What if something that was 'actually' real bad happened?

Take this covid 19 virus's rate of spread and mortality rate. Multiply that x 10. That level of virility could easily have been the case for a virus crossing from animals to humans, like covid 19 did. If this is not treated as a stark warning that our current health care system is largely unprepared for pandemics, then these illnesses will perform the evolutionary role they did before our population was this dense. Infectious diseases we have treated for years with antibiotics have mutated to defeat those antibiotics. C Diff, MERSA, SARS which is a coronavirus.

Where there is a medically uninsured population, that is a catalyst to the spread of diseases that are curable or containable with treatment, and a wild card in pandemics.
I know my company came out with a new attendance policy a few weeks ago making it easier to fire us for laying off/not showing up.
We dont get any sick leave.
Then then posted an article this week saying we should stay home if we have an exposure or symptoms.
Haha yeah rite. I definitely wont get payed if I stay home and may get fired to. So everyone I work with always drags everything to work.
Here’s what’s next: revenue drops and jobs are cut. We’re taking about contingencies at my company and none of us - at nearly all levels - are safe. This is the catalyst for the everything bubble popping.

Good thing is my tags are paid for for 2020 🥳
I would guess that 50+% of USA population don't have any useful survival skills. Hunt for food, grow a garden, build a shelter, fire, clean a fish or any animal for that matter. Much less know how to cook it. Can use a weapon of any kind for defense or survival if needed. So if something really bad happened they wouldn't last very long at all realistically and those that did would be totally dependant on others for survival if you chose to risk your family's survival for there's. Sounds harsh but it would become reality very quickly, I would assume in a world collapse type situation. Logistics alone of getting out of a urban helpless environment to a region that would sustain your needs would be monumental by itself. God forbid this ever happens

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This isn't the BLACK PLAGUE!!!
Step 1. Wash your hands more frequently.
Step 2.keep your hands away from your eyes and out of your mouth.
Step 3. Live your life as you have until now with small exceptions of step 1&2!
Jesus Christ!!!! ZAP, give it a break, this preponderance is what is creating/prolonging the crisis!!!
First case in the county at the wife’s hospital. Was presumptive positive yesterday, confirmed today. Our doc friend was exposed and is in self-quarantine

forget about running out of TP, what happens when we run out of docs...?0

I dont want to think about that. But it is a scary possibility.

It's weird. I solo hunt in Grizzly country. I understood my risks, my wife understands the risks.
Not knowing what is really happening and having her walk into that emergency department bothers me. I'm not freaked out, but I'm keenly aware of the risk she is taking to go there.

She talked me through the procedure she has to perform on someone who is dieing of lung failure. (Which is a common form of death from Covid19) Her face will be inches from their's as she try's to insert a breathing tube. They will be coughing and spitting. She will most likely be infected at some point in the coming months. She is young, strong and healthy, its unlikely to be a problem. There are a lot of doc who are not in her position and will have a very real moral dilemma presented to them.
Sounds a little dramatized there, I'm assuming you are talking about inserting an ET tube.

Before an ET tube goes in people are given paralytics. Check out a YT video.
I dont want to think about that. But it is a scary possibility.

It's weird. I solo hunt in Grizzly country. I understood my risks, my wife understands the risks.
Not knowing what is really happening and having her walk into that emergency department bothers me. I'm not freaked out, but I'm keenly aware of the risk she is taking to go there.

She talked me through the procedure she has to perform on someone who is dieing of lung failure. (Which is a common form of death from Covid19) Her face will be inches from their's as she try's to insert a breathing tube. They will be coughing and spitting. She will most likely be infected at some point in the coming months. She is young, strong and healthy, its unlikely to be a problem. There are a lot of doc who are not in her position and will have a very real moral dilemma presented to them.

I know how you feel. My wife and a good friend both (at different times) were sprayed in the face by HIV-positive blood. That shit resets your life a little bit...
This isn't the BLACK PLAGUE!!!
Step 1. Wash your hands more frequently.
Step 2.keep your hands away from your eyes and out of your mouth.
Step 3. Live your life as you have until now with small exceptions of step 1&2!
Jesus Christ!!!! ZAP, give it a break, this preponderance is what is creating/prolonging the crisis!!!

This preponderance would not be there if the actions from all levels of government told us otherwise. As babies our parents told us everything would be ok, and 9.9/10 times it was. That isn’t happening here.

If it’s politically motivated by the Dems as a scare tactic, then Trump would have downplayed the severity on national TV last night. As I recall, that didn’t happen. Instead, borders are being unquestionably closed and billion dollar bailouts are being approved. State and local govts seem to be shutting down their territories by the hour.

There are dozens of conspiracy theories that this could play into. Or it’s contrarily simply: it’s a virus that is nasty and kills a lot of f**cking people. Does anyone know for sure? If they do are they talking?

What we are lacking is a true honest source of unbiased info. Bloggers, editorial “experts,” and agenda-prone political leaders claiming to report the truth have spun us into a web for far too long.

This needs to happen. Whatever it is, however many dollars and lives are lost, this culture needs an awakening. Ditch the media. Ditch bipartisanship, and ditch Dicks Sporting Goods (only because 95% of you hate them anyway).

I just pray that when it’s all said and done that my daughters and wife are alive, and that the only remaining Internet cafe in America allows them to use Rokslide when they are responsible enough to use it.

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Jesus Christ!!!! ZAP, give it a break, this preponderance is what is creating/prolonging the crisis!!!

Give what a break? This is a real situation should we stick our heads in the sand? In my opinion the virus itself is not the greatest threat to us. No cases in my county and they cancelled the St. Pats day parade. My gym is thinking about closing 1 of 2 branches in the city near me. That's from no cases locally. They start quarantining cities and who knows what will happen? The death rate is not high in terms of total population but the whole population might suffer substantially.

Its a very real situation and needs to be discussed.
Give what a break? This is a real situation should we stick our heads in the sand? In my opinion the virus itself is not the greatest threat to us. No cases in my county and they cancelled the St. Pats day parade. My gym is thinking about closing 1 of 2 branches in the city near me. That's from no cases locally. They start quarantining cities and who knows what will happen? The death rate is not high in terms of total population but the whole population might suffer substantially.

Its a very real situation and needs to be discussed.
Common sense will prevail most everywhere, except maybe California! Live your life!
Where did you ever get the idea that there is an abundance of common sense in society?

People are buying toilet paper in response.

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