30-06 limitations or does it not have the “cool factor”

I have some 180 ABs, haven't had much luck finding 165s.
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Now that I live in a part of the country where dangerous critters show up regularly, having a 30-06, .300 Win Mag, or 7mm Rem Mag is comforting when the kids are out playing.

Moose, cougar, black bear and grizzly are not uncommon around my property near Ruby Ridge. Fish and Game had to put several Grizzly down this past year: https://idfg.idaho.gov/press/large-...ary-county-after-repeated-attacks-livestock-0.

I used to hate on the 30-06, but I'm coming around to considering one just because of ammo availability. I reload a baker's dozen cartridges and would just want to shoot OTS ammo for an aught-six. That "shelf-ability" and effectiveness combo is rather compelling for my purposes.
You're looking at this from a realistic and practical perspective, using new innovation in products to enhance a proven cartridge. Good for you! You look at the 30-06 like I do the 308 WIN. You aren't going to wow the new crowd saying you shoot a 30-06 or .308 WIN and neither should you care, but they will deliver!

To be even more realistic, vast majority of hunting kills are under 300yds. With only a variance of +/- .2" most cartridges can follow this zero pattern:

100 200 300
1.5" 0 -8"

Straight on hold to 200 and horizontal crosshair level with the animal's back at 300 for Kentucky drop. Past 300 use the fancy dials or BDC reticle hash marks.

30-06 is a sexy cartridge and I too like the long neck cartridges. Load a 30-06 with a 151-166 Hammer bullet for 3200-3300fps and you can point it at anything!
What powder and grain are you using?
30-06 and 270 are both fine cartridges. With modern propellants, and the few grains of extra case capacity they can both give a little more performance hand loaded then what you get from factory loads. For example, a 270 with a slow burning powder can push 150 grain bullet 3000 fps. And guess what... That remains supersonic past a thousand yards and a bit more punch when it gets there compared to a 6.5 CM.

When we start splitting hairs and arguing about minor differences, we forget it usually ain't about the cartridge. It's about the shooter.
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Did some load development with 200 eldx, superformance and Lapua brass loaded to Tikka mag length. Excellent accuracy and around 2725 fps. 22 in barrel.

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Over 6 pages everything has been discussed so I have nothing new to declare. There is a lot you can do with a 6mm bullet. Efficiency of powders, bullets, and case design have pushed limits significantly. To get a good BC 30 cal bullet, you need to be in the 180g+ weights, but hitting the magical 2900 fps is difficult in short action

There is also a whole thread about 223/5.56 being very effective. Rifle caliber choice is a relative and pocketbook dependent. Sure a 3006 will lay down a deer, but you do it with a 223 also... The man buying the rifle needs to make that decision.

If we're throwing out opinions.... For hunting.. I'm a 6 creed guy till I'm going after animals that are 250+ # . At 250# I become a 7mm PRC guy