Black Rifle Coffee NYT Comments

I like their black powder instant a bit more than Starbucks via and I prefer their politics quite a bit more than Starbucks. apart from that, i will always preference companies that are owned by and support veterans when I can. More broadly, i dont require everyone or every company I do business with to share my political alignment 100% but there are limits to what I will support and to what I will accept.
Liberal ;-)
If you listen to Dana Loesch podcast yesterday, you'll learn that at least one of his donations was the result of losing a bet to his military squad.

They knew the worst thing they could do to him was force an Obummer donation. he HATED it.

I can see doing that to someone who lost to me...

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LOL, no. Proven he lied about that. First it was photoshopped, then it was a bet, then his history came out. I’ll post the link again that I’ve posted here before and you guys can read it or not.

BRCC lies
So, from these 4 quotes (I'm not paying for the NYT's so I can't read the source article) they are woke?

  • "I’m a man without a party now."
  • "What I figured out the last couple of years is that being really political, in the sense of backing an individual politician or any individual party, is really f**king detrimental. And it’s detrimental to the company. And it’s detrimental, ultimately, to my mission."
  • "You can’t let sections of your customers hijack your brand and say, 'This is who you are.' It’s like, no, no, we define that."
  • "I hate racist, Proud-Boyish people. Like, I’ll pay them to leave my customer base. I would gladly chop all of those people out of my f**king customer database and pay them to get the f**k out.

As someone who has long felt the Republican and Democratic parties are two sides of the same coin I can't say I have any issues with any of those statements.
amen to that!

that article seems nothing more than crap stirring.... i don't know why that would even offend people? they aren't radical extremists so i'm not supporting them? honestly, it's kind of a refreshing attitude.... i would love to see people work together in this country, rather than having to be a radical, and rather than making some type of positive impact, you just spend all resources trying to sabotage the opposition.

it seems like the country is being conditioned to not think for ourselves, which that whole concept is so full of irony, because people think they are, but you have to pick a side and support everything that side does, blindly.... one side never has all of the best answers, but so many think they do, even though there are 2 very divided sides.... it doesn't take much objectivity to see that can't be so.

i'm so sick of politics, because they are all corrupt.... everybody just wants to be right, that's all that matters. anything said will be taken out of context to discredit someone else and support someone's BS agenda.

textbook cancel culture crap
There are a lot of people that feel they don’t have a party. I want some land conserved, some land used for resources. I don’t care what you do in your personal love life, I also don’t need rainbow crosswalks to remind me. I think there are some bad cops/precincts but I don’t believe you should defund any of them. I want a party that doesn’t spend like a drunk sailor, both sides only worry about spending when they are not in power.

There really isn’t a party that aligns much with a person with libertarian/conservative/conservation minded person. It’s always all in or all out. AOC or Buffalo horns at the capital. Somewhere between those things most of us sit and not many people in politics are in the range.

Never had BRCC coffee, but I’ve had several really liberal coffee, bought at Amazon, Google searched, Apple phone, Chevy truck, shopped at Home Depot, etc. Every single one of these has/does support causes I disagree with. Heck I once had Ben and Jerry’s.

Seems like we should quit attacking all the little guys that make a comment we don’t like much while still using electronics that are actively trying to take away your free speech, the free exchange of info even if it’s not correct, anti hunting SF types. If I listed out every single liberal store/tech/etc, you probably couldn’t buy non camo pants!
  • "I hate racist, Proud-Boyish people. Like, I’ll pay them to leave my customer base. I would gladly chop all of those people out of my f**king customer database and pay them to get the f**k out.

Wow- I guess we should all start boycotting them for that statement; you know we love of our Proud Boys/ racists!
That statement on "This is who you are" I think is the core issue that BRC is ultimately dealing with. I have seen that "Proud-Boyish" and wannabe tough-guy types began mixing BRC tees and caps along with their closet full of 5.11 and The Punisher gear. BRC gear had the potential to become associated similarly to a Blood wearing red or more to the point a Boogaloo's Hawaiian shirt. They don't want to become part of the "Proud-Boy" uniform. Much in the same way, BRC struggled with messaging and insinuations made about connections to Kyle Rittenhouse late last year.
What’s wrong with the Proud Boys? I remember when Gavin Mcinnes created them as basically a men’s drinking club, that emphasized traditional western values. I know that the leftist media likes to label them as racist etc., which seems odd to me since their ranks are full of black guys and Hispanics and Gavin is married to a Native American woman. It’s the Bolshevik propaganda that has turned the Proud Boys into something they’re not and they’re working on point their “racist” wands at anyone that doesn’t fall into line with their ideology.
What’s wrong with the Proud Boys? I remember when Gavin Mcinnes created them as basically a men’s drinking club, that emphasized traditional western values. I know that the leftist media likes to label them as racist etc., which seems odd to me since their ranks are full of black guys and Hispanics and Gavin is married to a Native American woman. It’s the Bolshevik propaganda that has turned the Proud Boys into something they’re not and they’re working on point their “racist” wands at anyone that doesn’t fall into line with their ideology.

