Wyoming G&F, how de we get a voice as NR's?

I don't think so...
If 100% of those that hunt did, talking 60k resident hunters, it would make up for losing 13k NR tags off which the majority were $700 tags, just talking elk but the same would flow with deer and antelope.

Thing is some residents couldn’t afford it, especially if they only make $20k a year, it would further turn it into a rich man’s sport.
We're talking all nonresident hunting stopped correct? not just elk tags
Yeah but even if all NR stopped, resident tags wouldn’t need to go up more then 3x what they are today, they don’t sell a ton of tags to NR in WY currently, unlike CO.

Now sell all federal land and no way, majority of residents would have no where to hunt so they would need NR landowner/lease owner tags or outfitter tags for hunting private as that private would be very valuable for hunting leases.
Yeah but even if all NR stopped, resident tags wouldn’t need to go up more then 3x what they are today, they don’t sell a ton of tags to NR in WY currently, unlike CO.
So if you boot ALL nonres big game/small game hunters, that should mean all federal aide go away as well correct? I know the money figures already...
So if you boot ALL nonres big game/small game hunters, that should mean all federal aide go away as well correct?
Believe it would, could be wrong but I know CO gets money from that for each tag sold. So WY would lose all the money on NR tags, that go towards that funding mechanism. Not sure if R tags are accounted for that as well currently.

Well that’s not all federal, just PR funding. Federal funding goes to way more then wildlife management and shouldn’t be associated to hunting licenses as the majority in this country could careless about hunting rights but yet love to travel and explore nature.

Imo, hunting will be a thing of the past in 30 years for R and NR, too many in our country don’t participate or care about it and hunter numbers will only continue to shrink with time, maybe not in WY, but nationwide.
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Maybe you've forgotten how the system in the US works but the land the animals live on doesn't determine who owns the animals.

Hmm I’d argue that to a certain extent based on landowner tags etc.

Regardless I don’t want to see the feds running at.

In my limited time reading the internets, I’ve determined that 95% of resident hunters are idiots no matter the state they live in.

Continual bitching about non residents, licenses to expensive, predators, and just about any thing that seems possibly unfair all based around self centeredness.

No matter which state I hunt it’s always the same with the residents winning the biggest dicks to deal with.

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Believe it would, could be wrong but I know CO gets money from that for each tag sold. So WY would lose all the money on NR tags That go towards that funding mechanism. Not sure if R tags are accounted for that as well currently.

Well that’s not all federal, just PR funding.
these are 2020 numbers for license revenue
Federal Aide to F&G - $19,400,000
Nonres - $43,593,085
Resident - $9,599,458

Subtract those two on top and WY loses almost 63 million dollars.
ok, I'd still pay it.

You know, nobody is making you 1. hunt in Wyoming 2. Apply for a "special" tag.

What are cow tags going to be?
Not sure on cow tags and yes you would pay but do the impoverished of your state have those same means to pay?

Correct no one is which is why I’ve let my pts go for deer and antelope, just not worth it to me anymore, I’ll hunt elk one more time as a NR, maybe but depends on what the future holds, maybe I let them go as well.
Hey I’m just saying, NR should experiment with uniting and boycotting for a few years. Let’s give it a try! Should be a fun few years for the residents! Any takers?
What percentage of the state wildlife and fisheries budget comes from federal dollars in Wyoming? or Montana? Or any state?
Pittman Robertson funding is pretty substantial.

The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman- Robertson; 16 U.S.C. §§669 et seq.), initially enacted in 1937 as the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (50 Stat. 917), provides funding for states and territories to support wildlife restoration, conservation, and hunter education and safety programs
Not sure on cow tags and yes you would pay but do the impoverished of your state have those same means to pay?

Correct no one is which is why I’ve let my pts go for deer and antelope, just not worth it to me anymore, I’ll hunt elk one more time as a NR, maybe but depends on what the future holds, maybe I let them go as well.
Well maybe the cow tags are cheaper. Or are cow tags beneath NR's?

Maybe if Wyoming restricted residents to only cow tags and saved all the type 1 tags for NR's, and flipped the tag prices (residents pay nr fees, nr pay resident fees) maybe then you'd be happy.

Probably not though..

You can complain all you want. Wyoming has the right to allocate tags how they see fit. Just as your state does.
I’ve noticed a trend from hanging around internet hunting forums for a while.

The states that are already the most restrictive toward nonresidents seem to have residents that are most vocal about “all those nonresidents ruining the hunting.”

Similarly the guys with the best opportunities right out their door do the most whining about things “not being as good as they used to be.”

It’s a funny observation of human nature I guess.
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