2022 Ford Lightning

So a gas powered generator to charge your eco friendly electric truck... hahahahaha
Either that or we have to get more NG and coal out of the ground so you can charge it home. They still make up 60% of our power supply, we can't get nuclear production past 20% due to regulation and all the "renewable" energy only makes up 20%.

I have worked on wind turbines and seen what they do to birds of all species. I am currently watching a solar farm being installed next to a farm I have permission to hunt. These methods of power production are not very renewable to the local ecosystems.

Ford is in an interesting place..they pushed there earnings out 2.1 billion because they can't fill they orders they have due to chip shortages, Q2 isn't even over. All the stuff folks want, Bronco, EV mustang, work trucks, they can't build and they announce this. I see that got 20k pre orders for the lighting already. Gonna be very interesting to watch.
Even Musk said solar panel charging will never be an option based on how many square feet of panel you need to actually get a charge on a vehicle, it will never be an option. I’m not a hater of EV or anything but everyone needs to pump the breaks because they aren’t the savior they are made out to be.

It’s just absolutely hilarious that someone is going to get 100 or less mile range driving in the mountains (without towing) and think that’s ok. Then have someone tow out a gas powered generator to charge em up in the backcountry. It’s just so stupid.

But yes it does make sense for a lot of other applications, but this is a hunting forum that is the context of my replies.
This is true...Musk said it would never be viable. Throw in the coal that's burning to charge the things and the disaster that is lithium mining and where is the net gain?
I know this is the future but I'm just not there yet. The "gasoline is evil" crowd are such hypocrites (not implying that about the OP- just saying). Just like renewable energy that many power companies are pledging to incorporate into their portfolios. The same people bitching about coal produced electricity will complain when their bills are 30% higher due to these renewable sources. Can't have it all.
A different perspective is that we will always need fossil fuels, maybe we just shouldn't be burning them up like drunken sailors and leave some behind for those to follow us. I drive a Tundra and a Landcruiser, burning up fossil fuels with the best of them. I threw my $100 at the long range Tesla truck, 500 mi plus range is something that I can work with.
A different perspective is that we will always need fossil fuels, maybe we just shouldn't be burning them up like drunken sailors and leave some behind for those to follow us. I drive a Tundra and a Landcruiser, burning up fossil fuels with the best of them. I threw my $100 at the long range Tesla truck, 500 mi plus range is something that I can work with.

I agree with this. I'm a fellow tundra owner myself and I average 12 mpg since I installed 10 ply tires.
what's the range in really cold and/or really hot temps running the heater and ac full blast? And while towing too over mountain passes? 150 miles or so?

How many tons of "dirty coal" does it take to charge one in its lifetime?
A different perspective is that we will always need fossil fuels, maybe we just shouldn't be burning them up like drunken sailors and leave some behind for those to follow us. I drive a Tundra and a Landcruiser, burning up fossil fuels with the best of them. I threw my $100 at the long range Tesla truck, 500 mi plus range is something that I can work with.
If it’s anything like every other Tesla it will only cost 30% more than Musk originally said and take 2 years longer. He’s a visionary but also full of hot air sometimes.
If it’s anything like every other Tesla it will only cost 30% more than Musk originally said and take 2 years longer. He’s a visionary but also full of hot air sometimes.
Hopefully they'll honor the price.... I'm in no hurry, hopefull my Tundra doesn't give up the ghost for a long time. I rented a Tesla S100 last week, as all the regular rental agencies were sold out and the Tesla was the same price as any other option. I have a feeling as soon as people get behind the wheel of an electric awd truck (with adequate range) it is going to be very hard to hate on them, I was blown away. That being said watching how fast the estimated range dropped off with a heavy foot, I upgraded my Cyber truck form the mid range to long range when I got home.
Thanks for sharing - i hadnt kept up with new cars and didnt realize Ford did this.

I read a interesting opinion piece from an investor i subscribe to who made a point that Toyota (the car maker with the largest market share) hasnt gone down this electric car trend. Toyota doesnt really buy into that all electric cars everywhere will be feasible. Only 2% of cars on road are electric today, and Toyota isnt planning to jump in anytime soon.

I'm waiting on a hydrogen powered truck. All my money is that technology, and toyota is already a leader in it.
What is Ford doing?? First a 4 door mustang, now they name an electric truck the Lightning!!! Remember when the Ford Lightning was a fast and fun “race” truck from SVT (special vehicle team):-( Heck, maybe they will re-release the Edsel.

Thank God someone else is irritated ford took the SVT supercharged lighting and made it an EV. I dont care if EV is faster. Biggest letdown of this year car wise. Awe cool ford made a new lighting......hold on, wait, what its electric. Fail.
If it’s anything like every other Tesla it will only cost 30% more than Musk originally said and take 2 years longer. He’s a visionary but also full of hot air sometimes.
Musk and Tesla have an extremely unique approach to manufacturing. They are trying to do something that has literally never been done by another manufacturer before, which is why they have so many problems with their supply chain.

