Long post here but several things come to mind after reading through this thread or in other words, things that make go Hmmm...
It's funny how the EV fan boys make their passive aggressive comments to imply how smart they are and how stupid anyone who questions this tech is. Hmmm
Others count on great advances in this tech, maybe that will come to pass maybe not, the thing about technical advances is they can not be predicted so you can not count on them. Hmmm
How can we make all the batteries that will be required without so called fossil fuels?
EV mining equipment? Hmmm.
Then there will be battery disposal to deal with in the future....Hmmm
And in between the manufacture and disposal is charging these things, where will the power come from if EV is to supplant internal combustion vehicles in the future? Unless we go on a serious nuclear power plant building binge there will not be enough relatively cheap power. Hmmm
As far as wind turbines, I've been to northern Germany more than once to visit friends. The wind almost always blows there. Wind turbines everywhere there, they started small but building huge ones now, they've been using them there for IDK 40 or 50 years I think. You know what is rather rare to see there? Birds, these things kill many many birds. Hmmm
For those who really want to "do something" and not just virtue signal, get rid of all your vehicles and use a bicycle, near zero pollution except for the methane the operator produces and they are THE most efficient form of motor vehicle!
For me, I'll keep my internal combustion vehicles.
And 90% of what you said could be flipped and said to the combustion engine "fan" boys.
I am not an EV fan boy at all but the bottom line of it, its the future for vehicles.
Oil production has come a long ways since the early 1900s. Its safer, cleaner and more efficient. Mining for the battery's will do the same as it becomes more and more in demand.
The battery's in the vehicles will become better and better and last longer and longer. The technology will advance. It happens with everything.
We have found safer ways to dispose of pretty much everything including stuff that is way more toxic than battery's. We will find a way to dispose of the battery's too.
What if the power grid goes down and you cant charge it? What if a pipeline gets shutdown and you cant get fuel?
As the demand for electricity goes up, we will have to find ways to produce more. Nuclear, coal, solar, wind, its all going to have to be incorporated. We have found more efficient ways pretty much everything in this world, including fuel, we can do it here too.
Generators are far more efficient than a pickup engine is. My tundra gets 10 MPG in the mountains. If I can drive 200 miles on a battery and plug it into a generator that can charge my pickup and that generator uses 10 gallons of fuel to do that, I used less fuel to go the same distance. Its not always all or nothing, sometimes its about reduction.
The bottom line is this. There are pros and cons for everything in this world and you have to weigh everything and make a decision that suits you. Where I live, currently there isn't enough infrastructure to facilitate everyone driving EVs therefore, it currently wont work. As they become more and more popular, demand will push the infrastructure needed. EV technology will continue to grow and they will become better. TESLA was founded in 2003, look how far we have come in 18 years.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said
faster horses.”