A man, a wolf, and stupid in public

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I guess I won't have to read about ole Muley freak on here anymore either, since public commentary stops once the almighty F&G makes a decision.

Can't say that'll break my heart.
I'm going to bet that's still fair game.
We don't know his age or abilities, maybe he borrowed somebody's gun, etc. I could see a young man out riding, hits a wolf that's still alive and he's unsure what do do with it. That's not the point though, point is as far as I can tell we're all assuming all sorts of things without a whole lot of information. Both articles linked seem to heavily lean into how terrible things are without actually telling us what happened.
He's 42 yrs old....and you wonder how anti-hunting ideas gain traction, case in point
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Apparently, this ain't over even if everyone here agrees to consider it over. It just keeps looking worse:

A big smile and a beer in hand. That will be a really good look in front of a jury.

But, according to some .......

- "This is Wyoming, by gawd ......."

- "People just don't understand how it is in Wyoming ......."

- "In Wyoming ......."

- "If you can't handle that, you outta ......."

- "Why, what about ......."

And on, and on, and on.
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Apparently, this ain't over even if everyone here agrees to consider it over. It just keeps looking worse:

What an absolute clown. I doubt much more will come of it though unless it gets national attention. Unfortunately it seems like because people think wolves need to be more aggressively managed, that all of a sudden being unnecessarily cruel to them is alright too. But hey, because the Cambodian genocide happened and animals kill each other we can't criticize this guy.

The media has done a great job of leading readers to conclusions that may, or may not be true. Strangely, five pages in to this thread and I still don't see any facts or evidence of "torture".

Assuming the man has settled with paying a fine, we may never hear "the rest of the story". Regardless, this does not reflect well for the 99.9% of law abiding sportsmen.
What an idiot, this AH need to be be taped to a chair and set in the middle of a field naked for about a week as to the Wyoming post #87 still a AH Move. I would like to be the judge in this issue this bloated Buffon would spend a long time in a little cell. You cannot fix stupid and shame on those who just sit by and watched someone or two should of took him out back and gave him a lesson in sense.
The media has done a great job of leading readers to conclusions that may, or may not be true. Strangely, five pages in to this thread and I still don't see any facts or evidence of "torture".

Assuming the man has settled with paying a fine, we may never hear "the rest of the story". Regardless, this does not reflect well for the 99.9% of law abiding sportsmen.
I think the word torture is describing the act of running down the wolf with a snowmobile and hitting it, possibly also the restraining of an injured wild animal and parading it through a bar.
The media has done a great job of leading readers to conclusions that may, or may not be true. Strangely, five pages in to this thread and I still don't see any facts or evidence of "torture".

Assuming the man has settled with paying a fine, we may never hear "the rest of the story". Regardless, this does not reflect well for the 99.9% of law abiding sportsmen.
Pic looks just like the pics of the wolves after getting darted and sedated before releasing in Colorado, well close anyway. I still don't see torture either, though that dude is an asshat and deserves a citation.
No disrespect, but how does a rokslide thread go off the rails like this? WTF.....regardless if there was "torture or Not", I'm not sure that taping any animals mouth shut for an extended period can be in anyway considered humane treatment of any animal, wolf or not... But nevertheless,with respect to the other peoples comments interjecting the "what if" of 'his race' or starting to compare some lame wolf kill to the politics of abortion is just way off base man,...... really? Seriously tone it down dudes.
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