Wyoming G&F, how de we get a voice as NR's?

Well maybe the cow tags are cheaper. Or are cow tags beneath NR's?

Maybe if Wyoming restricted residents to only cow tags and saved all the type 1 tags for NR's, and flipped the tag prices (residents pay nr fees, nr pay resident fees) maybe then you'd be happy.

Probably not though..

You can complain all you want. Wyoming has tge right to allocate tags how they see fit. Just as your state does.
So you would only pay the price of a NR cow tag? I’ve paid the NR price to play, do you or do you just say you will fully knowing it will never happen?

And no cows tags are not beneath NR, was an easy way to hunt there every year.

You don’t even make sense with that last one, where has a NR said they should pay what R do?
Pittman Robertson funding is pretty substantial.

The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman- Robertson; 16 U.S.C. §§669 et seq.), initially enacted in 1937 as the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (50 Stat. 917), provides funding for states and territories to support wildlife restoration, conservation, and hunter education and safety programs
yep, most every one on here, especially residents have no clue what a budget buster booting non-residents would be and the affect on their wallet. In 2020, 77% license revenue is from Nonres. I'll help you guys out that haven't a clue. The Fish and Game revenue could drop from 2020s total of $88,563,841 to as low as $25,812841 depending on how the feds reacted with their Aide if you were able to get your wish. The rest is simple math, click the link... 2020 revenue
Pittman Robertson funding is pretty substantial.

The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman- Robertson; 16 U.S.C. §§669 et seq.), initially enacted in 1937 as the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (50 Stat. 917), provides funding for states and territories to support wildlife restoration, conservation, and hunter education and safety programs
It is substantial, but it is automatically apportioned based on license sales. Contrary to what some have hinted to above, it's not all or nothing.
Pittman-Robertson Act is apportioned based on land area and licenses sold. Cut license sales and that funding gets cut automatically, but not by as much as you'd think I'd bet.
depends on nonres pressure on the feds with that public land hunting being taken away. You guys have fun, I posted the money link for those that don't know the revenues or where to find it
It is substantial, but it is automatically apportioned based on license sales. Contrary to what some have hinted to above, it's not all or nothing.
But that funding could go away for all states if congress decides, think there was something recently exactly wanting to do this and use these funds elsewhere.

I'd also pay for the fee for any other states hunting tag, if I wanted it. If I didn't, I wouldn't. Again, this is a really simple deal.
Remeber your the one that said you would gladly pay it, but I bet the majority in WY wouldn’t, especially if all federal or a majority of federal lands are sold someday, which could easily happen especially with our federal debt load.

And the further western state residents alienate themselves the fewer NR would contact their representatives advising against it, especially when it’s usually western states pushing for the sale of public lands.
But that funding could go away for all states if congress decides, think there was something recently exactly wanting to do this and use these funds elsewhere.
Would that have anything, anything at all, even 1%, to do with a single state doing anything to nonresident hunting?

Absolutely not.

Red herring.

If you are referencing the RETURN act, it was based on taxing a constitutional right. ZERO to do with hunting at all.
Remeber your the one that said you would gladly pay it, but I bet the majority in WY wouldn’t, especially if all federal or a majority of federal lands are sold someday.
Remember you can recreate all you want on those federal lands.

I'm sure I'm in the minority. Just as you are in the minority, in believing you should have any say in what the state of Wyoming does in regards to the allocation and cost of hunting permits/tags.
Remember you can recreate all you want on those federal lands.

I'm sure I'm in the minority. Just as you are in the minority, in believing you should have any say in what the state of Wyoming does in regards to the allocation and cost of hunting permits/tags.
I don’t believe I should have any say in WY state matters at all, I do think everyone should have a say in federal matters.

WY can charge NR $1million for a tag if they want.
Would that have anything, anything at all, even 1%, to do with a single state doing anything to nonresident hunting?

Absolutely not.

Red herring.

If you are referencing the RETURN act, it was based on taxing a constitutional right. ZERO to do with hunting at all.
Oh no not at all, it wouldn’t be hunting related at all.
If you vote for your senators and representatives, you do. That's how this works.
Yeah but not in WY matters, not a resident there. I believe in state residents determining what goes on in a state, WY could remove all NR tags, yeah all NR would be pissed but it is their right.