ATLAS Cooler & Tumbler June 2016 Group Buy-- Customer Feedback

This was just posted over on Tennessee Gun Owners (4 or 5 guys also placed orders....)

"FYI PayPal tried to debit the bank account and it was declined. Said they will try again in three days. Guess I'll just call the bank."

This was just posted over on Tennessee Gun Owners (4 or 5 guys also placed orders....)

"FYI PayPal tried to debit the bank account and it was declined. Said they will try again in three days. Guess I'll just call the bank."


got the same message. talked to someone from PayPal yesterday they said no matter what we're covered by their protection plan
got the same message. talked to someone from PayPal yesterday they said no matter what we're covered by their protection plan

Oh wow! I got the email Tuesday saying the twisted tumblers were back in stock and they verified my shipping address but I still haven't received a shipping notice. I know they were telling the truth about getting them in though, because they are back in stock on Walmart .com too. Hope they come soon.

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A little update, Atlas was suppose to give me a credit within 2 days of cancelling order, per my email from them. That did not happen, so I disputed the charge, and BofA has already issued me my refund. A little bit of a pain in the arse, but all is well now.
I canceled my order last week and also opened dispute with discover a couple days ago. I just called discover card now to stress my concern for the misinformation we received from Ben Jones with Atlas Coolers in Texas and they were understanding. Sounded like I wasn't the only one who had called discover to stress my concern. Lol
What a mess.

Yes it is.

To think I brought this scam onto another board I frequent and talked another into riding into the deal with me to save on shipping. I disputed my charge on the same day I cancelled. Not waiting around for another hose job from this crook.
Contacted Discover again and they provided me with the credit to my account. However the credit DIDN'T come from Atlas, they/Discover has an open dispute with Atlas and they have 45days to respond to the dispute apparently. IF IF Atlas gives discover the credit back I bet it'll be on day 44, either way my account has been credited back thankfully. Just sucks for discover for I'm afraid they might end up eating the charges.

Has anyone been credited back their funds VIA ATLAS and not have to file a dispute with their CC company or paypal?
Worth reposting.


#1 State Attorney General:

Consumer Protection - File a Consumer Complaint

#2 Call Walmart (1-800-Walmart). Go to "customer service experience". Tell them that you would like to make a complaint about one of their vendors and tell them all about Atlas and that you want to warn them so they don't get screwed in the future. They will take down your name and number and file an official complaint. Total phone call should only take 5 minutes..

#3 Leave them a 1 Star review and nasty comment on Walmart's website:
Contacted Discover again and they provided me with the credit to my account. However the credit DIDN'T come from Atlas, they/Discover has an open dispute with Atlas and they have 45days to respond to the dispute apparently. IF IF Atlas gives discover the credit back I bet it'll be on day 44, either way my account has been credited back thankfully. Just sucks for discover for I'm afraid they might end up eating the charges.

Has anyone been credited back their funds VIA ATLAS and not have to file a dispute with their CC company or paypal?

I did but I canceled in early Aug.
This scamming mother ****er!!!!!!! He did not have the funds to run his business so he was robbing peter to pay paul. We should have seen the writing on the wall when there wasn't a single person in the ****ing world with this guys cooler in there hands... no reviews etc. The fact that nobody has seen a refund recently along with the whole paypal not being able to debit the business's account further proves the Ponzi scheme theory.

For those of you who have not opened disputes with your credit cards I suggest you do that now. The refund should not take this long to show. I called visa which took 10 mins, no paperwork and will have my money back in 2 business days. **** this company. The more disputes we do the more wrath and trouble is going to come down on this piece of shit. The writing was on the wall. We got conned no doubt about it! Whether or not Gotdraw was involved or not I cant help but be somewhat pissed at him as well. The whole they don't need our orders because they have so many big accounts already statement doesn't sit well with me. It doesn't appear that they have really sold any ****ing coolers to anyone!!!
You should just call your CC company. They will give you the money back in 3 days. I would not mess with Pay Pal or anything for that matter. Visa takes care of you quickly.
I filed a dispute today with my CC company, they are going to credit my account and ask Atlas to respond. Capitol One apparently will give Atlas 90 days to respond to the dispute. Ben Jones and his company must be getting inundated with disputes from every financial institution out there.
This buys this mother ****er even more time.... He will likely just fold the company and say **** you to the cc companies. There is prob a good reason this **** couldn't secure money from a bank to purchase inventory.

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I filed a dispute today with my CC company, they are going to credit my account and ask Atlas to respond. Capitol One apparently will give Atlas 90 days to respond to the dispute. Ben Jones and his company must be getting inundated with disputes from every financial institution out there.

wow, i would find a new CC company. Seriously, most cards will give you the credit same day. I know mine would. I once I had a dispute with a guy (Hunting wool company) where I bought 2K worth of wool hunting clothing. I bought 2 sizes. The guy would not return my multiple calls and emails to ship the size I did not want back. I called my CC, they credited the entire bill that day. Guess what, he was calling the next day begging for me to pay for the clothing I wanted to keep. Also wanted me to ship back the clothing I was not going to keep. Needless to say, i made him wait a while.....I had the clothing and the money. The man and company is no longer around. I am sure many of you know who I am talking about...
wow, i would find a new CC company. Seriously, most cards will give you the credit same day. I know mine would.

I think what he is saying, Atlas has 90 days to dispute the chargeback. The consumer gets the benefit of the doubt and gets the credit from the CC company right away.

The vendor can then counter the chargeback but has to make a very valid case.

We have them come up in our business with some frequency. About 1 or 2 a month. Out of 4000+ transactions.

No real surprise, from people who are months behind on their monthly payments as a rule. In 15 years we have "lost" only one when we provided our side of the story. Ironically it was the same or similar story we use each time. As the facts tend to not vary much.

I chalk that one up to someone got lucky that day.

If Atlas does not dispute the chargeback or is unable to provide a valid argument why the chargeback is not warranted consumer never hears about it again.

If Atlas is able to provide evidence that the chargeback is not valid and they are entitled to bill you, then you are charged again for the item.

Of course, in this case, I can't see that happening.
Well I made the mistake of paying with my debit card and now I am at day 68 since the purchase and my bank is telling me I had 60 days to dispute the charges. I went in on this buy with 2 buddy's and our order totaled almost $1100. I ordered $600 worth of stuff and they ordered right at $250 apiece. I have payed them back there money because I can afford it a lot more then them and I talked them into getting in on this, so I felt partly responsible. So now all in total I am out $1600 dollars and don't know what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Well I made the mistake of paying with my debit card and now I am at day 68 since the purchase and my bank is telling me I had 60 days to dispute the charges. I went in on this buy with 3 buddy's and our order totaled almost $1100. I ordered $600 worth of stuff and they ordered right at $250 apiece. I have payed them back there money because I can afford it a lot more then them and I talked them into getting in on this, so I felt partly responsible. So now all in total I am out $1600 dollars and don't know what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?

Get a lawyer.

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