I've seen all the hype about the Creedmore and PRC. If I had the choice for elk sized game there is no doubt in my mind I'd grab the 06! Everyone says how great the PRC is for long range shooting but I don't see it! The PRC drops a whopping 26" at 400 yards and 48" at 500 yards. I wouldn't exactly say that is flat trajectory for a slim 140 grainish bullet!
An 06' with a 150 grain bullet drops around 19" at 400 yards and 38" at 500 yards. That's with a slightly heavier bullet!
I will preface this by saying that I have a 30-06 and I will not part ways with it. But to imply that my 30-06 is just as capable at long range as my 6.5 PRC is complete rubbish.
Here are validated numbers from
my rifles:
* My "praised” 30-06 (
commercial 178 gr Federal TA @ 2900):
** 500 yards: 45.38” of drop, 1947 fps, 1473 ft-lbs, 17.8” of wind (10 mph @ 90*)
** 600 yards: 77.17” of drop, 1811 fps, 1275 ft-lbs, 26.4” of wind (10 mph @ 90*)
* My “over-hyped” 6.5 PRC (
commercial 147 gr ELD-M @ 2910 fps):
** 500 yards: 35.82” of drop, 2279 fps, 1695 ft-lbs, 11.8” of wind (10 mph @ 90*)
** 600 yards: 60.21” of drop, 2164 fps, 1528 ft-lbs, 17.4” of wind (10 mph @ 90*)
* My “over-hyped” 6.5 PRC (
hand-load 147 gr ELD-M @ 3050 fps):
** 500 yards: 32.13” of drop, 2402 fps, 1884 ft-lbs, 11” of wind (10 mph @ 90*)
** 600 yards: 54.06” of drop, 2284 fps, 1702 ft-lbs, 16.2” of wind (10 mph @ 90*)
So to recap...
* Drop: My 30-06 drops 10-25 more inches than my 6.5 PRC at 500-600 yards. Nothing like shooting below your animal (assuming no range finder).
* Velocity: My 30-06 bleeds off velocity at a faster rate (11-12%) than my 6.5 PRC at 500-600 yards. My 30-06 hits 1800 fps about 600 yards while my 6.5 PRC almost doubles my potential range (1100 yards).
* Wind: My 30-06 deflects 6-10 more inches (10 mid @ 90*) than my 6.5 PRC at 500-600 yards. Even with not accounting for wind, this can turn into a clean miss or a gut shot.
* Energy: It's immaterial on Rokslide but my 30-06 even has less sustained energy than my 6.5 PRC at 500-600 yards.
Maybe the effects of gravity and wind are different where you live.