
Snatch Progression:
(High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch) = 1 rep
- 3 @ 65%
- 2 @ 75%
- 1 @ 85%
- 1 @ 90%


Part 1 - EMOM8:
- 6x DL @ 225/155#
- DU for reps w/remaining time

Part 2 - AMRAP8:
- Bike for Calories (12/10)
- 12 Slam balls (20/15#)

(160 RX)
It’s been a LONG time since I’ve gone RX 5/5, been a good week. Feeling so much better each week. Man it’s been a long year of recovery. I suck at DU, lost them during the recovery period. But working hard to get them back.

Then 15 arrows at 52 yds

Then 8 x 12 second “hill” sprints. Sprint up/walk down. I’m pretty close to sea level, so My hill was more of an “incline”.

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Friday- Tris/Back/Abs
Warm up Hanging Pull up ladder to 10

5 sets
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185/205 x 20 down to 8
Dead-45/95/135/185/205 x 12
TRX Inverted Rows-10, 22 pull ups on last set
Hanging toes 2 bar-12

2 sets, no rest
1-arm Barbell Deadlift-135 x 5ea arm
Kettle Bell Swing- 20 x 30
Dip-Body x 30

Farmer’s Carry-60s x 120yds
Today was my CrossFit Gym’s 10th anniversary. To celebrate the occasion they tried to kill all of us.

“A WOD for the Decade”

10 (TEN!!!) Rounds for Time:
- 10x Pull-ups
- 10x Hang Power Cleans (115/75#)
- 10x Burpees
- 10x Jumping Lunges
- 10x Wall Balls (20/14#)
- 10x Hang Power Snatches
- 10x HSPU
- 10x Russian KB Swings (52/34#)
- 10x Cal Row
- 10x Front Squats

I did 400 reps RX in 60 minutes (out of 1000). Way too hot. Hands are torn apart. I’m Going to be worthless for the rest of the day. But I went 6/6 RX this week. Best week I’ve had in a really long time!

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Partner Wod 34 minute cap

9 burpee over db
18’ oh lunge #35
20 situps
18’ oh lunge
6 ground to oh #95

One partner work the other run 200m -switch and pick up in the wod wherever you were at.

With remaining time establish a heavy
Clean and jerk
65 KB swings @ 50#
40 KB swings @ 40#
30 KB swings @ 30#
9 pull ups
4 x 15 seated cable rows
4 x 8-12 wide grip lat pulldowns
4 x 20 single arm cable rows
4 sets 0:30 battle ropes
5 sets of wood chops both cable and medicine ball

Shot 30 arrows this morning 35-54 yards

Yesterday morning left at 4 am drove 4.5 hours —hung two tree stands for elk season then drove the 4.5 hours back home.
Dips 4x15/failure ( 3 sec eccentric )
Single arm standing barbell press 4x15/12/10/10/15 55/65/75
Incline press 4x15/10/10/15 135-185
Cable flys 2x20
db lateral raises 4x20
db skull crushers 4x15/20
Standing cable skull crush 4x15-20
Single arm cable angled pushdown 3x15
Warmed up good with hip flexor, counterbalance squats, side step ups, etc.

4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185
Kettle Bell Swing- 20 x 15
Decline Sit Up- 15

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 385

Bench Squats- 225 x 51 for time… 3:15

Gonna do an evening PT hike with the wife around 1.5mi after dinner when it cools off.
4 sets
Barbell Curl-45/45/55/65
Push Up-15
DB Curl-20/25/30/35

2 sets Plyo Push Ups/Plyos Barbell Curls

Bench- singles from 205 up to 255

2 sets
Bench- 225 x 6, drop set 225/205/185 5x5x5
Reverse Curl- 65 x 12

Drop set Incline BD Bench-75s x 15/60s x 8
Preacher Curl-65 x 21
Farmer’s Carry- 75s

3mi. over and back hill run, 500vert
EMOM5 - Strict Pull-ups:
- 10/8/6/4/2

- 2 x 1 @ 95%
- 2 x 1 @ 100% (maxing out next week)

WOD - For time:
- 50/40 Cal Row
- 40 Air Squats
- 30 KB sumo DL high pulls (62/44)
- 20 Box Jump-Overs (24/20”)
- 10 Clean & Jerk (175/125#)
- 20 Box Jump-Overs (24/20”)
- 30 KB sumo DL high pulls (62/44)
- 40 Air Squats
- 50/40 Cal Row

(21:58 RX). Went for it. That C&J is 90% of my current max. Took me a while but got all 10 reps in!

Then 15 arrows at 53 yards

Then at Home:
- DB bench press 3x10@50#, 1x6@65#
- 15 Min DU & Handstand Practice

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Starting strength week 4 day 10
My squat weight progression has normalized. I was making 20 pound jumps until i hit 305. Bench is steadily increasing, but not at the rate i anticipated (2020 fall i got 315 1rm). Deadlift is a grind every single workout, the weights feel so heavy now.

Squat 3x5 @ 325
Bench 3x5 @ 230
Deadlift 1x5 @ 360

Read my other post and feel free to give feedback there
