
Gonna try to up my tempo this week. Still get a little light headed.

Squat/calf raises/(Plyos 1st 4 sets)- 45/95/135/185/225/275/295 x 15
Pull Up- x 7

Barbell Curl-45/45/55/65

Bench- singles from 225 up to 255

Bench- 205 x 10
Reverse Barbell Curl- 65 x 12

2 sets
Incline DB Press-75s x 12
Preacher bench DB Curl-25 x 12

Farmer’s Carry-75s

Easy 1mi hill run with 200vert
7 minute AMRAP:
-15 box jump overs 24"
-12 double dumbbell deadlifts (50#)
-9 double dumbbell hang cleans
-6 double dumbbell shoulder to overhead

3 minute rest

7 minute AMRAP:
-15 GHD sit-ups
-12 back rack lunges (95#)
-9 wall ball shots (30#)
-6 shoulder to overhead (95#)

3 minute rest

3 Minute AMRAP
-Ring MU
7 minute AMRAP:
-15 box jump overs 24"
-12 double dumbbell deadlifts (50#)
-9 double dumbbell hang cleans
-6 double dumbbell shoulder to overhead

3 minute rest

7 minute AMRAP:
-15 GHD sit-ups
-12 back rack lunges (95#)
-9 wall ball shots (30#)
-6 shoulder to overhead (95#)

3 minute rest

3 Minute AMRAP
-Ring MU

That’s a good one. Except I would have a big fat ZERO for that last 3 min section

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- 3 pull-up negatives
- :20 Hollow Body Hold + 5 single arm (L&R) Bent over KB Rows (44#)

Strict Press - 3x3 @ 90%

Split Jerk Ladder:
- 3 @ 65%
- 2 @ 75%
- 1 @ 85%
- 1 @ 90%

WOD - 21-15-9 For Time:
- double KB Front Rack Squats (52#)
- toe-2-bars

(10:42 RX). I just got my T2B back in the past couple of weeks (recovering from heart issue), which is pretty exciting. I’d just gotten them in early 2021 just about a month before surgery. I Would have been a lot faster in this WOD if my hands weren’t so dang torn up. Freaking hurts!

Then shot a dozen arrows at 28 yards

Then in the garage at home:

Four rounds (not for time):
- 10 ring dips (scaled - from tip toes, trying to get these RX but I don’t have them yet)
- 10 DB curls (L&R) 35#
- 10 rotational Slam balls, easy count (25#)
- 10 ground to Over the shoulder throws (85# Sandbag)
- 10 Clapping Push-ups
- 2 rope climbs

20 min of skill work
- Handstand Walking
- Double unders

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Warm up pull up ladder to 10

4 sets
Hanging Clean & Press- 45/95/115/135 x 10
Shrug-45/95/115/135 x 10
DB Arnold Press-25/30/35/40 x 10
Hanging Pull Up-10
Decline Sit Up-15

2 sets
Dead & Shrug-185/205 x 2 & 5ea grip
DB Row- 35 x 10
Pull Up Toes 2 Bar- 10

2 sets
Farmer’s Carry- 75s

2mi hill run with 300vert mid-morning

Plan to do a 1.5-1.75mi hike with 50lbs and around 3-400vert after dinner with the wife
Back/ biceps/ rear delts monday

Chest/ shoulders/ tris
Get reps or to failure

Dips 3 sec eccentric 4x15/15/10/8
Incline smith 4x15
Close grip press 3x failure

db Shrugs 4x15-20/ failure with 2 sec concentric pause 65-80#
db laterals 4x15-20/failure

Rev grip preacher pushdown 4x20
Single arm cable drag 4x20