BHA seems “all-in” with Biden

A few quick examples:

GMU23 caribou 8 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
GMU23 moose 20 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
GMU24A and 26B sheep 1.5 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
Yukon Charley sheep CLOSED to R and NR hunters

There are a half dozen others that will be voted on this winter including extensions for the ones mentioned above. In addition, the DOI is working on reverting back to the Obama-era rule to ban bear baiting in the Kenai Refuge (2 million acres). Brown bears are like rats in there and impossible to hunt in the lowland and thick environment. Every single one of the meetings for these closures included comments and presentations from state biologists with comprehensive facts and figures. The state game agencies have strongly opposed every single one but in the end, our current Secretary of the Interior and her DOI have overstepped and closed the land to hunters.

All closures were pushed through by yielding the tyrannical hammer of the Federal Subsistence Board. The board is made up of 3 public members that are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior (almost always vote to restrict) as well as one member each from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (DOI), Bureau of Land Management (DOI), National Park Service (DOI), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI), and the U.S. Forest Service (USDA). BIA, BLM, NPS, and USFWS vote at the discretion of whoever the Secretary of the Interior is at the time. As you can imagine, science and conservation are never the driving force of those decisions.

I see an argument here with comparison of people defending NRA and BHA. I'm the opposite of a fan of Trump and don't really care for the NRA; but at least when Trump overstepped his authority on gun laws, the NRA (who endorsed Trump) had the stones to stand up and condemn him. I don't think it's too much to ask from BHA and their members to do the same with some of these tyrannical politicians they endorsed who are walking all over our hunting opportunities contrary to what the science and wildlife experts suggest.
Probably the most well reasoned, informed post I've seen yet.
A few years ago I contacted BHA leader land Tawney on BHA's views on construction of huge solar farms on endangered sage grouse habitat. He said green energy was more more important for the future and that gas and oil projects were much more of a concern. lmao
A few quick examples:

GMU23 caribou 8 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
GMU23 moose 20 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
GMU24A and 26B sheep 1.5 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
Yukon Charley sheep CLOSED to R and NR hunters

There are a half dozen others that will be voted on this winter including extensions for the ones mentioned above. In addition, the DOI is working on reverting back to the Obama-era rule to ban bear baiting in the Kenai Refuge (2 million acres). Brown bears are like rats in there and impossible to hunt in the lowland and thick environment. Every single one of the meetings for these closures included comments and presentations from state biologists with comprehensive facts and figures. The state game agencies have strongly opposed every single one but in the end, our current Secretary of the Interior and her DOI have overstepped and closed the land to hunters.

All closures were pushed through by yielding the tyrannical hammer of the Federal Subsistence Board. The board is made up of 3 public members that are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior (almost always vote to restrict) as well as one member each from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (DOI), Bureau of Land Management (DOI), National Park Service (DOI), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI), and the U.S. Forest Service (USDA). BIA, BLM, NPS, and USFWS vote at the discretion of whoever the Secretary of the Interior is at the time. As you can imagine, science and conservation are never the driving force of those decisions.

I see an argument here with comparison of people defending NRA and BHA. I'm the opposite of a fan of Trump and don't really care for the NRA; but at least when Trump overstepped his authority on gun laws, the NRA (who endorsed Trump) had the stones to stand up and condemn him. I don't think it's too much to ask from BHA and their members to do the same with some of these tyrannical politicians they endorsed who are walking all over our hunting opportunities contrary to what the science and wildlife experts suggest.
What is the purpose or reasoning/excuse for closing those areas to R/NR hunting?
lol, your googling is incorrect. I can show you a 20k+ project right now. 10k of it is one land owner.

not that you care about the truth. Its coming to public land near you, just like oil and gas did.

By all means Spin on!!
Nope, no spin here. If my googling is incorrect, feel free to correct with a link.

While you're at it, google how many acres do the world's oil fields cover so we can make a fair comparison.
"I don't spin anything, that's all you right wing nut jobs. The truth is what I say it is. If you don't believe me, you must provide a link. Oh and just so you know, the southern border is 100% secure because the white house claimed it." -newtosavage

Thank you for gracing us with your presence oh great one.
I have to wonder who is funding BHA.
Found it.
seems legit.
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is an environmentalist-aligned sportsmen’s advocacy group based in Montana. The organization has faced criticism for its close ties to liberal politicians and for taking funding from environmentalist foundations with ties to prominent anti-hunting animal liberation groups.
Nope, no spin here. If my googling is incorrect, feel free to correct with a link.

While you're at it, google how many acres do the world's oil fields cover so we can make a fair comparison.

Lol, I don’t need to google. I know 90% of the land owners/managers in the project by first name. Next year when Google updates imagery it will be pretty simple. There has been several sections of panels out over over 2 years and no update yet. Regardless My statement is factual. Not googled or an assumption. Vast majority of all solar projects a) do not state acreage just potential energy out put of a phase, One area my have 8 phases etc. b) private companies and private land dont have to disclose acreage paneled or leased/fenced.

Oil/gas fields are still multi use. Solar fields, transmission and converter stations are not multi use

if you want to argue against the truths of multi use vs solar arrays and its high fence areas by all means spin away.

