
Deadlift - 3x3 @ 90%

WOD - E3MOM x24:
- 500m Row, then Over the Rower Burpees for Reps with remaining time
- 500m Ski, then Single arm alternating DB snatches (60/40#) for reps

(48 RX)

Then 10 arrows at 28 yards

Then 5k ruck with 65#

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Ran 2 miles with a double stroller that is not meant for jogging (imagine pushing a sled ), 6 sets of 6 pull ups on a swingset, 5 sets of 10 dips on a slide. Getting creative with the kids in tow!

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Nice! Great job thinking outside the box rather than just saying "couldn't get a workout in because I had the kids"!
Tabata 4min (:20 work/:10 rest)
- 4 strict pull-ups
- Back extensions

Back Squats - 3x3 @ 90%

Turkish Get-ups - 5x2 (each side)

- 200m Run
- 5 Clusters (125#)
- 5 Box Jumps (30”)

(65 RX, 4 rounds + 1 run)
(I really hate clusters.)

Then a 3 mile Run

Then 8 arrows at 40 yards

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I did more of a traditional gym routine today. Legs and back are still fatigued from yesterday.

5 sets of DB incline bench press 40-80
5 sets of decline barbell bench press 155-275
6 sets of various abdominal twists, wood chops and roll out
5 sets of lateral shoulder raises 15-25
5 sets of tricep kick backs
4 sets of bicep curls

Last night 5 arrows @ 25 and 35 yards.
Did the evening 1.5mi hike last night with 45lbs. The wife and I are doing a loop every evening. 3-400vert

Leg day today:
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
35lbs scissor lunges
25lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 385

Bench Squats- 275/285/295 x 20/12/10

2 sets
Hack Squat-185/205 x 10
Good Morning-65/85 x 10
DB calf raise-25x6

DB Step Ups- 35s x 15ea
DB Lunges- 35s x 15ea

Definitely the hardest I’ve worked since the Rona, seem pretty much back to normal
4 sets of walking lunges 20 yards back and forth 35-55# sandbag

4 sets of 20” box step ups 35-55# sandbag

4x8 pull-ups

4x20 cable flys

4x40 yard farmers carriers 110# total(55# sandbag each hand)

50 KB swings @ 50#

60 KB swings @ 60#

4 sets of 0:35 heavy battle ropes

4x20 tricep extensions