
1.5 mi 65# ruck , then to gym

Back/bicep/rear delts
Rev grip preacher to chest 5x20/10/10/10/15
Seated high cable row 5x20/10/10/10/15
Bent over barbell smith row 4x15/10/10/15 135-185
db hypers 4x20 #50s
Stand cable rear flys 4x15-20 failure
Hanging preacher bar/drag curls ( compound sets) 4x20-30
db hammers 4x15
Cable poor man preacher curl 3x15
5 miles and a 1000' for Tiny Elvis and I this morning- beating the heat, 92 yesterday, forecast is 92 today :( Headed out this afternoon with the family (grandkids in tow) for an overnight at Forest Service cabin we rented, should be a little cooler couple of thousand feet higher :D
4 rounds for time:
4 strict pull-ups
16 alternating hang DB snatches (35#)
6 pull-ups
24 ab-mat situps
8 chest to bar pull-ups
48 double-unders

Partner Workout
For time:
-800m run together
-100 HS Push-ups (split up as needed)
-40 ring MU (split up as needed)
*every time you break/switch out on movements, both partners do 20 double-unders

20 minute aleternating EMOM:
-7 burpee box jump overs (24")
-1 squat clean (start @ 60%, build to a heavy 1 rep)
Tabata 4min - Ski

- 5 Bent Over Rows (95#), 10 Back Extension
- :20 sec Hollow Body Hold, 10 HB rocks

Ski Sprints for meters - 10 Rounds
- 1 min Ski
- 1 Min Rest

- 100m Sandbag Run (45/25#)
- 20 Mtn Climbers (ec)
- Handstand walk 15m (or scale to 2 wall walks)
- 40pts/completed round

I’ve been practicing my Handstands/walking but I’m not very good. It took me about 20 attempts to make it the distance, with 10 of those being complete failures and 10 of them lasting for 3-5 steps. Not great, but the best I’ve ever done on that skill. That makes 8 straight RX’s! Pumped about that!

Then 15 arrows at 70 yards.
- Wasn’t great. Only about 75% of them would have killed an elk. I haven’t been practicing much past 40 and I definitely need to tighten up those groups on longer range shots

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Warm up pull up ladder to 10

5 sets. No break.
Hanging Clean & Press- 45/95/115/135/145 x 10
Shrug- same
Arnold Press-20/25/30/35/50 x 10
Hanging Pull Up-10
TRX Knees 2 Chest-15

2 sets. No break
Dead & Shrug-205/225 x 4 & 8ea grip
DB Row- 35 x 10
Pull Up Knees 2 Bar- 6

DB Clean & Press- 35s x 30

Farmer’s Carry- 75s
Back Squats - 3x1@95%


- Bike 2000m
- 21 power snatches (75/55#)
- 21 OTB Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 3 Min

- Bike 2000m
- 15 power snatches (95/65#)
- 15 OTB Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 3 Min

- Bike 2000m
- 9 power snatches (115/75)
- 9 OTB Bar Facing Burpees

(49RX, I did 4 burpees in the 1st round, then I could only get thru the snatches in the 2nd and 3rd)

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