Hammys are sore from the sprints yesterday…
Of course it’s Leg day today:
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185
2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
40bs scissor lunges
35lbs front jump squats
Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 405
Bench Squats- 295/305/315 x 20/15/12
2 sets
Hack Squat-205/225 x 10/8
OH Barbell Lunges-65/85 x 7ea
DB calf raise-25x6
DB Step Ups- 40s x 15ea
DB Lunges- 40s x 15ea
My taller than I am 17yr old did 205 for 20 with good form. Good morning today
Of course it’s Leg day today:
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185
2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
40bs scissor lunges
35lbs front jump squats
Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 405
Bench Squats- 295/305/315 x 20/15/12
2 sets
Hack Squat-205/225 x 10/8
OH Barbell Lunges-65/85 x 7ea
DB calf raise-25x6
DB Step Ups- 40s x 15ea
DB Lunges- 40s x 15ea
My taller than I am 17yr old did 205 for 20 with good form. Good morning today