Well, we’ve seen that PB as a group has a propensity to engage in political violence on behalf of a decided political identity, so it’s certainly more than a drinking club. richard Spencer has been a member, he has clear white nationalists ties, so there’s that. By their own decree, in order to reach “4th degree” status, you just get arrested or in a serious violent fight for the cause. I don’t know much about the history of the organization beyond that, but Nathan Bedford Forrest didn’t start the KKK with the intent of the organization becoming what it did, either. In fact, I’ve read he attempted to disband it. History will ultimately judge you based on outcome, not intent, so if you are going to passively claim that PB are little more than a red pill fraternity, then you are overlooking their very deliberate history of actions in favor of a stated intent.
I'd drink acid before I sat down with the NYT for anything. They are Marxist insects of the lowest order and even acknowledging them is a huge mistake by any entity.

Rule #1, know thy customer!
I don’t think you’ll ever have to worry about making that decision as no one cares what you have to say.
I’m going to order some BRCC today…..

This would make me an intolerable liberal? Racists? A member of proud boys? Conservationists conservative? Not really sure.
What’s wrong with the Proud Boys? I remember when Gavin Mcinnes created them as basically a men’s drinking club, that emphasized traditional western values. I know that the leftist media likes to label them as racist etc., which seems odd to me since their ranks are full of black guys and Hispanics and Gavin is married to a Native American woman. It’s the Bolshevik propaganda that has turned the Proud Boys into something they’re not and they’re working on point their “racist” wands at anyone that doesn’t fall into line with their ideology.
Can't speak for all of PBs doings, but what you see and read with the MSM is largely based on fake hate and racism.
When the media utter one word condemning Marxist violent groups like ANTIFA or BLM I'll listen to their opinion, but hell would freeze over first.....
And people thought that the "Corona Virus" thread was out of control and wasn't a proper use of Rokslide space???????????????????
Well, we’ve seen that PB as a group has a propensity to engage in political violence on behalf of a decided political identity, so it’s certainly more than a drinking club. richard Spencer has been a member, he has clear white nationalists ties, so there’s that. By their own decree, in order to reach “4th degree” status, you just get arrested or in a serious violent fight for the cause. I don’t know much about the history of the organization beyond that, but Nathan Bedford Forrest didn’t start the KKK with the intent of the organization becoming what it did, either. In fact, I’ve read he attempted to disband it. History will ultimately judge you based on outcome, not intent, so if you are going to passively claim that PB are little more than a red pill fraternity, then you are overlooking their very deliberate history of actions in favor of a stated intent.
I dont know much about their entire history or what all of their members have been arrested for etc. But I've been on the front lines watching them, dealing with them, communicating at times with them over the last year. Very respectful and well spoken and never created a problem. But when antifa showed up and started throwing whatever they could get their hands on, attacking the crowd and doing antifa stuff, the proud boys would step in and squash the activities. Then they would leave when antics left or were given a dispersal order.

I'm not endorsing them by any means. Is their behavior accurately portrayed in the media? No. But neither is Antifa.

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Well, we’ve seen that PB as a group has a propensity to engage in political violence on behalf of a decided political identity, so it’s certainly more than a drinking club. richard Spencer has been a member, he has clear white nationalists ties, so there’s that. By their own decree, in order to reach “4th degree” status, you just get arrested or in a serious violent fight for the cause. I don’t know much about the history of the organization beyond that, but Nathan Bedford Forrest didn’t start the KKK with the intent of the organization becoming what it did, either. In fact, I’ve read he attempted to disband it. History will ultimately judge you based on outcome, not intent, so if you are going to passively claim that PB are little more than a red pill fraternity, then you are overlooking their very deliberate history of actions in favor of a stated intent.
Richard Spencer was never a member and the fact you believe that shows me how ill-informed you are on them. I remember the episode of Gavin Mcinnes’ show when he mentioned creating them and have watched their entire evolution and basically their dissolution from the beginning, with commentary from the creator. They also don’t start fights woth Antifa etc, they end them. They’ve also protected people like Anne Coulter from violent Antifa mobs, which was really the beginning of their more “engaging” political activism. Maybe seek out some perspective from some other sources. Too bad people like Gavin are banned from all of social media and can’t defend themselves and are turned into bogeymen by the MSM, which is the point.
Maybe he should say he does not want any blm racist customers....pb's = bad but no comment on blm...who have a history of attacking white people just for being white and in the wrong place....