There are a lot of people that feel they don’t have a party. I want some land conserved, some land used for resources. I don’t care what you do in your personal love life, I also don’t need rainbow crosswalks to remind me. I think there are some bad cops/precincts but I don’t believe you should defund any of them. I want a party that doesn’t spend like a drunk sailor, both sides only worry about spending when they are not in power.
There really isn’t a party that aligns much with a person with libertarian/conservative/conservation minded person. It’s always all in or all out. AOC or Buffalo horns at the capital. Somewhere between those things most of us sit and not many people in politics are in the range.
Never had BRCC coffee, but I’ve had several really liberal coffee, bought at Amazon, Google searched, Apple phone, Chevy truck, shopped at Home Depot, etc. Every single one of these has/does support causes I disagree with. Heck I once had Ben and Jerry’s.
Seems like we should quit attacking all the little guys that make a comment we don’t like much while still using electronics that are actively trying to take away your free speech, the free exchange of info even if it’s not correct, anti hunting SF types. If I listed out every single liberal store/tech/etc, you probably couldn’t buy non camo pants!