Budgeting for sheep

stock pile the purest placer gold you can get your hands on every year. Wait 18-20 before you cash it in. Do not sell until the price has reached $1000 per ounce higher than when you purchased most of it. If you keep it liquid you'll spend it when momma needs new digs. If it's in the bank you have to pay taxes on it.

20 years is a long time at the rate we're moving. Gold will be hard to buy and expensive by then.

DO NOT sell quickly. wait till it climbs and then cash in and go hunting.

Just sayin.
3k/yr, so $250/mo?

Join a trading website that allows you to buy fractional shares of stocks. SPY is giving a 10% year over year return, that looks like this:

Year 0$0.00$0.00
Year 1$3,000.00$3,000.00
Year 2$6,300.00$6,000.00
Year 3$9,930.00$9,000.00
Year 4$13,923.00$12,000.00
Year 5$18,315.30$15,000.00
Year 6$23,146.83$18,000.00
Year 7$28,461.51$21,000.00
Year 8$34,307.66$24,000.00
Year 9$40,738.43$27,000.00
Year 10$47,812.27$30,000.00
Year 11$55,593.50$33,000.00
Year 12$64,152.85$36,000.00
Year 13$73,568.14$39,000.00
Year 14$83,924.95$42,000.00
Year 15$95,317.45$45,000.00
Year 16$107,849.19$48,000.00
Year 17$121,634.11$51,000.00
Year 18$136,797.52$54,000.00
Year 19$153,477.27$57,000.00
Year 20$171,825.00$60,000.00

Keep in mind that you would actually be netting gains from "year 0" to "year 1", increasing all of the gains down the pipeline.
I think in 25 years sheep tags might actually be easier for some of us guys in that 25-35 year range to get. Let's face it the you tube generation won't be as much competition for tags. I am 36 now fwiw
I have been applying for AZ deserts and MT bighorn and have 5 points in each place. Wish I would have started in 2002 when I graduated HS
BC doesn’t have a point system like many of the other provinces/states. It’s a complete lotto.

fortunate enough with a bit of luck one can draw a dall LEH zone, hunt stones yearly and Rockies without LEH.

I think Jeff is mainly getting at budgeting for a Desert Sheep in Mexico.
I think just like classic cars, the interest in and value of a sheep hunt will go down as USAs wealthiest and most entitled generation dies off.
I think just like classic cars, the interest in and value of a sheep hunt will go down as USAs wealthiest and most entitled generation dies off.
Wow. You are WAY off on the entitled part. That goes to the millennials by a MILE. Poor choice of words...
Well I’m right in the middle of them...all the boomers I know have worked their tails off. I’d take them 100:1 over the 30 and under crowd.

Sheep hunting is not ever going to get more affordable. The only NA hunts that have gone up in price more in the last 20 years than sheep hunts are Mountain Goat hunts. And the supply of sheep is much more limited than the supply of goats.