A man, a wolf, and stupid in public

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It all boils down to intent. There are some sick psycho’s that get a kick out of injuring animals intentionally, but that to me isn’t the same as a guy who accidentally makes a bad shot or accidentally hit an elk and is trying to handle it quickly and legally.
I don't disagree, but do we know his intent? Did he accidentally run it over with the snow machine and haul it back to the bar to ask people what the heck is he supposed to do with it? I've probably missed an article somewhere that lays it out, so asking honestly. Intent is absolutely important.
I don't disagree, but do we know his intent? Did he accidentally run it over with the snow machine and haul it back to the bar to ask people what the heck is he supposed to do with it? I've probably missed an article somewhere that lays it out, so asking honestly. Intent is absolutely important.
Come on, in reality if he did all that “accidentally” or out of ignorance then that guy has some bigger problems than that citation ha!
You know what they say: I can’t define what it is but I know it when I see it.
And some hunters on this forum and similar other forums thought it immoral when a Minnesota dentist shot an African lion, when a potential ODFW game commissioner killed a giraffe, when an IDFG commissioner shot baboons.

We all like killing animals, but we have no moral authority on it.
Come on, in reality if he did all that “accidentally” or out of ignorance then that guy has some bigger problems than that citation ha!
We don't know his age or abilities, maybe he borrowed somebody's gun, etc. I could see a young man out riding, hits a wolf that's still alive and he's unsure what do do with it. That's not the point though, point is as far as I can tell we're all assuming all sorts of things without a whole lot of information. Both articles linked seem to heavily lean into how terrible things are without actually telling us what happened.
We don't know his age or abilities, maybe he borrowed somebody's gun, etc. I could see a young man out riding, hits a wolf that's still alive and he's unsure what do do with it. That's not the point though, point is as far as I can tell we're all assuming all sorts of things without a whole lot of information. Both articles linked seem to heavily lean into how terrible things are without actually telling us what happened.
What’s your alibi for the night this all went down? Haha!
You’re putting an awful lot of work in to paint this as an understandable mistake. The guy screwed up and maybe he has some issues who knows, let a spade be a spade.
And some hunters on this forum and similar other forums thought it immoral when a Minnesota dentist shot an African lion, when a potential ODFW game commissioner killed a giraffe, when an IDFG commissioner shot baboons.

We all like killing animals, but we have no moral authority on it.
If you think all that legal hunting in Africa is the same as this guy hitting a wolf, taping its mouth, hanging out with it for a few hours and then taking it to a local bar to show it off and shoot it then I can’t help you.
I appreciate you playing devils advocate but there’s a difference between woke outrage and grounded respect.
If you think all that legal hunting in Africa is the same as this guy hitting a wolf, taping its mouth, hanging out with it for a few hours and then taking it to a local bar to show it off and shoot it then I can’t help you.
I appreciate you playing devils advocate but there’s a difference between woke outrage and grounded respect.
This is definitely also woke outrage, just dressed in camo. We're talking about a f%#*&#@ wolf, lol.
We all like killing animals, but we have no moral authority on it.
I don’t know about you but watching a buck heave and moan as blood pours out his chest, or listening to a bear wail with an arrow through its body isn’t my favorite part of hunting, nor is it necessarily a part I “like”. It’s a genuine part of the process so I appreciate and accept it, but I don’t like it. Maybe I’m just a big softie, so be it.
This is definitely also woke outrage, just dressed in camo. We're talking about a f%#*&#@ wolf, lol.
It’s been said above, but it doesn’t matter what animal it is, have some respect. They aren’t play things, if you’re going to kill it kill it as fast and smoothly as you can, if you’re not going to kill it then don’t mess with it.
I’m sure we agree on many things but this isn’t one of them.
What’s your alibi for the night this all went down? Haha!
You’re putting an awful lot of work in to paint this as an understandable mistake. The guy screwed up and maybe he has some issues who knows, let a spade be a spade.
Lol busted! Wasn't my intent to paint it innocently, just trying to point out that since the linked articles didn't lay it out we're all just making assumptions and then basing arguments on the assumptions which is never a great idea.
Lol busted! Wasn't my intent to paint it innocently, just trying to point out that since the linked articles didn't lay it out we're all just making assumptions and then basing arguments on the assumptions which is never a great idea.
Haha knew it! That’s fair, I agree. We all know the saying about assumptions
This is definitely also woke outrage, just dressed in camo. We're talking about a f%#*&#@ wolf, lol.
Well, my hunting hero as a youngster was Peter Hathaway Capstick. Still is, really. And way before woke, he seemed to opine that what makes Africa worthwhile is that things there try to eat you.

Here's to things in the Northern Rockies that try to eat me.

As mentioned, I support wolf hunting seasons, I believe it's a good thing to kill some wolves, and I don't agree with the anti-wolf crowd.
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Charged with "Possession of a live wolf".

I've heard of people being charged with "possession of" a lot of things. This is a first.
It's a Game and Fish charge. It's what they had that fit. Animal cruelty is a state charge that Wyoming Game and Fish likely won't get into. The county sheriff's office would have to cite for that.
Someone like this is no different from the extreme anti hunters. They all feel like they are doing the right thing, high fives, feel part of a movement, or whatever. There’s no enjoyment in animal suffering.

Once a dumbass stops being a dumbass
Just glad that it’s legal for the “gubberment” to do it but not for folks… old boy should have drove it do Denver and cut it loose

Charged with "Possession of a live wolf".

I've heard of people being charged with "possession of" a lot of things. This is a first.
Yep. I wonder if "some" animals are exempted from this "live" regulation? Like fish?....

"Fish" are not included in the statute - click HERE for the definitions of fish, big or trophy game, etc.

WYOMING STATUTE 23-1-103. Ownership of wildlife; purpose of provisions.
For the purpose of this act, all wildlife in Wyoming is the property of the state, including shed antlers or horns located on state or public lands. It is the purpose of this act and the policy of the state to provide an adequate and flexible system for control, propagation, management, protection and regulation of all Wyoming wildlife. There shall be no private ownership of live animals classified in this act as big or trophy game animals or of any wolf or wolf hybrid.
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