ILF limb draw weight change with riser length


Apr 27, 2012
Queensland, Downunder
Been looking at ILF bows for the first time. I'm wanting to get my 12yo son something he can start hunting with that allows the flexibility to upgrade limbs as he gets older. Plus the riser can serve as a platform for a backup bow for me.

The Hoyt Satori 17" riser has caught my eye. 17" just to keep a compact bow for my lad.
3Rivers has the Satori riser and 35# short Uukha Gobi limbs for a decent price.

My question is what draw weight will these limbs be on the 17" Satori?
How does ILF rate their limbs and how does the draw weight change with riser length?

He currently shoots a cheap recurve. 30#@28" 64". He doesn't draw 28" of course but it gives me a comparison point. No trouble drawing this bow at all.

What draw weight is your 12-15yo shooting?
I believe the Gobis are marked for weight on either a 17 or 19" riser so they should be close. Call 3 Rivers to verify.

My 13yo, who is pretty small for his age shoots 25 pounds easily.
Most ILF limbs go up or down about #1/inch of riser length from what they rated for (down in lb's on longer risers and up for shorter risers). If the limbs are rated for #35 in a 19" riser, you will be about #37 on a 17" riser.

I believe the satori limbs are rated at 21” it’s been a few years since I had the Hoyt limbs
Uukha Gobi's are rated on a 19" riser. They will gain 2# going down to a 17" riser. They gain 1# for every inch shorter in riser length and lose 1# for every inch you go up in riser length. So those 35# limbs should be around 37# on that Hoyt Satori riser. You might consider looking at Alternative Archery Services and get the Uukha Sx50 limb. It is the exact same limb as the Gobi but they call the Sx50 a "target limb". I always buy the Sx50 because they come in 2# increments instead of 5# like the Gobi. That way I get the exact weight limb I want. Also that limb is guaranteed to be within 1# of the marked weight. Alternative has the best prices. I also always get their "small log mat" limb because for a hunting limb I do not want the big colorful logos on the limb. It just has a small Uukha sticker on the limb maybe an inch in size.
Also the sx50 is rated on a 25" riser so you would have to do the math on what poundage you would order.
OK so I measured his draw length and what weight he's holding.

AMO draw length is 24.25". Holding weight with the cheapo bow is 22#.

I'm confident he could hold up to 26-27# at the moment.

So what length and draw weight limbs would give this holding weight @24.25" AMO? Ability to wind the bolts in to ad draw weight above this eoukd be good.