BHA Colorado Wolf Statement

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Buzz you haven’t proven me wrong on either thing I posted about BHA in this thread.

Please post up a link, screen shot, etc of BHA saying outfitting isn’t fair chase. Since you can’t I guess that somehow makes me wrong?

Why would they take that position? I’ve never heard of such a position.
Buzz you haven’t proven me wrong on either thing I posted about BHA in this thread.

Please post up a link, screen shot, etc of BHA saying outfitting isn’t fair chase. Since you can’t I guess that somehow makes me wrong?

You think outfitting isn't fair chase?

The WY Chapter supported a committee bill that would give the GF Commission the authority to regulate scouting services, electronics, real time game cameras, etc.

Be mindful that any regulation proposed on ANY of those things would be required to go through the public process and the administrative procedures act.

You think that's a problem?

I don't, neither do the majority of Sportsmen in Wyoming.

Very similar to the regulation that Jeff and I worked on with the Commission and GF Department on aircraft and drones. That improved regulation allows for aircraft to be used legally, for the first time, to access and hunt State ground...prior to our work on that, it was illegal.

That regulation went through the public process, just like any other regulation changes have to.
Watched it live on the impeachment vote

Mr tester? ... guilty!

Money well spent really.

What BHA says about any one topic is them propping up the facade they care about Hunting in the first place.

Does Buzz care? Sure. Then again most members of non profits do care. it’s just the same as the some pimple face college kid canvassing for some crooked leftist politician grandstanding for immigrant communities and fair wages. Useful tools.
Why would they take that position? I’ve never heard of such a position.

A year or two ago BHA took the position that a scouting package isn’t fair chase. But they stayed silent about guided hunts.

To me that is hypocritical. If getting a scouting package from Jim Carr isn’t fair chase, but paying Jim to hold my hand the entire hunt is fair chase I must not understand what fair chase is. Everyone has their opinion of fair chase. I’m not debating that. I’m just saying BHA were complete hypocrites to condemn one and not the other.

And one more thing buzz. BHA is a national organization. There is more going on than just Wyoming. Not one thing I mentioned had to do with Wyo BHA. But for some reason you keep bringing Wyoming stuff up.

Again buzz show me where what I posted in this thread isn’t true. Until then I’m done responding to you.
A year or two ago BHA took the position that a scouting package isn’t fair chase. But they stayed silent about guided hunts.

To me that is hypocritical. If getting a scouting package from Jim Carr isn’t fair chase, but paying Jim to hold my hand the entire hunt is fair chase I must not understand what fair chase is. Everyone has their opinion of fair chase. I’m not debating that. I’m just saying BHA were complete hypocrites to condemn one and not the other.

And one more thing buzz. BHA is a national organization. There is more going on than just Wyoming. Not one thing I mentioned had to do with Wyo BHA. But for some reason you keep bringing Wyoming stuff up.

Again buzz show me where what I posted in this thread isn’t true. Until then I’m done responding to you.

I care about what goes on in Wyoming.
A year or two ago BHA took the position that a scouting package isn’t fair chase. But they stayed silent about guided hunts. It seems irrelevant to this thread though.

To me that is hypocritical. If getting a scouting package from Jim Carr isn’t fair chase, but paying Jim to hold my hand the entire hunt is fair chase I must not understand what fair chase is. Everyone has their opinion of fair chase. I’m not debating that. I’m just saying BHA were complete hypocrites to condemn one and not the other.

And one more thing buzz. BHA is a national organization. There is more going on than just Wyoming. Not one thing I mentioned had to do with Wyo BHA. But for some reason you keep bringing Wyoming stuff up.

Again buzz show me where what I posted in this thread isn’t true. Until then I’m done responding to you.

Ok - don’t know much about their position there. Not sure I agree that wouldn’t be fair chase but at the same time I’m fine paying for an outfitted hunt but do not think I would pay for a scouting package. I think they are actually pretty different things one is paying for but reasonable people can disagree.

It seems people are mad at the BHA because they don’t agree with every position they take. Whether that be wolves, what is fair chase, what ply toilet paper they should spend their money on, etc. Or that they work with organizations that are deemed anti-hunting (no idea if this is true as it seems hunters label everything anti-hunting these days). Hunting organizations have a lot of common ground with many environmental organizations that are not pro hunting (and many that are anti-hunting). Most obvious ones being public land access as well as sustaining wildlife. I would hope any organization I support would be able to work with other organizations where we share common ground as hunters alone account for a very small percentage of the population. If we are unwilling to work with others then we aren’t going to accomplish much.
Ok - don’t know much about their position there. Not sure I agree that wouldn’t be fair chase but at the same time I’m fine paying for an outfitted hunt but do not think I would pay for a scouting package. I think they are actually pretty different things one is paying for but reasonable people can disagree.

