Black Rifle Coffee NYT Comments

Well I’ll cut right to the chase and invoke my patented “strip club parking lot” analogy. If you’re fighting in a strip club parking lot, it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is - “These dudes pushed my bros in the VIP room!”, etc. If you are fighting in the strip club parking lot, you are a loser. And this country is unfortunately full of people, both right and left who are fighting in the strip club parking lot, and by extension, are behaving like complete losers. Like many have said - both sides of the same coin. I have my opinions too, but I choose to smile at my neighbors (regardless of what political sign is in their yard), treat others with respect, vote how I see fit, and not waste my time trying to root out the enemy. Life is a lot easier that way - for everyone.
Well I’ll cut right to the chase and invoke my patented “strip club parking lot” analogy. If you’re fighting in a strip club parking lot, it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is - “These dudes pushed my bros in the VIP room!”, etc. If you are fighting in the strip club parking lot, you are a loser. And this country is unfortunately full of people, both right and left who are fighting in the strip club parking lot, and by extension, are behaving like complete losers. Like many have said - both sides of the same coin. I have my opinions too, but I choose to smile at my neighbors (regardless of what political sign is in their yard), treat others with respect, vote how I see fit, and not waste my time trying to root out the enemy. Life is a lot easier that way - for everyone.

Never claimed to tell you I know more, was merely engaging in dialogue with you on the matter. You are clearly invested in the PB content, clearly know more about it, but also come at it through a clear and, by your own admission, lens of bias.
Welcome to the 2020s, where being informed is considered having a bias. I guess I also look at the world being spherical through a clear, by my own admission, bias, so I better be delicate when engaging in dialogue with people who believe the Earth to be flat. I’m not actually invested in Proud Boy content, I just happened to enjoy the content put out by the creator of them and have seen their creation and evolution over the years, with a perspective both inside and outside of the group and can tell you, the bias is ridiculous and the political smearing by the mainstream media and politicians works. That’s why they keep using this same tactic over and over to “cancel” people who are basically liberals from 25 years ago by calling them white supremacists. It’s absurd and requires the suspension of reality that I can see with my own eyes to believe it and I’m tired of it.
These are the same tactics used by Marxist revolutionaries for the last +100 years and if people actually read a book every once in a while it would be so obvious. The fact that people are so naive to it is mind-boggling and I’m sorry to say, and I mean no disrespect, but you’re part of the problem and it’s apparent from what you’ve written here, in regards to the PBs .
While I think Steve from GA is sorta on the right track, all I can think about is "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."

Or the bastardized version by many including JFK: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Whichever you go with, both hold true and doing nothing will ultimately cost many much.

Well I’ll cut right to the chase and invoke my patented “strip club parking lot” analogy. If you’re fighting in a strip club parking lot, it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is - “These dudes pushed my bros in the VIP room!”, etc. If you are fighting in the strip club parking lot, you are a loser. And this country is unfortunately full of people, both right and left who are fighting in the strip club parking lot, and by extension, are behaving like complete losers. Like many have said - both sides of the same coin. I have my opinions too, but I choose to smile at my neighbors (regardless of what political sign is in their yard), treat others with respect, vote how I see fit, and not waste my time trying to root out the enemy. Life is a lot easier that way - for everyone.
This is perfect!
Welcome to the 2020s, where being informed is considered having a bias. I guess I also look at the world being spherical through a clear, by my own admission, bias, so I better be delicate when engaging in dialogue with people who believe the Earth to be flat. I’m not actually invested in Proud Boy content, I just happened to enjoy the content put out by the creator of them and have seen their creation and evolution over the years, with a perspective both inside and outside of the group and can tell you, the bias is ridiculous and the political smearing by the mainstream media and politicians works. That’s why they keep using this same tactic over and over to “cancel” people who are basically liberals from 25 years ago by calling them white supremacists. It’s absurd and requires the suspension of reality that I can see with my own eyes to believe it and I’m tired of it.
These are the same tactics used by Marxist revolutionaries for the last +100 years and if people actually read a book every once in a while it would be so obvious. The fact that people are so naive to it is mind-boggling and I’m sorry to say, and I mean no disrespect, but you’re part of the problem and it’s apparent from what you’ve written here, in regards to the PBs .

