CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

I look forward to where this goes. The article said/says it was "written by" them, not endorsed by them. Obviously their credibility is in the toilet at the moment one way or another. Blindly signing off on lies while representing yourself as a commissioner is messed up in and of itself.
Here is the first paragraph of the article:
We are current and former Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commissioners, which is the body that sets wildlife policy, including a former chair, and we encourage a “yes” vote on Proposition 127.
The rest of the article is written as we/us/our etc. Pretty transparent that they’re not telling the truth

I can only imagine the meltdown that would’ve happened if there was a similar op-ed against the wolf introduction a few years back
Here is the first paragraph of the article:

The rest of the article is written as we/us/our etc. Pretty transparent that they’re not telling the truth

I can only imagine the meltdown that would’ve happened if there was a similar op-ed against the wolf introduction a few years back
Well either they’re lying or they’re willing to apply their name to things ghost written for them with zero input and no care to clarify endorse vs written by. Which is rather unscrupulous in terms of character.

Bad look for the governors recent controversial appointments.
Looks like Arizona may be the next battleground.

They are focused and relentless. Also look at this… remember some a-hole saying they only want to ban hounds from going after lions… well looky here. It’s a ban against hunting any mammal with hounds. This has to be stopped, cause then it will be birds as well.