BHA Colorado Wolf Statement

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Can anyone tell me what bha has done to keep public land public. that is there mission statement and i have yet to see anything they have done. i think it's one of the biggest scam organization out there. RMEF has at least bought large strategic land tracks which promote access to public land. i'm sure land tawney makes a healthy income from all those member dues. Also they seem silent on many important issues such as wolves, grizzly bears, and the 2nd amendment.
Blah, Blah, Blah......That was the longest non response I've ever seen.

BHA membership does one thing- puts money in the Founders pocket.

Why bother with them when there is SCI, NRA, mule deer and Sheep foundations etc....THAT ARE ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING FOR SPORTSMEN.

SCI and NRA just recently had some nice court victories for sportsmen.

[see the SCI- First for Hunters website for updated info]

I just listened to the Kifarucast episode from feb 25th. Really interesting and related to this topic. I learned a lot, and read into BHA financials. Lots being said in them even with their contributors being blacked out 😬
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Just a thought...... I am not a BHA member nor am I normally a member of many “organizations “. But, why does the internet public feel such a need to have every person, club, state, organization, company, department, etc, etc, etc... to have a public opinion on every matter that comes up? Is BHA an organization that goes out to help set hunting laws and regs? Next time you go to a restaurant make sure they support predator control. How about your grocery store? They better want to keep them coyotes under control or I’ll get my milk somewhere else. There is a shitload of internet sharks that just want to taste blood nowadays. I would bet 75% of you internet sharks don’t walk half the walk that you talk. I love public lands, hunting, fishing, and just the freedom to be in nature. And yes, I shoot predators whenever possible. But I can’t imagine spending my time digging up bullshit quotes from entities in an effort to ruin them. I am not supporting BHA, but this seems like a typical computer witch hunt. There are 3-5 a year on here. Everyone should spend a year cleaning out there own closet before playing the higher card on every misstep from an organization. Good luck with the keyboard torches and all the extra time you must have.
Just a thought...... I am not a BHA member nor am I normally a member of many “organizations “. But, why does the internet public feel such a need to have every person, club, state, organization, company, department, etc, etc, etc... to have a public opinion on every matter that comes up? Is BHA an organization that goes out to help set hunting laws and regs? Next time you go to a restaurant make sure they support predator control. How about your grocery store? They better want to keep them coyotes under control or I’ll get my milk somewhere else. There is a shitload of internet sharks that just want to taste blood nowadays. I would bet 75% of you internet sharks don’t walk half the walk that you talk. I love public lands, hunting, fishing, and just the freedom to be in nature. And yes, I shoot predators whenever possible. But I can’t imagine spending my time digging up bullshit quotes from entities in an effort to ruin them. I am not supporting BHA, but this seems like a typical computer witch hunt. There are 3-5 a year on here. Everyone should spend a year cleaning out there own closet before playing the higher card on every misstep from an organization. Good luck with the keyboard torches and all the extra time you must have.

I didn't know restaurants , like McDonalds or Burger King , if you want to make this weird analogy, marketed themselves as a pro hunting advocates and received millions of dollars from their customers for doing so. Pretty weak comparison and nice lecture. Maybe start with yourself before lecturing others. You've never been a member of BHA or attended a BHA meeting but know more about them than anyone on here.
Talking about this?

I dont wanna say I todaso, but I todaso. BHA is a green decoy. They claimed victory with Tester. Clear cut best money Leftist ever spent. Literally spent 2 million bucks to get a senate seat.
I didn't know restaurants , like McDonalds or Burger King , if you want to make this weird analogy, marketed themselves as a pro hunting advocates and received millions of dollars from their customers for doing so. Pretty weak comparison and nice lecture. Maybe start with yourself before lecturing others. You've never been a member of BHA or attended a BHA meeting but know more about them than anyone on here.
I know very little about BHA. I’m not pretending to. My impression has always been that they are an organization that supports and fights to keep our public lands public for many different belief systems and some of those belief systems I don’t coincide with. Thus I’ve never wanted to give them my money. But as a long time member on here I know a whole bunch about cancel culture and the internet witch hunt culture. Cancel your membership and urge others to do the same if you feel strong about it, but i prefer to come on rokslide to be happy and read about all the different angles of hunting that I enjoy so much. So I guess my point now is that I am a fool for partaking in this thread. You have the right to continue this for sure. I guess I just wish this wasn’t the way that it is. Good luck.
I know very little about BHA. I’m not pretending to. My impression has always been that they are an organization that supports and fights to keep our public lands public for many different belief systems and some of those belief systems I don’t coincide with. Thus I’ve never wanted to give them my money. But as a long time member on here I know a whole bunch about cancel culture and the internet witch hunt culture. Cancel your membership and urge others to do the same if you feel strong about it, but i prefer to come on rokslide to be happy and read about all the different angles of hunting that I enjoy so much. So I guess my point now is that I am a fool for partaking in this thread. You have the right to continue this for sure. I guess I just wish this wasn’t the way that it is. Good luck.

