In case ya missed it...Deep state edition...

Vigilance is nothing without rectification. Identity the problem then take action.

Ranting will never provide a solution.

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Look, the initial topic, Flynn getting railroaded- he did.

I would encourage everyone to ask themself this question; How long could you hold out against the entire federal gov coming down on you, flocking you up, freezing your assets, threatening to involve your family if you don't plead guilty to a lesser offense?

The liberal progressives think its OK to bend the rules if it suits their politics, thats not the way it works. Now the Obama admin, DOJ and FBI should be held accountable.

FRANKLY, Folks that enjoy all of the freedoms we have in this country and don't do anything to deserve it by sticking their head in the sand ARE the problem.


I'm not in disagreement when your caught with your hand in the cookie jar there must be consequences or soon the cookies are all stolen. You aren't going to see any because Washington is a goes around comes around place and deep state isn't a single sided issue.

Seems now days EVERYONE thinks it's ok to bend the rules if it suits there politics. There's a constant attack on how this country is governed. Obama pushed the boundaries on presidential power and now there's Trump. He isn't working lessen presidential powers that's for sure.

The great thing about America is that all our freedoms are a birthright. Those that govern only have the power that the people grant them. Definitely a time to reflect on who's making choices that have such lingering effects on current and more importantly future generations.

I don't care what your political leanings are but these threads always turn into a one sided negative rant. It's just not helpful.

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All these politicians take an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution so we need to start charging those who break that oath, start with the gun ban folks. Plenty have voted for laws that are obviously not in line with the second, should be a slam dunk case of guilty of violating their oath of office if you ask me.
Same people replying to these threads with exactly the same type replies as they did on the other political motivated threads.

How is this moving the needle one way or the other?

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Well, my intention here wasn't to 'move the needle' but rather to simply inform those who haven't followed current news. Hence the "in case you missed it" title.
The deep state stuff is real, it's apolitical as evidenced by those involved from both parties, and it's extremely dangerous to our republic.
And if one expects to get real and current news from the mainstream media, he's crazy. Chuck Schumer got on the Senate Floor yesterday and called all of this information a "GOP" conspiracy theory, the guy is a lying political insect and an enemy of the republic to make such a statement.
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Yeah^...and now we have a judge appointed by Obama....blocking Flynns release.

The FBI and DOJ have admitted failings....and dropped the case against Flynn....but this one judge is still holding this up....and he hired an attorney to defend him.

Now the Obama faithful is just singing "Nah nah na nah na" in their head avoiding the facts and sucking up the Dems cover their asses propaganda.

All the while Biden is a dead man walking with his Ukraine and Charity scams being exposed... not revealing the flood of millions of dollars he and his son received in "Prid pro quo" and millions received in his 3 "Charities". Oh these have noble names with "Cancer" and such but are actually used to pay his political operatives.

So many Trump haters....but this corruption at the highest levels would never have been exposed by a career politician. It is in all of our best interests- both Rep and Dem- for this stuff to be exposed.

How is it that Judicial Watch can get incriminating docs of corruption through the FOIA...and the Obama DOJ won't produce them? The dirty pay to play politics is slowly being exposed....good for all of us.

Yeah^...and now we have a judge appointed by Obama....blocking Flynns release.

The FBI and DOJ have admitted failings....and dropped the case against Flynn....but this one judge is still holding this up....and he hired an attorney to defend him.

Now the Obama faithful is just singing "Nah nah na nah na" in their head avoiding the facts and sucking up the Dems cover their asses propaganda.

All the while Biden is a dead man walking with his Ukraine and Charity scams being exposed... not revealing the flood of millions of dollars he and his son received in "Prid pro quo" and millions received in his 3 "Charities". Oh these have noble names with "Cancer" and such but are actually used to pay his political operatives.

So many Trump haters....but this corruption at the highest levels would never have been exposed by a career politician. It is in all of our best interests- both Rep and Dem- for this stuff to be exposed.

How is it that Judicial Watch can get incriminating docs of corruption through the FOIA...and the Obama DOJ won't produce them? The dirty pay to play politics is slowly being exposed....good for all of us.


I tend to stay out of political discussions, especially on a public internet forum! However, I just have to say that I totally agree with you sir...extremely well said on your part!