This is a pretty broad statement. Kinda like being lumped in as a whole "those damn Texans" when a few guys from Texas do something extra stupid.

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How would you corner hop at this location?

Capture -2.JPG
For all the other Professional Land Surveyors like myself out there that can relate to this picture. We call this a "pin cushion corner"

If anyone wants to go down the rabbit hole of pin cushion corners they should take a read of Jeff Lucas' book called The Pin Cushion Effect. Also is a great read for non-surveyors as he details all the ins and outs of this matter.
I just finished listening to this podcast and it is great. These two guys are pretty smart on the issue. However, as any good attorney, they say "it depends" and "this is NOT legal advice" at the beginning. For those wanting to learn more on the issue, I would recommend listening.

Ok, I'm gonna say it. The ONLY reason land owners want to prevent corner crossing is the prevent access for others (usually to public land). I would love to hear a different reason from someone that's against corner crossing, but I'll need a little more than just "land owners rights" as the same land owners wouldn't care if a kid hovered their foot over their lawn at their house...
Ok, I'm gonna say it. The ONLY reason land owners want to prevent corner crossing is the prevent access for others (usually to public land). I would love to hear a different reason from someone that's against corner crossing, but I'll need a little more than just "land owners rights" as the same land owners wouldn't care if a kid hovered their foot over their lawn at their house...
Bingo. Power tripping and keeping others from using what is all of ours

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Adam634 - Point is landowners know what they’re doing with this law and that’s using to rape and pillage land that they pay no taxes on that’s just plain and simple we can argue semantics till the cows come home, but at the end of the day they know why they don’t want corner hopping legalized to access PUBLiC ground and that’s to use it for themselves while WE pay for it

How do we pay for it and landowner does not? If your taxes is used on the public land, how is it that the landowner taxes are not. If they have grazing rights they pay the rate set by our government, if not they can do nothing on the public land that you can't except access it through their own private land that they pay taxes on as well. I think those that own land next to our public land probably take better care of it than someone that only visits it once a year. I have seen how "we" take care of our public land.
Your logic is absolute . I've seen plenty more private ground in worse shape than public (unless it's public with a grazing allotment) than I've seen good. The mentality of "we've been doing it this way since we started" is well and good in the private land realm, meaning hell with the resources, let's make some money from whatever we raise on here and also get some welfare money!.....

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