BHA Colorado Wolf Statement

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I dont wanna say I todaso, but I todaso. BHA is a green decoy. They claimed victory with Tester. Clear cut best money Leftist ever spent. Literally spent 2 million bucks to get a senate seat.
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With Bullock on the verge of running for US Senate, they're going to be in the tank hard there as well. I thought it was weird the Meat Eater guys were going so hard with the other handful of BHA members the other day about pushing Congressman Gianforte to vote for a full re-authorization of the LWCF. Nothing I can find on the internet has showed that he's against it; in fact, it looks like he has supported it for a while.

At this point, I'm giving my money to organizations dedicated to habitat and wildlife like Ruffed Grouse Society and Wild Sheep Foundation. I'm not donating a cent to an organization that swears it's not a Green Decoy but seems pretty intent on flipping red seats in rural districts.
Here's another thing that myself and my buddy Jeff worked on with BHA:

This isn't just some piece of dirt public land with no elk on it, its a great place that holds some very good hunting for elk and mule deer in the Laramie Range. Jeff heard about this via one of our WYGF contacts and we realized pretty quickly that if this exchange happened, we were going to lose 4,000 acres of prime hunting ground. Not just tougher to access, landlocking 4,000 acres that we have access to.

So, Jeff and I put together the formal objection to the exchange, contacted all the land board members (top 5 elected officials) personally on phone calls, talked them through how this was going to impact public access.

Jeff and I also provided public testimony in front of the land board the day of the decision...and we crushed it, land board voted 5-0 opposing the land exchange.

There is not even a doubt, at all, that without our efforts, that 4K acres of publicly accessible land in one of the best LQ elk areas in the State would be gone.

To finally ice the cake on this whole mess with Rick Bonander, he took upon himself, after he lost this land exchange, to punch several miles of illegal roads across State, BLM, and USFS lands so he could ride his UTV into the area. I worked as a liaison between the BHA members that found the illegal roads and the USFS law enforcement to get this sorted out. In the end, Rick Bonander was fined just shy of $50,000 by the USFS.

Yep, pretty much just attend pint nights and drink nasty beer...
I'll just leave this here...for those that are decent with math, not hard to see the commitment that WYBHA has for public access, working in cooperation with the WGF and landowners to open up some prime real estate to hunters and anglers:

I'll just leave this here...for those that are decent with math, not hard to see the commitment that WYBHA has for public access, working in cooperation with the WGF and landowners to open up some prime real estate to hunters and anglers:


Buzz - thanks for the work you and BHA has done and continue to do throughout this country. I think it’s a great organization doing lots of good. The amount of shitting other hunters do on other hunters is mind boggling at times. And usually the ones who do the most complaining are out there doing nothing to contribute to the issues they bitch about.
Here's another one...

I heard about this from a good friend from Cheyenne and again, wasted no time getting in front of this. The area in question is between Laramie and Cheyenne, and provides some of the only access for public hunting in this particular area. A landowner was asking the Laramie County Commission to vacate a county road that would have meant a loss to public access to a few sections of good hunting ground.

I testified at the hearing that we aren't in favor of vacating public easements and land locking public lands. Another 5-0 decision and I testified that even though we "won", keeping the county easement, that BHA was willing to work with the landowner to install better gates, cattleguards, and signage, both in labor and financially, to address his concerns.
I'll just leave this here...for those that are decent with math, not hard to see the commitment that WYBHA has for public access, working in cooperation with the WGF and landowners to open up some prime real estate to hunters and anglers:


Can you provide documentation from Oregon, WA or Colorado BHA on wolves?
Heres a screen shot from pro of BHA’s 2017 financials.

It doesn’t appear that a lot of money goes into programs, it Goes to expenses, employee wages, and fund raising.
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My understanding is that there is a vast difference between the national and local BHA chapters. In other words, with the same local effort, would the results have been any different if the org was just WY-based? From conversations I've had with folks, the effective local chapters are effective because of the people in them, not because the national chapter provides any meaningful support.

I was a member but became annoyed at how BHA overstated its influence and also because no one in the WA chapter ever felt like taking calls for local events, etc. Lots of talk and mailers. Wasn't all that impressed.
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I'll just leave this here...for those that are decent with math, not hard to see the commitment that WYBHA has for public access, working in cooperation with the WGF and landowners to open up some prime real estate to hunters and anglers:


Like me donating 2 cents to a cause and saying Im a social justice warrior. Who are BHA's 10 biggest donators? Please list here because BHA won't.
Buzz what I typed in my first post is true. BHA came out and said scouting packages aren’t fair chase. Point me to where they said that outfitting isn’t fair chase. Yep they stayed silent on it.

Buzz there are thousands of members on this site and I’ve never seen another poster pat themselves on the back like you do. Sad sad sad.
Like me donating 2 cents to a cause and saying Im a social justice warrior. Who are BHA's 10 biggest donators? Please list here because BHA won't.

Right...I mean opening up 105,000 acres of public access is just like your 2 cents, minus the 105,000 acres people get to hunt and fish on.
Buzz what I typed in my first post is true. BHA came out and said scouting packages aren’t fair chase. Point me to where they said that outfitting isn’t fair chase. Yep they stayed silent on it.

Buzz there are thousands of members on this site and I’ve never seen another poster pat themselves on the back like you do. Sad sad sad.

You're clueless...people like you bitch and complain, make foolish statements that BHA doesn't do anything for sportsmen. You get kicked in the sack when you're proven wrong, then its just all back patting.

Get a grip...
Buzz you haven’t proven me wrong on either thing I posted about BHA in this thread.

Please post up a link, screen shot, etc of BHA saying outfitting isn’t fair chase. Since you can’t I guess that somehow makes me wrong?
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