It seems people are mad at the BHA because they don’t agree with every position they take. Whether that be wolves, what is fair chase, what ply toilet paper they should spend their money on, etc. Or that they work with organizations that are deemed anti-hunting (no idea if this is true as it seems hunters label everything anti-hunting these days). Hunting organizations have a lot of common ground with many environmental organizations that are not pro hunting (and many that are anti-hunting). Most obvious ones being public land access as well as sustaining wildlife. I would hope any organization I support would be able to work with other organizations where we share common ground as hunters alone account for a very small percentage of the population. If we are unwilling to work with others then we aren’t going to accomplish much.
I agree, as hunters we should agree to work closely with, and establish open meaningful dialogues and relationships with such anti hunting groups like PETA, HSUS,Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation NW, Howling for Wolves ....
I agree, as hunters we should agree to work closely, with and establish open meaningful dialogues with such anti hunting groups like PETA, HSUS,Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation NW, Howling for Wolves ....

Or as hunters we can exercise common sense and not use extreme examples and realize there are groups out there also interested in public land access, restoring sheep populations, trout streams, etc. that might not be hunting organizations. Or we can use extreme examples and just have a bitch fest...
I agree, as hunters we should agree to work closely with, and establish open meaningful dialogues and relationships with such anti hunting groups like PETA, HSUS,Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation NW, Howling for Wolves ....

Beat me to it

Also I think all land should be public. The idea that someone can own land and prevent me from using it is immoral. The creator made it and it’s to be used collectively.

Border to border, sea to sea. Not 10,000 acres here, 10,000 there. Return the land to the people. All of it. It’s our land.

Except if you have round eyes and pale skin. Then you need to remember that they are the real immigrants. And should be treated as such.
Ok - don’t know much about their position there. Not sure I agree that wouldn’t be fair chase but at the same time I’m fine paying for an outfitted hunt but do not think I would pay for a scouting package. I think they are actually pretty different things one is paying for but reasonable people can disagree.

My original post was trying to point out to I believe lif why some hunters might dislike BHA so much. The NM deal was recent so it stood out. The scouting package deal I remember because I can’t understand how they could say a scouting package isn’t fair chase. Yet not say the same about a guided hunt. Obviously looking at this thread there are many reasons people don’t like BHA.

And many reasons people do. I’m sure the guys that hunt where BHA has done some good really like them.

But I doubt Colorado is going to appreciate BHA much for taking a non stance on wolves. But damn it’s more profitable to sit on the fence and still collect money from both sides then alienate one of those sides.
My original post was trying to point out to I believe lif why some hunters might dislike BHA so much. The NM deal was recent so it stood out. The scouting package deal I remember because I can’t understand how they could say a scouting package isn’t fair chase. Yet not say the same about a guided hunt. Obviously looking at this thread there are many reasons people don’t like BHA.

And many reasons people do. I’m sure the guys that hunt where BHA has done some good really like them.

But I doubt Colorado is going to appreciate BHA much for taking a non stance on wolves. But damn it’s more profitable to sit on the fence and still collect money from both sides then alienate one of those sides.

Ok - I’m a fairly new member here and quite frankly have been surprised at the bashing of certain organizations and people who seem to be trying to make a difference even if they should (and probably do) have a lot in common. Never seen anything like it in any other hunting community I’ve been a part of.
I care about what goes on in Wyoming.

Correct, and you’d care whether BHA existed or not, I gather.

Many people (unless they are receiving a direct benefit from the org) come around to the fact that their efforts are better spent solely on the issues and not propping up the org. Non-profit my ass. Not sure what product Tawney produces that justifies his 150k a year.
All the BHA Derangement syndrome suffers are triggered again. Who would thought it.
You all should start a support group. You can meet in the dark basement of local high schools on Wednesday nights and sit in circle drinking cheap coffee and lament on your woes.
Sounds to me that BHA individual chapters are the issue not carrying their own weight. I know here in PA, BHA was a way for a bunch of us to connect on the Sunday huhting issue. Now it’s not a vast number of extra days but we have an extra 3 days next deer seasons.
Like I’ve said before life member to BHA, I’ll never give them another dime after meeting Land and his high views of that idiot Tester, tells me all I need to know.

Support orgs that actually work for our rights such as RMEF and SCI. I’ll continue to give to them!

BHA really should take the hunters out of their name, should be Backcountry Tree Huggers of America!

As far as what Buzz posts or says, I just scroll past his stuff anymore, freaking annoying, it’s like the politician that always pats his own back and acts like he had a hand in anything meaningful.
Like I’ve said before life member to BHA, I’ll never give them another dime after meeting Land and his high views of that idiot Tester, tells me all I need to know.

Support orgs that actually work for our rights such as RMEF and SCI. I’ll continue to give to them!

BHA really should take the hunters out of their name, should be Backcountry Tree Huggers of America!

As far as what Buzz posts or says, I just scroll past his stuff anymore, freaking annoying, it’s like the politician that always pays his own back and acts like he had a hand in anything meaningful.

I always thought the H was for hipsters.

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It seems to me like every angle has been expressed. Like too many of these that we leave open, they just descend into mayhem. So we locked it. I think there’s more than enough information on this thread for people to make a decision on where they stand. Thanks
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