You nailed it. Samantha Miller was the executive director for Washington Wildlife First, where she helped end the spring bear hunt and fill the wildlife commission with anti-hunting activists. Causing the current dysfunction. Then she moved to Colorado to launch Prop 127. She was also serving as campaign manager for Animal Wellness Action/Center for Humane Economy, a national anti-hunting org ran out of DC by disgraced former Humane Society CEO Wayne Pacelle. They were the major donor funding Prop 127. Julie Marshall is the other major player, she also led CATS with Miller and was a paid employee of AWA/CHE and Pacelle. She is at most every CPW commission meeting, a Boulder journalist heavily involved in anti-hunting movement. The other major player is Mark Surls, photographer from the Denver/Boulder area. He was organizer for CATS and co-hosts Podcast “Wildlife Wire” with Miller. The strategy is clear, move into a decidedly blue state with a major urban population center, set up a state-level anti-hunting organization under the auspices of “wildlife protection”, and gather up all the people who hate hunters. Then flood the commission, legislature, and ballot box with anti-hunting petitions, proposals, and bills.