Ford, on the other hand, invented the conveyor belt. They're not going to have the same issues Tesla has.
Long post here but several things come to mind after reading through this thread or in other words, things that make go Hmmm...
It's funny how the EV fan boys make their passive aggressive comments to imply how smart they are and how stupid anyone who questions this tech is. Hmmm
Others count on great advances in this tech, maybe that will come to pass maybe not, the thing about technical advances is they can not be predicted so you can not count on them. Hmmm
How can we make all the batteries that will be required without so called fossil fuels?
EV mining equipment? Hmmm.
Then there will be battery disposal to deal with in the future....Hmmm
And in between the manufacture and disposal is charging these things, where will the power come from if EV is to supplant internal combustion vehicles in the future? Unless we go on a serious nuclear power plant building binge there will not be enough relatively cheap power. Hmmm
As far as wind turbines, I've been to northern Germany more than once to visit friends. The wind almost always blows there. Wind turbines everywhere there, they started small but building huge ones now, they've been using them there for IDK 40 or 50 years I think. You know what is rather rare to see there? Birds, these things kill many many birds. Hmmm
For those who really want to "do something" and not just virtue signal, get rid of all your vehicles and use a bicycle, near zero pollution except for the methane the operator produces and they are THE most efficient form of motor vehicle!
For me, I'll keep my internal combustion vehicles.
Thanks for sharing - i hadnt kept up with new cars and didnt realize Ford did this.

I read a interesting opinion piece from an investor i subscribe to who made a point that Toyota (the car maker with the largest market share) hasnt gone down this electric car trend. Toyota doesnt really buy into that all electric cars everywhere will be feasible. Only 2% of cars on road are electric today, and Toyota isnt planning to jump in anytime soon.

I'm waiting on a hydrogen powered truck. All my money is that technology, and toyota is already a leader in it.
Except the prius is a hybrid electric? And rumors are the 2022 Tundra will have a v6 hybrid electric engine and they wont have any v8 options anymore...change is a coming it seems.
Read this in 2007 and question why automotive has not took this technology on...same reason EV will never really take off. OIL $. The diesel bolt on part.

I was talking with a buddy about this truck yesterday; and said it's just not a viable option for me. I brought up the range while towing; and where am I going to charge while hunting for a week. I can throw a 6gal gas tank in my car - can't throw in an extra battery.

Also brought up the Tesla X that was towing a trailer and it dropped it's mileage significantly (as someone else brought up). So now your 10 hour roadtrip just became 15 hours. The tech just isn't there yet to replace gas vehicles.

Get a charging station at every major trailhead and forest road entering the NF and then maybe that's a start.
Big old NO for this guy....45-1hr to charge. Then you have to have charging station to charge at in the first place. So I drive out to hunt 6 hours or so away....stop twice on the way out now I'm at 7.5 hrs....then I want to top off when I get there.

Obviously this is the direction the world is going but I agree....if locally commute or are not off the beaten path much great. For me it is about 25% there for real world use other than around town.

Another Idea how about not having a $7000 tax credit and put that money towards roads/bridges etc. since users won't be paying a gas tax...or charge a usage fee at that charging stations. Imagine pulling up to charge your vehicle and have 3 people in front of you...hahaha
Long post here but several things come to mind after reading through this thread or in other words, things that make go Hmmm...
It's funny how the EV fan boys make their passive aggressive comments to imply how smart they are and how stupid anyone who questions this tech is. Hmmm
Others count on great advances in this tech, maybe that will come to pass maybe not, the thing about technical advances is they can not be predicted so you can not count on them. Hmmm
How can we make all the batteries that will be required without so called fossil fuels?
EV mining equipment? Hmmm.
Then there will be battery disposal to deal with in the future....Hmmm
And in between the manufacture and disposal is charging these things, where will the power come from if EV is to supplant internal combustion vehicles in the future? Unless we go on a serious nuclear power plant building binge there will not be enough relatively cheap power. Hmmm
As far as wind turbines, I've been to northern Germany more than once to visit friends. The wind almost always blows there. Wind turbines everywhere there, they started small but building huge ones now, they've been using them there for IDK 40 or 50 years I think. You know what is rather rare to see there? Birds, these things kill many many birds. Hmmm
For those who really want to "do something" and not just virtue signal, get rid of all your vehicles and use a bicycle, near zero pollution except for the methane the operator produces and they are THE most efficient form of motor vehicle!
For me, I'll keep my internal combustion vehicles.
And 90% of what you said could be flipped and said to the combustion engine "fan" boys.

I am not an EV fan boy at all but the bottom line of it, its the future for vehicles.

Oil production has come a long ways since the early 1900s. Its safer, cleaner and more efficient. Mining for the battery's will do the same as it becomes more and more in demand.

The battery's in the vehicles will become better and better and last longer and longer. The technology will advance. It happens with everything.

We have found safer ways to dispose of pretty much everything including stuff that is way more toxic than battery's. We will find a way to dispose of the battery's too.

What if the power grid goes down and you cant charge it? What if a pipeline gets shutdown and you cant get fuel?

As the demand for electricity goes up, we will have to find ways to produce more. Nuclear, coal, solar, wind, its all going to have to be incorporated. We have found more efficient ways pretty much everything in this world, including fuel, we can do it here too.

Generators are far more efficient than a pickup engine is. My tundra gets 10 MPG in the mountains. If I can drive 200 miles on a battery and plug it into a generator that can charge my pickup and that generator uses 10 gallons of fuel to do that, I used less fuel to go the same distance. Its not always all or nothing, sometimes its about reduction.

The bottom line is this. There are pros and cons for everything in this world and you have to weigh everything and make a decision that suits you. Where I live, currently there isn't enough infrastructure to facilitate everyone driving EVs therefore, it currently wont work. As they become more and more popular, demand will push the infrastructure needed. EV technology will continue to grow and they will become better. TESLA was founded in 2003, look how far we have come in 18 years.

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
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