Quoting Aldo Leopolds works while spinning solar shows your true colors. You damn sure arent doing BHA any favors as their new online media guide
Lol, I don’t need to google. I know 90% of the land owners/managers in the project by first name. Next year when Google updates imagery it will be pretty simple. There has been several sections of panels out over over 2 years and no update yet. Regardless My statement is factual. Not googled or an assumption. Vast majority of all solar projects a) do not state acreage just potential energy out put of a phase, One area my have 8 phases etc. b) private companies and private land dont have to disclose acreage paneled or leased/fenced.

Oil/gas fields are still multi use. Solar fields, transmission and converter stations are not multi use

if you want to argue against the truths of multi use vs solar arrays and its high fence areas by all means spin away.

Quoting Aldo Leopolds works while spinning solar shows your true colors. You damn sure arent doing BHA any favors as their new online media guide
Leopold's works speak for themselves.

If you think all Oil/Gas fields are multi use, then you are clearly blind to reality or at the very least, spun up by the right wing narrative that oil and gas are good and renewables are bad.

I've said it before and I will again. It's stunning that a forum focused on hunting would be populated by so many who insist on defending the very things that have destroyed so much wildlife habitat.

But this entire thread isn't about renewables vs oil/gas or even BHA. And anyone with a brain can tell that.

Pretty sure post #6 got to the heart of the matter and it was just more than the fragile maga crowd could stand.
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Leopold's works speak for themselves.

If you think all Oil/Gas fields are multi use, then you are clearly blind to reality or at the very least, spun up by the right wing narrative that oil and gas are good and renewables are bad.

I've said it before and I will again. It's stunning that a forum focused on hunting would be populated by so many who insist on defending the very things that have destroyed so much wildlife habitat.

But this entire thread isn't about renewables vs oil/gas. And anyone with a brain can tell that.

You are one that tried to defend solar, by dismissing it presence.

again another spin factor.

I have both producing gas leases and wind turbines. Are you sure you want to continue on the delusional path of not multi- use?

You want to compare wild life photos and usage at well sites and turbine pads to Solar arrays?

I’m not arguing politics, Im arguing facts. You are arguing politics while promoting complete deforestation as environmentally friendly.

Ive gone on RS record defending landowners for signing solar leases, you cant find that ROI ranching and or farming, but im not delusional to its effects on land scape, I see it daily
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You are one that tried to defend solar, by dismissing it presence.

again another spin factor.

I have both gas leases and wind turbines. Are you sure you want to continue on the delusional path of not multi- use?

You want to compare wild life photos and usage at well sites and turbine pads to Solar arrays?

I’m not arguing politics Im arguing facts.
You're projecting. I never tried to defend solar.

And if you want to compare total impacts of gas/oil and wind to solar, that's a losing argument you've chosen.

They all suck.

Now do you have anything to offer about BHA which is what this thread is actually about?

Ah, nevermind. I can't believe I let myself get sucked into another stupid political thread. Shame on me.
You're projecting. I never tried to defend solar.

And if you want to compare total impacts of gas/oil and wind to solar, that's a losing argument you've chosen.

They all suck.

Now do you have anything to offer about BHA which is what this thread is actually about?

Then get off the internet. By all mean practice what you preach.

Only one making political reference is yourself not me.
What is the purpose or reasoning/excuse for closing those areas to R/NR hunting?
"Subsistence" users were claiming there are not enough animals for them. So the federal government closed it down to all but them. Again, the ADFG provided a mountain of data showing populations are doing fine in those areas. In addition, as shown by the ADFG, the take from "non-subsistence hunters" was essentially all matures males and extremely fractional, making the effects of hunting by "outsiders" so remote as to be negligible. (it was 100% political)
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Let's see if I understand this logic... Create an organization by and for hunters and anglers who are not just casual hunters and anglers but who are backcountry focused which by definition means they are pretty well informed and dedicated. Then, somehow convince all those hunter and angler members, most of whom have a lot of experience in the western backcountry, to volunteer their time to oppose hunting.

Seems legit.
Most BHA members I know and know of are very new to hunting, BHA had good marketing in the beginning, a lot of talk about bha on rinella’s podcast years back, the same netflix show and podcast most adult on set hunters see first. They got the new “I wanna eat meat but hate commercial livestock practices” people hook line and sinker.
Most BHA members I know and know of are very new to hunting, BHA had good marketing in the beginning, a lot of talk about bha on rinella’s podcast years back, the same netflix show and podcast most adult on set hunters see first. They got the new “I wanna eat meat but hate commercial livestock practices” people hook line and sinker.
Its interesting how many people, who grew up hunting and fishing, and practiced conservation as a sportsmen are able to see what a grift BHA is. The typical BHA fan boys cultists were not raised by strong hunting fathers who taught them hunting and fishing, conservation in their youth are those now, because of social media, who entered the entered hunting later life because of the perceived cool factor like vegans. C'mon we have all run across them now in our hunting culture and they are typically insufferable bragging how they are saving wildlife lol

Hence the whole insecure lifestyle brag cult now on social media. BHA members are the Kardahsians of the sportsmen world
regardless who is always defending them on RS, there are bigger and way less controversial Conservation Org leading the way on access. RMEF being one of them.

BHA’s absolutism is said to almost ruined a great landowner compromise in Crazies.

We always see a fire with BHA, but not with RMEF, MF, DSC, SCI, Delta etc. BHA has an obvious public perception problem they need to amend.
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