30-06 or bust for me in 2024. In a time where you have to shoot the newest cartridge and are called a fudd for shooting anything else. This season I will be leaving the custom rifles in the safe and will be shooting a Factory Browning X-Bolt in 30-06 for all my rifle hunts. I topped it with a Maven RS1.2 and will be shooting Hammer 151AH monos pushed by old reliable H4350.
I am really concerned that in 2024 the 30-06 is incapable of killing animals. Below is a list of my rifle hunts for this season we will see if this caliber is obsolete.
August Maui Axis Deer
September Antelope
Oct/Nov So Cal Deer
Nov 3rd Season Mule Deer
January Sonora Coues
Stay tuned, I will let you know in this thread if the bullets bounce off.
Oh one last thing it has a stock made out of some weird organic material???
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