Black Rifle Coffee NYT Comments

Man do we need the hunting season to start or what…..

The poor guy simply fell for the NYT trap. He’ll learn. That article probably has so much spin in it that he doesn’t even recognize it.

Great guys, good coffee, move on.

Or buy Starbucks and support PITA, anti-hunters and gun control. Your call.
Why sit down w NYT?

Bought their coffee it was just ok.
I watched another video talking about this and the host had the guys on, asked them right out of the box “who reached out to who?” And the owner had a hard time answering that question…it was disingenuous at best and made me really think they might have reached out to NYT for the piece???
As i have mentioned i font know them, and i dont drink coffee, but this all sure seems like bothing more than a PR stunt. IMHO a bad one, but i will leave the money talking to all you coffee drinkers
Guys like this must have a PR team working for them right? This should have been all scripted responses which could have been decent advertising for them.
I'm not sure they do...yet.

After watching his Instagram response it became apparent to me he greatly underestimated the NYT's ability to report fair and honest news. It was almost as if he thought he would win them over and be able to logically explain his beliefs without them twisting them up into craziness that makes everyone hate him.

Not a wise move.

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Literally this article (by the quotes it chooses) is saying:
- Put one man and/or party before country.
- Blow with the wind and let others define what you stand for.
- Companies should want criminal groups in their customer base.

I know who the wok, vertue signaling individuals are in this and it is not the man who was SF.
I like their black powder instant a bit more than Starbucks via and I prefer their politics quite a bit more than Starbucks. apart from that, i will always preference companies that are owned by and support veterans when I can. More broadly, i dont require everyone or every company I do business with to share my political alignment 100% but there are limits to what I will support and to what I will accept.

I have drank some damn good coffee made in hippie, new age coffee houses by left-wing commie nut jobs. I have guzzled gallons of beer brewed by neck beared neo hipster assholes. I have consumed tasty meats grilled by woke ass pit masters that make Bernie sanders look conservative. I even recall stifling my politics in pursuit of a fair maiden or two, during my dating days. In fact, my ole lady is a freaking vegetarian that hates hunting. I guess what I am saying is that I am morally and politically flexible enough to politely associate with people across the ideological spectrum, particularly when it comes to certain commodities like coffee, beer, bbq and hot chicks (back when I was single).

Careful now. . . Your open-minded, laissez-faire attitude about where you spend money with non R groups could get you labeled a trader by some! Especially if you're married to a vegetarian!

Yours truly,
Man married to a democrat. . .
I shot a few targets with the guys a couple of years ago at TAC “total archery challenge” in UT. They seem like cool dudes with the tats and tough guy attitudes.

I don’t have any constipation issues so don’t drink coffee but I like what they stand for. I think they live in a niche world and are making some real money now and are getting the feeling their untouchable.

This wok world is all about everybody have the right to voice their opinion and the media always picks up on the stuff they can get clicks from.

I’m really over it and enjoy not giving a crap.

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I shot a few targets with the guys a couple of years ago at TAC “total archery challenge” in UT. They seem like cool dudes with the tats and tough guy attitudes.

I don’t have any constipation issues so don’t drink coffee but I like what they stand for. I think they live in a niche world and are making some real money now and are getting the feeling their untouchable.

This wok world is all about everybody have the right to voice their opinion and the media always picks up on the stuff they can get clicks from.

I’m really over it and enjoy not giving a crap.

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Pretty sure they are sponsors of TAC now too.

Maybe if people boycott it now it won't sell out so quick next year!
Evan can say he's a conservative all he wants, but his past political donations don't seem to reflect that; so there's an image problem he'll have to contend with as that info gets spread around the web.
If you listen to Dana Loesch podcast yesterday, you'll learn that at least one of his donations was the result of losing a bet to his military squad.

They knew the worst thing they could do to him was force an Obummer donation. he HATED it.

I can see doing that to someone who lost to me...

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For those who read the NYT article and formed an opinion, I second the recommendations to listen the video of Evan’s side of it. I’d hate to see what the NYT would write about RS from the outside looking in. (And he gives a reason for doing the NYT interview.)