Black Rifle Coffee NYT Comments

So, from these 4 quotes (I'm not paying for the NYT's so I can't read the source article) they are woke?

  • "I’m a man without a party now."
  • "What I figured out the last couple of years is that being really political, in the sense of backing an individual politician or any individual party, is really f**king detrimental. And it’s detrimental to the company. And it’s detrimental, ultimately, to my mission."
  • "You can’t let sections of your customers hijack your brand and say, 'This is who you are.' It’s like, no, no, we define that."
  • "I hate racist, Proud-Boyish people. Like, I’ll pay them to leave my customer base. I would gladly chop all of those people out of my f**king customer database and pay them to get the f**k out.

As someone who has long felt the Republican and Democratic parties are two sides of the same coin I can't say I have any issues with any of those statements.

That statement on "This is who you are" I think is the core issue that BRC is ultimately dealing with. I have seen that "Proud-Boyish" and wannabe tough-guy types began mixing BRC tees and caps along with their closet full of 5.11 and The Punisher gear. BRC gear had the potential to become associated similarly to a Blood wearing red or more to the point a Boogaloo's Hawaiian shirt. They don't want to become part of the "Proud-Boy" uniform. Much in the same way, BRC struggled with messaging and insinuations made about connections to Kyle Rittenhouse late last year.
Paraphrasing one of the main crux’s of the owner:
Its not helping my mission….

Seems based on the NYT article this guy’s mission has been to make money since he figured out the govt was spending lots of money on fruitless endeavors in SW asia. How many business ventures did he embark on before it transformed into BRC?

when trump and the republican party could make him money he was all in, now that the left is in “charge” and political correctness is the word of the day, he is suddenly “a man without a party”.

One thing that chaps me is people who manipulate others for money, something that chaps me more is people without integrity. I dont know these guys at all, but this article paints a bad picture. Maybe the writer really likes starbucks and is pissed at them for taking market share. Maybe the owner is just a dude out to make a few hundred (million) bucks. I dont care, and since i dont drink coffee i really dont care. But to suggest this article isn’t even somewhat damaging to their ethos as a conservative company is foolish and missing the whole point of the article. It is trying to paint a picture for sure, real or not doesnt bother me a bit.
If only a 15 second internet search could provide a free link to the NYT article. If only...

Thanks for putting that on there. Since you did i read the article. I really didnt care either way, so thats why i didnt search for the article. The quotes i used in my previous post were in correct context to the quotes in the real article.
Paraphrasing one of the main crux’s of the owner:
Its not helping my mission….

Seems based on the NYT article this guy’s mission has been to make money since he figured out the govt was spending lots of money on fruitless endeavors in SW asia. How many business ventures did he embark on before it transformed into BRC?

when trump and the republican party could make him money he was all in, now that the left is in “charge” and political correctness is the word of the day, he is suddenly “a man without a party”.

One thing that chaps me is people who manipulate others for money, something that chaps me more is people without integrity. I dont know these guys at all, but this article paints a bad picture. Maybe the writer really likes starbucks and is pissed at them for taking market share. Maybe the owner is just a dude out to make a few hundred (million) bucks. I dont care, and since i dont drink coffee i really dont care. But to suggest this article isn’t even somewhat damaging to their ethos as a conservative company is foolish and missing the whole point of the article. It is trying to paint a picture for sure, real or not doesnt bother me a bit.
Manupilating? How so? Do you have any facts to lend to that, or just your speculation based on your admitted lack of knowledge of the company or the folks involved in the company.

If you knew the history, it started as Art-15, a bunch of vets making funny videos and t-shirts...well before Trump came along. Then came leadslingers whiskey...also well before trump...then they added BRCC, again, well before.

Not sure what you're getting at, per say, but I think you're going-in assumptions are all wrong.

But answer me this...find me one person, any person who's started a for profit company who's not in it to make, wait for it.....a profit?
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That statement on "This is who you are" I think is the core issue that BRC is ultimately dealing with. I have seen that "Proud-Boyish" and wannabe tough-guy types began mixing BRC tees and caps along with their closet full of 5.11 and The Punisher gear. BRC gear had the potential to become associated similarly to a Blood wearing red or more to the point a Boogaloo's Hawaiian shirt. They don't want to become part of the "Proud-Boy" uniform. Much in the same way, BRC struggled with messaging and insinuations made about connections to Kyle Rittenhouse late last year.
The problem with that is they have made all these videos and online content that says blowing stuff up is cool, being a tough dude is cool, and then pandering to the politcial right was a marketing strategy they used to their advantage….and now all of the sudden, they are like “wait, that isnt us, we arent really like that, it was just fun”