You can interpret postings on here any way you want. And yes I did cancel my BHA membership in Washington because BHA did absolutely nothing to help hunters like RMEF, MDF, SCI did which I am an active member. Since the introduction of wolves in Washington State over 10 years ago our elk and deer tags are down over 80 per cent in areas. Moose tags are down over 60 per cent. And Washington, like Colorado, will never allow wolf hunting. If Coloradans and the Colorado BHA chapter want the same in their state good luck trying to draw a tag every year because tags and opportunities will be reduced drastically. If losing your hunting seasons is not a great concern for sportsmen I don't know what is.
I know very little about BHA. I’m not pretending to. My impression has always been that they are an organization that supports and fights to keep our public lands public for many different belief systems and some of those belief systems I don’t coincide with. Thus I’ve never wanted to give them my money. But as a long time member on here I know a whole bunch about cancel culture and the internet witch hunt culture. Cancel your membership and urge others to do the same if you feel strong about it, but i prefer to come on rokslide to be happy and read about all the different angles of hunting that I enjoy so much. So I guess my point now is that I am a fool for partaking in this thread. You have the right to continue this for sure. I guess I just wish this wasn’t the way that it is. Good luck.

I think the issue is in the name. ‘Hunter’s’. When you aren’t doing anything for a group of people you are named after that group is not going to be happy.

They get involved in legislation when it comes to hunting. They got non res tags cut in NM this year.
And a year or two ago they came out with a position that said scouting packages aren’t fair chase. But they stayed extremely silent when it comes to outfitters.
Those are the ones that I remember. I’m sure there are other ‘wins’ for hunters that BHA helped with.
I think that to have the name of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers they should be jumping at the opportunity to speak up for hunters and anglers issues. They literally are just using that name to get people on board but should really just change their name to something like "people that drink nasty beer and talk about being backcountry"
All fair points about the use of the word hunter. They should be held accountable for a voice on hunting issues. Perhaps I was a little knee jerky but I’ve just been over saturated with the witch hunt mentality of the internet I’ve never believed in BHA since the beginning because there cooperation with some more radical liberal organizations that I do not support. Carry on. 😉
If the state allows the wolves to expand the big game critters will take a lick'en fast...

They have the protection of Wolves in Southern Alberta parks,,, so they are hanging a licking on Montana and Idaho,,, no controls up here will deplete the North/ West big game herds...

Cheers from the North

I think that to have the name of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers they should be jumping at the opportunity to speak up for hunters and anglers issues. They literally are just using that name to get people on board but should really just change their name to something like "people that drink nasty beer and talk about being backcountry"

Watch this...the "yeah buts" will start momentarily, and in full force.

For all the people whining, like this guy posted, that BHA doesn't "speak up" for hunters and anglers, going to have to throw a BS flag.

For dirtytough who made this ridiculous claim: "But they stayed extremely silent when it comes to outfitters"...again I'll throw the BS flag.

It was just a couple years ago that the Wyoming outfitter lobby was looking to really tighten the screws on NR DIY hunters by attempting to pass legislation to flip the Regular VS Special License Fee structure here in Wyoming. Meaning instead of 40% of the tags going at the higher special fee, it was proposed to go to 60%. The first group to oppose that crap idea was myself and a fellow WYBHA board member, and that bill went down in flames. The same bill as tried the next year, and I was approached by the WOGA lobbyist and asked if I would "compromise" and settle for a 50-50 bill, splitting equally the special and regular fee. Without even batting an eye I said, "how about a counter-proposal, 20% special fee, 80% regular, I like DIY NR hunters hunting Wyoming". Discussion over and the ground work we had already done, killed their (WOGA's) 2nd attempt at a 60-40 bill with it not even making it out of the first committee hearing.

There was no other sportsmen's group in Cheyenne opposing that bill to the level we did, and it went NO WHERE.

You're advance.

There were also several bills that have been run over the past 5-6 year that were wanting to try to compel the Federal Government to turn over their land holdings to the State. We (along with most all the other Sportsmen's groups in WY) have opposed, successfully, every single one of those the point its not even being talked about anymore.

Pandering to outfitters? Doing nothing for Sportsmen?

I wonder how many of the people running their soup coolers have ever testified in committee hearings, in front of the Legislature, testified at Commission meetings, at County Commission meetings? How many regularly talk to the decision makers?
Watch this...the "yeah buts" will start momentarily, and in full force.

For all the people whining, like this guy posted, that BHA doesn't "speak up" for hunters and anglers, going to have to throw a BS flag.

For dirtytough who made this ridiculous claim: "But they stayed extremely silent when it comes to outfitters"...again I'll throw the BS flag.

It was just a couple years ago that the Wyoming outfitter lobby was looking to really tighten the screws on NR DIY hunters by attempting to pass legislation to flip the Regular VS Special License Fee structure here in Wyoming. Meaning instead of 40% of the tags going at the higher special fee, it was proposed to go to 60%. The first group to oppose that crap idea was myself and a fellow WYBHA board member, and that bill went down in flames. The same bill as tried the next year, and I was approached by the WOGA lobbyist and asked if I would "compromise" and settle for a 50-50 bill, splitting equally the special and regular fee. Without even batting an eye I said, "how about a counter-proposal, 20% special fee, 80% regular, I like DIY NR hunters hunting Wyoming". Discussion over and the ground work we had already done, killed their (WOGA's) 2nd attempt at a 60-40 bill with it not even making it out of the first committee hearing.

There was no other sportsmen's group in Cheyenne opposing that bill to the level we did, and it went NO WHERE.

You're advance.

There were also several bills that have been run over the past 5-6 year that were wanting to try to compel the Federal Government to turn over their land holdings to the State. We (along with most all the other Sportsmen's groups in WY) have opposed, successfully, every single one of those the point its not even being talked about anymore.

Pandering to outfitters? Doing nothing for Sportsmen?

I wonder how many of the people running their soup coolers have ever testified in committee hearings, in front of the Legislature, testified at Commission meetings, at County Commission meetings? How many regularly talk to the decision makers?

Buzz. Were you ever employed by the Turner Foundation?
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