Ok, man. Do you recognize that you are basing the conclusions that you have drawn on the PBs largely, if not exclusively from the mouth of the guy who started it? And then you preach, “don’t believe what you read on the Internet” while telling us to believe what you write on the Internet because you listened to “100s of hours of content” by the guy who founded the PBs.
Well I’ll cut right to the chase and invoke my patented “strip club parking lot” analogy. If you’re fighting in a strip club parking lot, it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is - “These dudes pushed my bros in the VIP room!”, etc. If you are fighting in the strip club parking lot, you are a loser. And this country is unfortunately full of people, both right and left who are fighting in the strip club parking lot, and by extension, are behaving like complete losers. Like many have said - both sides of the same coin. I have my opinions too, but I choose to smile at my neighbors (regardless of what political sign is in their yard), treat others with respect, vote how I see fit, and not waste my time trying to root out the enemy. Life is a lot easier that way - for everyone.
On one hand, I agree with this "live and let live attitude". On the other hand, I believe all good people must always be on guard and watch for the Bolshevik. The Bolshevik will never allow "live and let live". They must always be stomped out for the wicked demons that they are.
Ok, man. Do you recognize that you are basing the conclusions that you have drawn on the PBs largely, if not exclusively from the mouth of the guy who started it? And then you preach, “don’t believe what you read on the Internet” while telling us to believe what you write on the Internet because you listened to “100s of hours of content” by the guy who founded the PBs.
Don't take my word for it, then -- try and search out some of Gavin's writings or videos on the Proud Boys. Subscribe to for a month and listen to what he says; go back and listen to some of his episodes where he addresses the Proud Boys and their various controversies. I've given you sources from networks and organizations he was a part of. Look in places outside of the mainstream media and social media. I've sought out more information and you haven't, so maybe you should and further educate yourself. Or just continue believing what you want to believe, because I think that's what this is really about. It's like people that believe the Earth is flat. It doesn't matter how much evidence is shown, or how much testimony there is from experts, some people just want to believe there are nefarious actors out there: liars about the Earth being spherical and white supremacists around every corner; and they only seek out information that reinforces it.
Honesty the article reads like a typical journalist hack job (NYT) on a conservative leaning company. Lots of bias throughout. I think their videos and branding are hilarious and marketing genius, respectively. Can’t comment on the coffee as it’s too rich for my blood and I’m not enough of a expert to tell the difference.
cracks me up folks dont like cancel culture but its coming from both sides of the isle. A guy at work told me about this and bought all in to the NYT article then a bunch of cancel bums on youtube jumped on board. I dont buy BRCC but i do think they are a good bunch of folks livin the dream. They have a great work environment and treat their people very well. Tired of these bandwagons and misquotes, worthless people who need to paint the world the way they want it. Now Im going to buy from them and i dont even need it.
Wow, six pages about a pointless article. BRCC has spent a grip of money on vets and vet organizations. I respect that! They are opening a store in Lewiston Idaho, I will definitely be stopping in when I go through there.
roger that! i don't know a lot about BRCC, but what i do know is they seem like a legit group of people actually making moves and standing for what they are.... i don't know the details about their political views (i know the jist) i really don't care that much either.... they certainly have similar views as most of us from what i have heard from them. i did order some of their coffee for the first time since this thread started.

some of the stuff in this thread is pretty classic of a sign of the times, some of the claims made in this thread should embarrass those who typed them.... at the very least they took NYT's information as gospel, and did no fact checking before coming here on a public forum and being what they themselves say they despise.... welcome to 2021!

i bet some of those sharing misinformation and agreeing with it have called people "sheep" before, which is pretty dang funny how ironic that is. i listened to Evan Hafer on Aron's podcast today while driving to and from the river today, and i'm glad i wasn't the one who started this thread because i would feel like a dumbass right now if i had, starting crap without any fact checking, attacking good people making a positive impact.

Aron summed it up pretty well "we are so quick to eat our own"
Well I’ll cut right to the chase and invoke my patented “strip club parking lot” analogy. If you’re fighting in a strip club parking lot, it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is - “These dudes pushed my bros in the VIP room!”, etc. If you are fighting in the strip club parking lot, you are a loser. And this country is unfortunately full of people, both right and left who are fighting in the strip club parking lot, and by extension, are behaving like complete losers. Like many have said - both sides of the same coin. I have my opinions too, but I choose to smile at my neighbors (regardless of what political sign is in their yard), treat others with respect, vote how I see fit, and not waste my time trying to root out the enemy. Life is a lot easier that way - for everyone.
I hope this isn't patented because I intend to use it in future conversations. Well done! :LOL:

My thoughts are twofold.

