2024 Desert Bighorn Sheep Hunt Sonora


Nov 22, 2023
In January 2024 I booked a hunt with Silvia Torres of Extreme Desert Outfitters in Sonora, MX for a Desert Sheep. The hunt was planned for December 2024! It’s been my dream for the last 20 years to complete my grand slam of North American sheep. Since it had been almost ten years since my last sheep hunt I knew prep work of physical conditioning would be crucial to my success. My wife Christine also has a passion for hunting and wouldn’t miss out on a chance to come along for the adventure. She worked hard to crush her goals to be in sheep shape too. On day two we got on two rams early in the morning. One was a beautiful legal ram, but Silvia told us being the second day of the hunt she thinks we can do better! So we decided to pass on him, as we were making our way back to the truck to head to where another guide was glassing for us, he called on the radio and said Macho Grande ram spotted. That got the adrenaline pumping! The hunt was on! He was sky lined on a ridge top above us and we waited for him to bed down before making a move on him. After a strenuous climb we arrived at the area where we last saw him. We glassed the entire area with no luck spotting him so we assumed he’d moved while we were closing the distance. Luckily for us we looked over the next slope and found him bedded below us. We went from what felt like slow motion to time fast forwarding and hearts pounding in a split second. In my mind I was trying not to be distracted by his huge horns and beautiful black cape! I didn’t want my nerves to be rattled anymore than they were! As I was settling in for the shot Juan Carlos said…230 yds. The ram saw us at that exact time. He quickly bailed off his bedding spot, disappeared out of sight luckily he reappeared at 370 yards and I was able to connect on him! I can’t believe how fast it went from passing a good ram to connecting on a ram of a lifetime! I had dreamed of completing my Grand Slam for so long, I couldn’t believe I was about to put my hands on such a magnificent animal! This hunt was short but truly EPIC in every way! Having 5 guides glassing to make my dream come true!! Silvia and Pancho worked so hard and were the best outfitting crew I’ve hunted with. I also need to thank my wife Christine for understanding my obsession. She hiked every mile with me except my first sheep hunt.

Sheep 2024.jpg


Oct 1, 2012
Castle Rock, CO
Congratulations on an awesome ram. I went in February after waiting a similar 10 years as you from my last sheep hunt. I daydream about the Sonoran hunt every day.
Waiting to get the sheep home was painful. FYI - the process to get the cites permit and get my sheep home was 5 months from the date of kill to on my doorstep.


Nov 22, 2023
Amazing ram

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Congratulations on an awesome ram. I went in February after waiting a similar 10 years as you from my last sheep hunt. I daydream about the Sonoran hunt every day.
Waiting to get the sheep home was painful. FYI - the process to get the cites permit and get my sheep home was 5 months from the date of kill to on my doorstep.
Thank you! Yes my taxidermist said the cites will be slow coming from Mexico. It crazy to think when I started 20 years ago the desert sheep was the most expensive! The others weren’t bad then compared to what the hunts sell for now. I figured then I’d never get a desert because of the cost. Congratulations to you as well!!


Dec 22, 2024
Congrats on your Desert Sheep hunt and completing your Grand Slam! You and Christine must be beaming with pride. Thanks for sharing your thrilling story!


Aug 5, 2019
He’s a beauty man! Congrats on him being your “Slam Ram” as well. I shot my Desert a year and he arrived at my taxidermist almost 5 months later exactly.