amen . Land Tawney, who has a long record or anti gun politics, like the clown Busse, is leavingAll you need to know about the partisan leanings of BHA is to look at the prior political activity of the founder. I’ll leave it at that.
amen . Land Tawney, who has a long record or anti gun politics, like the clown Busse, is leavingAll you need to know about the partisan leanings of BHA is to look at the prior political activity of the founder. I’ll leave it at that.
I think you're seeing something that isn't there. But both of us are guessing so it doesn't really matter what either of us think here on this forum. Debates on forums aren't what change policies. Actions do.By law they cannot advocate for a specific candidate. BHA rides this line as close as possible.
I think you're seeing something that isn't there. But both of us are guessing so it doesn't really matter what either of us think here on this forum. Debates on forums aren't what change policies. Actions do.
So long as you're correct, it is. Otherwise it's spelled paranoia.Perspicacity is a gift.
Wait, tells us all what you believe PragerU actually is. I can't wait to hear this.i feel better now knowing that PragerU is non profit and that their opponents are just paranoid.
Exactly the response I sound paranoid
Answer mine about PragerU and then I'll answer this one.So BHA receiving well over half of their revenue from corporate donors like western conservation foundation doesnt concern you? You understand that means they represent their corporate donors and not their individual members?
Their videos are a perfect example of cherry-picking data to suit their preconceived idea and their purpose of pushing a narrative. Nothing more than social engineering. Don't confuse their non-profit status with altruism.i have only watched 3 or 4 prageru videos ever. Excluding some of the on the street college student questions, watched quite a few of those.
Based on what i have seen prageru would be a political pundits attempt to influence culture. the idea would be simple that cultural competence results in better political out comes which help culture. The conceptual model that prageru is trying to implement looks simple to me.
Culture --> Politics ---> Culture repeating
Never accused anyone of being paranoid. Just stated one way to define it. If you felt accused, maybe there's a reason for that?ok. so what? i have never cared about or claimed that prageru was some righteous organization. there are tons of non profits just like them and i dont care about them either.
You made an accusation of paranoia a few posts up bc many hunters believe BHA is just a political lobbying group for one political party instead of representing the interests of public land hunters. i think it is a pretty accurate observation to point out that significant numbers of public land hunters and fisherman have started questioning BHA national and especially Land Tawney's actual motivations and behavior. I would not be the only person to wonder if those sorts of questions and observations played a role in his decision to exit his position at BHA.
I presented you with a question regarding BHAs annual revenue that supports those claims that BHA no longer primarily represents the everyday public land hunter. You said you would respond but have not.
Because BHA became more involved in pushing left wing agenda like banning firearms rather than represent their non corporate members ( SPORTSMEN). Hopefully more members will wake up to this griftanother year like 2022 and they are deep dookie. one does wonder why so many "conservation" grants came in during 2021, after an election year.
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I don't know much about these things but I'm curious as to what the restricted donations in 2021 were earmarked for? Quite a big drop in those funds in 2022. Is there public info as to where those donations came from and what they were for? The in kind donations doubled in 2022, any significance to that? I wonder what was donated that was of use to them. I'd think both of those types of donations could be problematic as far as to the liquidity of the org.I am genuinely curious.
You're questioning why so many conservation grants after an election year? Are you not familiar at all with the impact of BIL and IRA on conservation? You should be.another year like 2022 and they are deep dookie. one does wonder why so many "conservation" grants came in during 2021, after an election year.
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Interested in hearing some examples. TIAOur current Secretary of the Interior, which BHA is absolutely in LOVE with has taken away more hunting opportunity from you just in Alaska than all anti-hunting groups have in all the lower 48 combined over the last two years. And there's no sign of it slowing down.
Prioritizing "game" conservation over all conservation is the ignorant and foolish part, in case you barely passed biology, ecology or any other wildlife mgt. course. Read a book sometime. I'd recommend you start with Aldo Leopold.How about the "Tired old Narrative" of non game species and predators first? Should we support that kind of conservation?
Seriously, you're the one looking foolish and ignorant here. I'll be choosing to support the most important Conservation, not "All Conservation". Only so many dollars to go around, and I won't be giving any to BHA.
You act as if you can really understand all the nuances of their finances based on that ledger above, and you can't. My guess is (based on my experience with grants) that those were matching grants and they solicited corporate donations to leverage their membership's money to qualify for the most grant funding possible. This is extremely common and if you don't do it you aren't very good at fundraising and grant management and if you keep it up your board of directors will find someone else who is.I just want to hear @Newtosavage 's opinion on their finances. I am genuinely curious.
Your condescension game today is strong to quite strong.Prioritizing "game" conservation over all conservation is the ignorant and foolish part, in case you barely passed biology, ecology or any other wildlife mgt. course. Read a book sometime. I'd recommend you start with Aldo Leopold.