its called having your cake and eating it too.
Most of the time people see through that. Maybe they really hust thojght being “dumb military jocks” was funny and they didnt think people would take thjngs to the extreme, but come on, they been doing this military tough guy mantra for years, and now all the sudden its “not who we are”? Give me a break. All the companies they started and mildly succeeded with were variations of the same theme. If you are a wolf, and you put on sheeps clothing, eventually people gonna find out you are still a wolf. Same goes for a sheep. I have more respect for someone who knows what they are and doesnt try to hide the fact by saying they aren’t something they are.
Again, dont know the guys, so i am sure they really arent trying to hide anything. But these quotes are not good. I would at the bare minimum say The PR from this article is not good.
Manupilating? How so? Do you have any facts to lend to that, or just your speculation based on your admitted lack of knowledge of the company or the folks involved in the company.

If you knew the history, it started as Art-15, a bunch of vets making funny videos and t-shirts...well before Trump came along. Then came leadslingers whiskey...also well before trump...then they added BRCC, again, well before.

Not sure what you're getting at, per say, but I think you're going-in assumptions are all wrong.

But answer me this...find me one person, any person who's started a for profit company who's not in it to make, wait for it.....a profit?
I read their history in the article and while i know they were doing their thing well before the trump era, they were in it to make money by pandering to the pilitcial right. Heaven knows they weren’t pandering to the political left. So they used that pandering to make money. No problem with that.
What i have a problem with is the guy now stating he is a man without a politcial party…he has been thoroughly right wing this whole time and now that hos stuff has shown in two bad situations, instead of just saying “that doesn’t represent us” he goes further and tries to distance himself from the whole political spectrum? That’s chicken shit. Just own what you do and move on, let rue cards lie where they lie. But to suggest for a second he isnt trying to manipulate the PR of these two incidents and finds himself pandering to the NYT in the process…own it and move on. We wouldn’t be having this discussion if his quote was this: “yeah some people wear our gear but we cant control who wears our clothes” instead of (paraphrase) “yeah i think those dudes were stupid as f-** and i am happy to cut those MF repugnants out of my clientele”

Kind of reads like a person who got famous doing their thing on instagram coming out saying they really don’t like instagram…or something like that.
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Dana Loesch interviewed these two guys, Harder and Vest(sp?) today, 19July. You can listen to this podcast on any podcast platform.

They sell coffee, 50% of the employees are veterans, they are no less than 95% committed to the Second amendment.

If you are a functional 2A person, you KNOW the New York Times certainly tried to set up this interview to hurt them, bad.

**** the NYT, support our veterans!

If nothing else, don't condemn the good for the perfect.

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Could you imagine if he'd called Kifaru and didn't get to talk to a live person on the first ring?

Hahahahahahahaha. I just finished reading that comedy thread too. Now that the meme thread is gone I am stuck reading that whiney BS.

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I've never understood why owners/ execs of companies want to open their pie hole & piss off half of their potential customers. When they try to back track it just makes half of your original half mad because you have no conviction. Maybe they should start a class in business school that teaches you to make a good product & STFU
Successful business folks appreciate the exposure and position it for their benefit. I am sure there are thousands of threads like this across the internet. They win over NYT readers and get the exposure like this thread that is mostly positive. Smart approach.
I am amazed that people are making an issue out of this. For those who care, there is an interesting video on BRCC's website that talks about the owner's background and mission. It might change the minds of a few who know little but yet have it all figured out,

I am amazed that people are making an issue out of this. For those who care, there is an interesting video on BRCC's website that talks about the owner's background and mission. It might change the minds of a few who know little but yet have it all figured out,

After I read the NYT article that you posted I realized it was a nothing burger.

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I like their black powder instant a bit more than Starbucks via and I prefer their politics quite a bit more than Starbucks. apart from that, i will always preference companies that are owned by and support veterans when I can. More broadly, i dont require everyone or every company I do business with to share my political alignment 100% but there are limits to what I will support and to what I will accept.

I have drank some damn good coffee made in hippie, new age coffee houses by left-wing commie nut jobs. I have guzzled gallons of beer brewed by neck beared neo hipster assholes. I have consumed tasty meats grilled by woke ass pit masters that make Bernie sanders look conservative. I even recall stifling my politics in pursuit of a fair maiden or two, during my dating days. In fact, my ole lady is a freaking vegetarian that hates hunting. I guess what I am saying is that I am morally and politically flexible enough to politely associate with people across the ideological spectrum, particularly when it comes to certain commodities like coffee, beer, bbq and hot chicks (back when I was single).