30-06 Accuracy Loads???

That being said in the past I could get sub MOA groups shooting the Lehigh 145gr Controlled Chaos bullets out of a 1941 Model 70 in 30-06. And that was with a 1980’s 3-9 Widefield Redfield, haven’t shot that rifle much since I put the Vortex on it as I got into hunting suppressed but I’m sure it would shoot better with the better glass.
Have been reloading for a few tikka 30-06 for a few years and have been shooting the cartridge for a lot longer. I cannot say I have found a load that has really impressed me in a 5-10 shot group range with a variety of powders and bullets. Is this cartridge just not that accurate? The best I can muster is 2 inch groups.

Are there any standard powder charge/bullet combos that tend to shoot well in the 30-06? Or is what I have been seeing kind of what one can expect from the old warhorse?

Rem 700 30-06 with a 150g Nosler BT or Winchester fail safe were most accurate was 52.2g of H380 but it is not a fast load I only shoot 3-5 bullet groups and 3 shot group could cover with a quarter @100. basic Winchester silver tips shot well also, but only for target shooting use. My current 30-06 Deer hunting load is 50g Varget with Barnes TTSX 150g bullets or 150g Nosler E-tip , same weight and powder charge....both MOA. Hope it helps.
I just worked up a load for my son’s T3X 30-06. I used some once fired PMC brass, 210M, H4350, and 165 tipped Game King. Shoots around 0.5 MOA. Been trying to find a load for 168 ELDM but I was mostly doing it just to play around. I love shooting that rifle.
Way back, my dad, brother & myself did a great deal of experimenting with our .30-06's for the most accurate load(s) with 150 gr bullets. We tried all the powders readily available starting with 3031 thru 4831. We found that IMR4320 shot best closely followed by IMR4895. I think if I was going to shoot 165's I go to a slower powder like 4350 as others have noted.
Work up watching for pressure as each rifle is it s own master but if you can work from about 56-57.5 grs of H 4350 (IMR would be similar) with a 165 gr bullet you won’t have long to find a 3/4” or better moa load provided your rifle/scope is capable of such.

Good Luck
I think so, I have only done a five shot group to confirm my load, and then put a harvest on it, then shot that group the next season. I’ve shot 190 ABLR out of it which I forget what the load was, but they were hitting sub-moa out of the gate.
Before going out hunting this season, took, my load to the range. Fired a single shot at 200 yards. POI was 1" low of POA. No rear rest, front rest was using my folding chair. So still 0.5 MOA.
For giggles I tried n555 and found acceptable accuracy, ES, and SD. Velocity is almost exactly 100fps slower than the same grain weight on h4350. I might give it a go in January to see if i can get something worked up but for now, h4350 and 165 BT is gonna be winner for my old 700
I usually get along pretty well with near book max charge of H or IMR 4350 and most hunting bullets in the 165 to 180 grain weight class. R16 also does well and adds some velocity, though it's pretty hard to find these days. IMR 4064 and Varget have been good choices with most 165s as well. My old R700 was finicky with lighter bullets and with certain powders. I haven't tried lighter bullets in my Tikka yet because I don't shoot light bullets out of my '06 anymore, but the Tikka hasn't been as finicky with powders as the R700 .

My load of choice for my Tikka 30-06 is 180 grain Accubonds on top of R16 (when I have it) or H4350. That bullet will group at or under 1.5" for 10 shots with either powder. It might shoot something else smaller, but I know that bullet does what I need so I haven't spent a ton of time on load development with that rifle trying to get smaller groups. Both of my Creedmoors shoot better than any of my '06s, pretty well regardless of load. Whether that's a function of recoil, cartridge design, both, bullet selection (I generally shoot match or other cup-and-core bullets from the Creedmoors . . .), or all of the above is beside the point---it's just how it is.
If it's a hunting rifle, i measure group size of the full hunting load. Five shot groups for the 30-06. Before you go and burn up a few pounds of powder, get a Pact shooting pad to mitigate recoil. It's never a bad idea to have one if you work with young shooters too

Try 180gr anything and RL22. It's an impressive combo. And the 308 kills plenty. You don't have to have every load be close to 300 WM levels. I try to stick around 2700-2740 for my 180 loads. Accubonds are extremely accurate in my CA classic. 168 nosler ballistic tips shoot well also. And many others.
I use federal blue box 150 gr as my "control" group. If that doesn't shoot an inch, it means I'm not doing my job right.