How to end NR Wyoming wilderness ban?

It’s their state, they get to make the rules pertaining to wildlife. Don’t like it? Hunt somewhere else.
And the people have the right to lobby and petition for change. They may win or may lose but It's one of the things that makes this country what it is. Collectively, we have the right to challenge the system. This country was born from challenging the system.
I don't like the rule, but it doesn't bother me much. I would prefer Wyoming to be honest about it and admit that it is not a public safety issue. It is outfitter welfare and NR hunter crowding control. A reciprocity rule would be a good symbolic form of protest/retaliation. But I suspect that it would impact very few Wyomingites.

It would be no different than another state designating certain units as Resident Only, whether it contains wilderness or not. Now there's an idea.
Sure, but doesn’t a small part of you want to see the WY wildlife commission members release their warm motherly arms off the shoulders of wilderness outfitters just a little bit?
Not me. I have no doubt it would lead to NR quota cuts and/or outfitter only tags. So even if you win the battle, you will lose the war. NR would end up with some more land they can hunt, and no tag to hunt it with.
Feel free to reread the title for your answer (especially the wilderness part)

Again, I see no comparison between a state limiting the very few tags (insert your CO moose example) issued to res only versus a state not allowing non res from hunting big game ‘IN ALL’ wilderness areas without a guide.

I would like to know if non res hunters can hunt other big game in the moose area you brought up in CO?

Seems like an out of stater of WY can swing a shotgun on birds in wilderness areas but needs payed company if they want to shoot a hoofed animal.

It’s how Wyoming chose to do it. Alaska has some requirements by species, but also some areas that aren’t open to non residents without guides. I’m sure other states have similar. Some allocated tags for outfitters (I think, never done it). There is a million different ways to distribute a very limited resource, and I’d bet all of them are going make more people angry than happy. It’s not just hunting- it’s the same thing as anything else that has more demand than it can support. It gets limited (in some way), or it gets destroyed.

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Not me. I have no doubt it would lead to NR quota cuts and/or outfitter only tags. So even if you win the battle, you will lose the war. NR would end up with some more land they can hunt, and no tag to hunt it with.

How would eliminating the outfitter requirements for NR be a loss to me? Tags are still being issued one way or another. If outfitters aren’t required then I would at least have a chance to hunt the wilderness area. Not much would change, you are still drawing from a limited allotment of tags that the resource can substance. It’s not like it would be an OTC tag… It would be just like the other areas in WY that are on a draw system.

Are the outfitters not capped on the amount of tags they can guide?

For the record, hunting WY wilderness isn’t on my short list but it’s hard to understand this point.
How would eliminating the outfitter requirements for NR be a loss to me? Tags are still being issued one way or another. If outfitters aren’t required then I would at least have a chance to hunt the wilderness area. Not much would change, you are still drawing from a limited allotment of tags that the resource can substance. It’s not like it would be an OTC tag… It would be just like the other areas in WY that are on a draw system.

Are the outfitters not capped on the amount of tags they can guide?

For the record, hunting WY wilderness isn’t on my short list but it’s hard to understand this point.

I would rather have 84/16 and no wilderness than 90/5/5 and be able to hunt the wilderness. I have hunted in the wilderness many times and it is not worth giving up anything for. Just my opinion.
I would rather have 84/16 and no wilderness than 90/5/5 and be able to hunt the wilderness. I have hunted in the wilderness many times and it is not worth giving up anything for. Just my opinion.

Exactly, and people forget, nr landowners draw first and they have no cap. 5% could go to 0% pretty quick in some hunt areas.
Maybe there should be some additional classes at S2HU... @Billy Goat @fwafwow @Drenalin @Nickofthewoods

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True Story, offered to do a Rokcast on memes and how to properly craft them. Explain the art behind them, when properly done, it's got a lot more to it than just a picture with words.

It wasn't completely shut down, but apparently I need a little more sound equipment than I have.

Whoda thunk you need more than string and some cups...