4 miles (400') with Tiny Elvis- passed the 1500 mile mark.
Soooo... after our hike, I go to the range to sight in and get some time behind my new rifle. Scope was mounted paying very close attention to level, all screws torqued to spec w/ just a little blue Loktite. Go to the 25 yard range to insure it's on paper (which should be as I did a little home bore sighting).
Take one shot, it's on the paper, low and right; couple of adjustments and a couple of shots I'll head to the 100 yard range—sweet!
Unscrew the top turret (already put my reading glasses on) to take care of elevation first. Took a couple of times to sink in, but it says turn right to move impact. Right? Oh yeah I mounted it 90° off- son of a b1tch!
Got home loosened up the ring screws, turned the scope 90°, removed each screw one at a time, cleaned threads, reapplied a little blue Loctite, reinstalled screws just snug, made sure scope is level and then torqued to spec.
Take 2 tomorrow