A few quick examples:
GMU23 caribou 8 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
GMU23 moose 20 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
GMU24A and 26B sheep 1.5 million acres federal lands CLOSED to R and NR hunters
Yukon Charley sheep CLOSED to R and NR hunters
There are a half dozen others that will be voted on this winter including extensions for the ones mentioned above. In addition, the DOI is working on reverting back to the Obama-era rule to ban bear baiting in the Kenai Refuge (2 million acres). Brown bears are like rats in there and impossible to hunt in the lowland and thick environment. Every single one of the meetings for these closures included comments and presentations from state biologists with comprehensive facts and figures. The state game agencies have strongly opposed every single one but in the end, our current Secretary of the Interior and her DOI have overstepped and closed the land to hunters.
All closures were pushed through by yielding the tyrannical hammer of the Federal Subsistence Board. The board is made up of 3 public members that are appointed by the Secretary of the Interior (almost always vote to restrict) as well as one member each from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (DOI), Bureau of Land Management (DOI), National Park Service (DOI), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI), and the U.S. Forest Service (USDA). BIA, BLM, NPS, and USFWS vote at the discretion of whoever the Secretary of the Interior is at the time. As you can imagine, science and conservation are never the driving force of those decisions.
I see an argument here with comparison of people defending NRA and BHA. I'm the opposite of a fan of Trump and don't really care for the NRA; but at least when Trump overstepped his authority on gun laws, the NRA (who endorsed Trump) had the stones to stand up and condemn him. I don't think it's too much to ask from BHA and their members to do the same with some of these tyrannical politicians they endorsed who are walking all over our hunting opportunities contrary to what the science and wildlife experts suggest.