
Hammys are sore from the sprints yesterday…

Of course it’s Leg day today:
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
40bs scissor lunges
35lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 405

Bench Squats- 295/305/315 x 20/15/12

2 sets
Hack Squat-205/225 x 10/8
OH Barbell Lunges-65/85 x 7ea
DB calf raise-25x6

DB Step Ups- 40s x 15ea
DB Lunges- 40s x 15ea

My taller than I am 17yr old did 205 for 20 with good form. Good morning today
6 x 20 yard 176# tire flips
4 x 15 stiff legged DB deadlifts 70-90#
4 x 10-12 wide grip lateral pulldowns 100-145#
4 x 15-20 rope handle face pulls 25-40#
4 x 10-14 DB military press 25-40#
4 x 10-15 DB bicep curls 25-40#
4 x 15 DB tricep extensions 25#
3 x 15 front raises 25-35#
3:00 battle ropes (2 sets)
Mike sorry they’re heading home so soon! I’m sure it went by way too fast.
definitely- fortunately still a lot of summer left and we're retired :D

strength train this afternoon

squats 3/3/3+/amrap @ 70/80/90/70% of 1RM
bench 3/3/3+/amrap @ 70/80/90/70% of 1RM
pull-ups 22-22-22
dips 2x30
Dips 4x15 failure ( 2 sec eccentric )
Smith incline press 5x18/10/10/8/18
db barrel press 4x15 45/55/65
db lateral raises 4x15 failure
French press 4x12-15 135/155/185
db skullcrushers 4x15 20/25
db shrugs 4x20 75/75/80/80
Cable one arm horizontal exts 4x15-20

Suicides between each set 4x40yds
- 5 weighted strict pull-ups (10# med ball)
- :45 second plank hold (elbows)

Strict press - 3x1@95%
(I actually improved my PR by 7 lbs today! Whoop whoop!)

Airborne Lunges - 4x8 (each leg)

- 10 DB Alt Plank Rows (50/35#) (EC), then KB swings (62/44#) for reps with remaining time.
- 10 Dbl DB box step ups (50/35#; 24/20”), then DU for reps with remaining time.

(38RX, I did terrible in this one. Those heavy/high box step ups were awful. It was all I could manage to just finish the 10 reps inside of the minute. I got ZERO double under reps the entire WOD)

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2.5mi. run with 400vert


4 sets, no rest
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185 x 20 down to 10
Dead-45/95/135/185 x 12
Fat Bar Pull x 8
Weighted Frog Kick-10 x 15

5 sets, no rest
Deadlift-225 x 10
Pull Up- 15
Dip- 45 x 15
Weighted Decline Sit Up- 10 x 15

19 min flat on the circuit. Pull ups are usually my strength, not so much today. Red lined on them and had to take a break on them during sets 4/5.
4x15 seated single leg extensions 45-70#
2x15 20” box step ups 35-45# sandbag
6 sets of decline barbell bench press 135-275
4x16 sets of hanging leg raises
6 x 40 yard farmers carriers 110# total (55# sandbag each hand)
2 rounds of 12” side box step ups 5:00 total
3 x15 oblique twists
4x25 cable tricep extensions

Last night 25 arrows from 25-45 yards. All but three were inside the 6" spot I shoot at as my kill zone. Trying to learn my trajectory on off yardage shots and either pin gap or holding high/low with the pin. 2415 arrows shot for the year and I'll break my season goal of 2500 next week.
Max strict pull-ups
(10.5; not my best but almost back to my pre-heart surgery max of 11. A year ago it had dropped down to 8)

Deadlifts - 3x1@95%

Strict HS push-ups - 4x10
(scaled depth with 25# plate and an abmat. Getting better but still have a ways to go)

WOD - For Time (18min cap):
- 50 Wall Balls (20/14#)
- 50 Sit-ups
- 50 Cal Ski
- 50 Deadlifts (195/135#)
- 50 Toe-2-Bar

(213 RX, the deadlifts smashed me. I was worried about the T2B but they weren’t that bad since I only had :90 left on the clock when I finally go to them! . But, my RX streak continues and man that’s a lot of fun. 11/11 now. I know it will end soon but damn it’s nice to be back!)

Then 20 arrows at 38 yards

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kicking some butt boys, keep it up! :)

12 miles and 3700' of gain (all in the first six miles- definitely some zone 3 stuff happening!) with Tiny Elvis




Trying to get ready for the sheep hunt... I did this and was able to breathe through my nose for most of the workout. Trying to figure out if I should go at a higher intensity or just start increasing time...

Time on your feet for the win :)

Obviously a little extra intensity mixed in is good, but nothing will trump time on your feet.

If you haven't already, check out Uphill Athlete- they have a couple of books, but almost all of their content you can find for free on their site. cliff notes- build the base!
Time on your feet for the win :)

Obviously a little extra intensity mixed in is good, but nothing will trump time on your feet.

If you haven't already, check out Uphill Athlete- they have a couple of books, but almost all of their content you can find for free on their site. cliff notes- build the base!
I just finished the book two days ago! Awesome info, I wish I had read it 12 months ago lol. I've realized I was going too hard lifting weights and need more cardio, I figured I might as well do it all with the pack on with the limited time remaining.