- I think businesses should by and large stick to making great products and leave their social and political opinions to their private life.

-I buy products based on the product's merit. If Patagonia made something I like, sweet, I'd buy it. If Amazon sells something I need, I order it. If Black Rifle Coffee made the best coffee in the world, I'd order some. (and I may order some of their instant for the backcountry.) There are more effective ways to help my fellow man than figuring out what political stances my underwear manufacturer has.
Wow, six pages about a pointless article. BRCC has spent a grip of money on vets and vet organizations. I respect that! They are opening a store in Lewiston Idaho, I will definitely be stopping in when I go through there.

I tried their coffee and it was just OK. I found someone I like as a better roaster though.
roger that! i don't know a lot about BRCC, but what i do know is they seem like a legit group of people actually making moves and standing for what they are.... i don't know the details about their political views (i know the jist) i really don't care that much either.... they certainly have similar views as most of us from what i have heard from them. i did order some of their coffee for the first time since this thread started.

some of the stuff in this thread is pretty classic of a sign of the times, some of the claims made in this thread should embarrass those who typed them.... at the very least they took NYT's information as gospel, and did no fact checking before coming here on a public forum and being what they themselves say they despise.... welcome to 2021!

i bet some of those sharing misinformation and agreeing with it have called people "sheep" before, which is pretty dang funny how ironic that is. i listened to Evan Hafer on Aron's podcast today while driving to and from the river today, and i'm glad i wasn't the one who started this thread because i would feel like a dumbass right now if i had, starting crap without any fact checking, attacking good people making a positive impact.

Aron summed it up pretty well "we are so quick to eat our own"
When I started the thread I said I don't know enough to comment either way because I linked an article talking about the NYT article. It was referring to a NYT article, so to say I was skeptical would be an understatement.

Then I was able to read the original article and thought that both articles were a complete waste of time.

Even if I read the NYT article first and then posted the link and said something like "check out this hit piece on BRC", this thread would have still taken the same path.
Well I’ll cut right to the chase and invoke my patented “strip club parking lot” analogy. If you’re fighting in a strip club parking lot, it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is - “These dudes pushed my bros in the VIP room!”, etc. If you are fighting in the strip club parking lot, you are a loser. And this country is unfortunately full of people, both right and left who are fighting in the strip club parking lot, and by extension, are behaving like complete losers. Like many have said - both sides of the same coin. I have my opinions too, but I choose to smile at my neighbors (regardless of what political sign is in their yard), treat others with respect, vote how I see fit, and not waste my time trying to root out the enemy. Life is a lot easier that way - for everyone.
you sir have won the internet for the year.
Well I’ll cut right to the chase and invoke my patented “strip club parking lot” analogy. If you’re fighting in a strip club parking lot, it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is - “These dudes pushed my bros in the VIP room!”, etc. If you are fighting in the strip club parking lot, you are a loser. And this country is unfortunately full of people, both right and left who are fighting in the strip club parking lot, and by extension, are behaving like complete losers. Like many have said - both sides of the same coin. I have my opinions too, but I choose to smile at my neighbors (regardless of what political sign is in their yard), treat others with respect, vote how I see fit, and not waste my time trying to root out the enemy. Life is a lot easier that way - for everyone.

Why are there idiots on here that cannot figure out the "quotes" are bunch of cut-clipped sentences (devoid of context or additional narrative by Hafer) sprinkled in amongst a bunch of bull**** the NYT author wrote??? The OP article posted for the thread is an opinionated summation of cut-clips from that garbage article. Not exactly prime source material! BRCC is not a damn political organization. They are pro-America, pro-constitution, pro-vet COFFEE company. Not wanting to be tied to every right-wing siren call seems unreasonable for a coffee business??? Are Businesses now required to be Rep/Dem echo chambers? Moderates do not exist anymore?

"No party".... no S***! 300 million people are not defined by two distinct parties. Evan doesn't let a political party tell him what he needs to think..... like anyone else with a damn brain!!!

People are making the same mistakes the NYT author made: twisting and manipulating something into their own imaginary interpretation, in order to fit it into a particular narrative.

In an age where masculinity is villanized, these guys stand up for it proudly. Coffee, guns, whisky, and bikini snaps need no political affiliation to be awesome. Freedom the **** On Black Rifle!!!