I checked all the grounds and they looked good.
The furnace quit working again today. It did the same exact thing. I tried unplugging the ignitor again and it didn't work this time, so I started from square one.
It quits during the inducer motor cycle, most of the time very shortly after it starts... Maybe a couple seconds. I know the gas valve and ignitor and flame sensor don't come into play until the inducer has been on for 15 seconds. And the solid red code I get is most often quoted as being a bad board. I know the board isn't bad because I swapped it with a new one and it did the same thing. So, it must be electrical issue coming from a part connected to the board.
I checked the transformer and inductor coil. Both had continuity and low resistance. I checked voltage and it was 120ish and 24ish. Those are likely not the issue.
I checked the high limit, auxiliary, and rollout switches... They had continuity and low resistance.
I checked the flue and there's no blockages. I checked the inducer pressure switches. Hmmm. The first stage pressure switch seems to act funky. I sometimes get continuity when sucking on the back tube and sometimes not. I hooked the thing back together and turned the furnace on to check voltage on the pressure switches.
The first stage pressure switch measures 27v prior to the inducer motor starting and 27v after. The 2nd stage pressure switch measures 7ish volts (I think?) before the motor starts and then 0v after. I'm unsure of the correct voltage for the second stage switch but I think it should be 27v also.
Well..... I happened to have a spare new pressure switch set from a couple years ago when I thought that was the issue and it started working again. I never installed it. So, I swapped it out and it worked just fine. 27v prior to inducer motor starting and 0 v after.
I can't believe it has been the pressure switches the entire time the last 3 years. I really don't know why it would throw the solid red error instead of the error that's actually related to the pressure switches. Perhaps because the 2nd stage switch was also being activated and sending a signal?
I don't know. I'm also not sure how the couple tech visits missed that or how I missed it when I checked previously. It could have just been coincidence and timing of when they were checked, since it was an intermittent issue.
Thank you all for the replies and help. It's great to have some folks to bounce ideas off of when everyone I know would rather just put a new furnace in.