I did book the hunt but it was postponed due to poor sheep numbers on the ranch- the advantage of a reputable outfitter and me being a multi-time repeat hunter could trust him to deliver. And not take advantage of the hunter
It was fortuitous on multiple accounts I booked the hunt and that it was subsequently cancelled-
My friend (52 yo) died in the Nome AK plane crash just before the dates I was to leave. It was a sad time for the family but was able to make the funeral because of the cancelled hunt .
Also because of the cancelled hunt my wife and I still had tickets to AZ (enroute to Hermosillo) we decided to still go down to the sunshine for a couple days to get a break from winter and the recent death. My wife also felt she should spend an extra day in AZ with her sister. Then we would make it back for our friends funeral.
Needless to say the week after that funeral her sister (49 yr old) suffered from sudden heart failure! The family rushed down but it was too late. Severe brain damage and subsequent coma was unrecoverable. She passed 11 days later

So sad for my wife to lose a sister. It’s been a rough month for sure- but if I had not booked that hunt, and if it wasn’t cancelled, my wife wouldn’t have seen her sister (the last one in her big family to have seen her well) just the week before. So Grateful for that opportunity.
So I guess I am even more in the camp to live life while we can!
Tomorrow is promised to no one - Walter Payton (died age 45)