Porthunter, Great looking Bighorn!!! Congrats...1/4 of the way to your sheep slam!
Living in BC like you do...go get that Stone. Keep putting in for the Dall tag and get it done! Time is on your side to draw a Dall LEH here, you have 40 or more good years of mountain hunting ahead of you with any luck.
As per the Desert, I'd put in for draws in the states that offer NR tags, especially if you can do it without paying high application fees (like having to buy a NR hunting license every year). Someone will draw the tag, it could be you!
I'd also follow the good advice given on saving money as well as getting set up with a good career that will allow you to make enough money to realistically do a Desert hunt at some point.
Also when you have significant funds saved, get on outfitter and booking agents' cancellation lists and be ready to go on a moments notice. These kind of hunts come along once in a while.
I was very fortunate to arrow two bighorns DIY in CO over 35 years of applying and drawing 6 ram tags. Really fortunate to draw a NR tag and arrow a desert bighorn in NV...the first year I put in! My buddy had drawn the same tag the year before and rifled a ram. He went along with me to and I got a ram the 8th day of the hunt.
Life took a turn when i had a great job opportunity in BC and moved here. I did 8 backpack hunts for Stones before I arrowed one.
With 3 legs of a GS, I decided I wasn't getting any younger, and had yet to draw a BC Dall, so booked a 2017 hunt in the NWT where the hunting area had been sold to a new outfitter and had openings that year. Luck was with me and I arrowed a nice ram a week into the hunt, completing my archery sheep slam, 37 years after my first sheep tag and hunt in CO. (Note...I went on a cheap 2 on 1 Dall archery hunt with a crappy outfitter in Alaska 23 years ago. It was a total waste of money and 2 weeks of my vacation time. Research your outfitter and the area they hunt.)
I'd like to draw a BC Dall and have a complete DIY archery sheep slam, but its a race whether I draw a Dall tag before I'm too old to climb the mountain! And BC Dalls are tough enough with the rifle, much less a bow based on discussions I've had with Dall hunters here!.
Good luck and hope to see you at some sheep counts and WSSBC events when C-19 tails off!