
Great trip over east bow hiking. Winds were unstable and swirling all weekend which made getting close to elk pretty tough. Put about 25 miles of boot leather on in 2-1/2 days. I was able to get some bulls going but stayed back and didn't push the issue with the wind, knowing I'll be back in a couple weeks. Got to have fresh grouse for dinner, and called in a cougar to 30 yds.

Back to the grind this morning...

Every 90 seconds for 8 rds:
-20 cal row
-10 (5R/5L) Single arm DB push jerks

For time:
-200 double-unders
-30 (15R/15L) single arm DB thrusters
-40 cal assault bike
Been out of pocket for a few days. Only had 2 days off since the 3rd week of July, but I’ve been able to do some form of PT most days. Off for a few days now.

Hiked my usual PT hill of 700vert with 35lbs this morning.

5 sets, no rest
Squat/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185/225 x 15
Bench- 45/95/135/185/195 x 15
Farmer’s Carry- 55/60/65/75/85s x 1min

My oldest and his buddy spiked the first 2 nights of MT bow season where he found a set that was just under 350 this spring. They were in a lot of elk and several bulls. Got some cool video of bulls and a 170ish buck. No arrows flung at elk and he also blew a stock on a good buck. They had a great time. I’m ready to unplug and get out for ID mulie season.
And the HEAT continues down here

Wednesday legs

Today all sets to failure
Pre exhaust cable flys 25/25/20/20
Push up 20/18/20
Incline db press 16/12/15 60/70/50s

Shoulder press db 20/16/14 25/30/35s
Lateral db raises 18/16/16
Shrugs db 3 sec eccentric 25/18/18 60/60/70

Barbell curl 25/16/13/15 45/65/85/45#
Cable push down 18/16/14

Cable curl SA 20/20
Rev pushdown 18/18
Got back this evening; 14 miles (2400') for our trip. Grouse didn't cooperate ie they didn't stay put long enough for me to shoot one at 15' with my revolver :ROFLMAO: Did catch a couple of very feisty cutthroats though. Saw a few goats up close.

I think everyone had a good time.
