I think that to have the name of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers they should be jumping at the opportunity to speak up for hunters and anglers issues. They literally are just using that name to get people on board but should really just change their name to something like "people that drink nasty beer and talk about being backcountry"
Watch this...the "yeah buts" will start momentarily, and in full force.
For all the people whining, like this guy posted, that BHA doesn't "speak up" for hunters and anglers, going to have to throw a BS flag.
For dirtytough who made this ridiculous claim: "But they stayed extremely silent when it comes to outfitters"...again I'll throw the BS flag.
It was just a couple years ago that the Wyoming outfitter lobby was looking to really tighten the screws on NR DIY hunters by attempting to pass legislation to flip the Regular VS Special License Fee structure here in Wyoming. Meaning instead of 40% of the tags going at the higher special fee, it was proposed to go to 60%. The first group to oppose that crap idea was myself and a fellow WYBHA board member, and that bill went down in flames. The same bill as tried the next year, and I was approached by the WOGA lobbyist and asked if I would "compromise" and settle for a 50-50 bill, splitting equally the special and regular fee. Without even batting an eye I said, "how about a counter-proposal, 20% special fee, 80% regular, I like DIY NR hunters hunting Wyoming". Discussion over and the ground work we had already done, killed their (WOGA's) 2nd attempt at a 60-40 bill with it not even making it out of the first committee hearing.
There was no other sportsmen's group in Cheyenne opposing that bill to the level we did, and it went NO WHERE.
You're welcome...in advance.
There were also several bills that have been run over the past 5-6 year that were wanting to try to compel the Federal Government to turn over their land holdings to the State. We (along with most all the other Sportsmen's groups in WY) have opposed, successfully, every single one of those bills...to the point its not even being talked about anymore.
Pandering to outfitters? Doing nothing for Sportsmen?
I wonder how many of the people running their soup coolers have ever testified in committee hearings, in front of the Legislature, testified at Commission meetings, at County Commission meetings? How many regularly talk to the decision makers?