
Hiked 700vert with 55lbs this morning.
Mid-day lift
Pull Up Ladder to 10

5 sets, no rest
Squats/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185/205 x 10
Plyos (jump squats/scissor lunge/box jump) x 5ea
TRX Knees 2 Chest- x 12
1 arm Deadhangs on the fat bar

4 sets, no rest
Close Grip Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Pull Up- x 10/11/12/13
Fisio Sit Up- x 15

3 sets, 90sec rest
4-arm Curls- x 65
Plate Hold with the 45lb fat bumper plates
I left early Friday morning and went to Oklahoma for a few days of fishing. Archery season opens here next weekend, so I knew it would be a while before I could get back up there. When I got home yesterday I got in a good leg workout, then 2 miles this morning. After work I'm planning on hitting chest and shoulders.
5 miles (1300' in the first 3/4 mile) & 35# with Tiny Elvis

Pull Up Ladder to 8

4 sets, no rest
Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl- 45/45/55/65 x 12
Push Up- x 20
Preacher Curl- 45/45/55/65 x 10
1-arm Deadhang on the fat bar with each arm

Bench- 4 sets of singles working up to near 1RM

2 sets, no rest
DB Incline Bench- 60s x 10
Reverse Curl- 45 x 12

Farmer’s Carry with 60s- x 90sec