
10 minute alternating EMOM
-5 bench press, build to a heavy set
-7 strict pull-ups

Partner workout, 3 minutes for max reps at each station:
1 partner works while other rests, 30 seconds at a time:
Station 1: Pushups and/or ring dips
Station 2: Assault bike cals
Station 3: Burpee box-jump overs 24"
Station 4: Sandbag cleans over shoulder.
Push all sets to failure
Incline db press 17/11/10/10 70/80/80/80

Compound sets
Barrel press db 16/13/12/11 55/60/65/65
Anterior plate raises 4x15-18 25#

Diamond press 3x15-20
db lateral raises 4x15-20

Lying cable curls 13-25
db French press 15/12/10 70/80/80

Hammers 25/15/13 35/40/45
Single arm rope pushdown 3x15-20
Holy buckets- what a trip! 40 miles (20 miles off trail), about 10,000' gain/loss; never saw a soul :)



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