30-06 for everything????

Took the chopped tikka 30-06 out today for load testing. I was doing 3 shot ladders using 178gr ELDM and Super Performance powder… this looks like a good load. 2820 fps out of the 20” suppressed, below book max:
In my experience with the 30-06, H4350, H4831SC, Staball 6.5, and Varget have been the best consistent powders from 150-200 gr bullets. That Staball 6.5 is an impressive powder if you can get your hands on it.
I picked up a Tikka T3x Lite in 30-06 for an elk rifle. I’ve found that it prefers lighter bullets and have developed a good load for the 150gr TTSX. Haven’t taken anything with it yet. I’ve moved on to the 130gr ttsx with hopes to get it going 3250-3300fps.

You have a nice looking rifle in a great option of cartridge. I’m not much into browning or wood stock myself but many are. It will do most anything you ask of it.
You should try hammers, they will get past that velocity easily.
Took the chopped tikka 30-06 out today for load testing. I was doing 3 shot ladders using 178gr ELDM and Super Performance powder… this looks like a good load. 2820 fps out of the 20” suppressed, below book max:

2820 FPS out of a 20” barrel 06 with 178 grains seems about 100-150 FPS faster than what would be expected for that barrel length.
2820 FPS out of a 20” barrel 06 with 178 grains seems about 100-150 FPS faster than what would be expected for that barrel length.

Mine settled in to 2772 fps after I seated them deeper to work better with some other rifles. That’s with 56.5gr H4350 which shows no pressure in my rifles.
Late to the party here.....

An old curmudgeon, I spent too many years chasing after FASTER bullets, more powah!! Times have changed. My 2020 Waypoint .308 is now my "do all" rifle. Having now learned that a PROPERLY PLACED 95 gr .243 bullet will CLEANLY kill an Elk, I now know my 308 with good placement will do all I ask it to do...and then some. As will my 30-06 in the back of my safe.

I still believe a bullet should provide a reasonable amount of "insurance" when it hits an animal. Ethics. The 30 cals provide that.

To the OP: Good on you. I'm doing the same with my .308.
I highly doubt there will be any issues. Remember poly and carbon stocks are a new experiment. Honestly planning on using the bow most of the trip but I will definitely shoot one with the 30-06 on this trip.
I work on guitars. I see a lot of severe wood shrinkage with guitars and ukes that come here ( Near Reno NV) from wetter climates, Hawaii being one of the more notable examples. Believe me, wood can move… a lot. I know a gun stock is not a guitar, but I would take a minute and check your zero after a couple days in a dry climate.
30-06 or bust for me in 2024. In a time where you have to shoot the newest cartridge and are called a fudd for shooting anything else. This season I will be leaving the custom rifles in the safe and will be shooting a Factory Browning X-Bolt in 30-06 for all my rifle hunts. I topped it with a Maven RS1.2 and will be shooting Hammer 151AH monos pushed by old reliable H4350.

I am really concerned that in 2024 the 30-06 is incapable of killing animals. Below is a list of my rifle hunts for this season we will see if this caliber is obsolete.

August Maui Axis Deer
September Antelope
Oct/Nov So Cal Deer
Nov 3rd Season Mule Deer
January Sonora Coues

Stay tuned, I will let you know in this thread if the bullets bounce off.

Oh one last thing it has a stock made out of some weird organic material???

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I wish more manufacturers would make .30-06 but I feel like it is getting replaced by the new 6.5 and 7mm rounds
Ended up going with Varget pushing 151g Absolute Hammers 3160 fps. Lots more kills to come but man put this one right behind the shoulder at 200yds hard quartering too both lungs and everything internal was turned to mush.

Long live the 30-06

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Reviving an old thread here but I actually started this same thing last year. I am shooting a Browning XBolt Hunter wood stock 30-06 with a VX5HD on it. Looks like we had very similar thoughts. After years of chasing customs and higher end factory guns the plain Jane Browning is my go to rifle.
Reviving an old thread here but I actually started this same thing last year. I am shooting a Browning XBolt Hunter wood stock 30-06 with a VX5HD on it. Looks like we had very similar thoughts. After years of chasing customs and higher end factory guns the plain Jane Browning is my go to rifle.
Ya so far it kills what it hits. My boy shoots a 308 browning x bolt it just works.
Just came back from a two week vacation in Alaska and the Yukon. Funny, but in the little stores out on the highway that sold rifle ammo, the only rifle ammo I saw was 22lr, 308 win, and 30-06.

It’s telling that this is the rifle ammo that the locals buy
back to the comment you made: 308 is the actual caliber for the Rangers so a lot use it for everything and the 30-06 is considered the mini for bison here. 22lr is used a lot for birds hunting. im pretty sure you ve seen as well 12 ga here.