I usually get along pretty well with near book max charge of H or IMR 4350 and most hunting bullets in the 165 to 180 grain weight class. R16 also does well and adds some velocity, though it's pretty hard to find these days. IMR 4064 and Varget have been good choices with most 165s as well. My old R700 was finicky with lighter bullets and with certain powders. I haven't tried lighter bullets in my Tikka yet because I don't shoot light bullets out of my '06 anymore, but the Tikka hasn't been as finicky with powders as the R700 .
My load of choice for my Tikka 30-06 is 180 grain Accubonds on top of R16 (when I have it) or H4350. That bullet will group at or under 1.5" for 10 shots with either powder. It might shoot something else smaller, but I know that bullet does what I need so I haven't spent a ton of time on load development with that rifle trying to get smaller groups. Both of my Creedmoors shoot better than any of my '06s, pretty well regardless of load. Whether that's a function of recoil, cartridge design, both, bullet selection (I generally shoot match or other cup-and-core bullets from the Creedmoors . . .), or all of the above is beside the point---it's just how it is.