What if something that was 'actually' real bad happened?

Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
as I was getting the boat ready this morning, there was a news station on the radio, I wasn't paying much attention, but what I did remember was them making the millennials out to be the saving grace of this whole deal, they are going to protect all of the old folks.

maybe this whole thing is to get some respect for the millennials, so no millennial bashing guys.... maybe if you thank a millennial when you see one, this whole thing will end..... expect the same stuff until the millennials are seen as American heroes.

(no joke though, they were really touting the millennials heavily)


Jul 28, 2019
as I was getting the boat ready this morning, there was a news station on the radio, I wasn't paying much attention, but what I did remember was them making the millennials out to be the saving grace of this whole deal, they are going to protect all of the old folks.

maybe this whole thing is to get some respect for the millennials, so no millennial bashing guys.... maybe if you thank a millennial when you see one, this whole thing will end..... expect the same stuff until the millennials are seen as American heroes.

(no joke though, they were really touting the millennials heavily)

My prediction, or hope rather, is that gen X steps up. Desperately need em!
Feb 20, 2020
This whole quarantine / social distancing thing isn't about "not getting that sick"

It is about there being fewer vectors to transmit to people that will get REALLY sick


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
I generally don't like anyone being crappy to anyone else, and that sentiment certainly applies here. However, it should be noted that there's a really strong intuition within younger generations that we're operating in a political, economic, and social system that transfers wealth disproportionally towards the baby boomers. And not just a little bit. There's plenty of evidence to back up this intuition. It's not talked about a lot, in fact, most people don't even consider it. And I voice it here with caution so that it's not misinterpreted. I don't blame any group of people for generally doing what it takes to secure the bag for themselves. It's just that the effort to do so has weighted things almost entirely against younger generations now. The gap isn't so big that its cause for revolution. But it is almost certainly why revolution is even in the vernacular right now.

I say this with complete reverence for generations that have come before me(borderline genX/millenial). We owe everything we have to men and women much saltier than us on average. The debt is huge. But the cultural debt, and the financial debt deserve to be discussed seperately. It makes me really sad that our communication has broken down so much that the way to express the issue at hand is to think/speak ill of our elders. I wasn't raised that way, I don't behave that way, and I don't condone anyone else doing it. But laying the facts bare, and having an honest conversation about them will go a long way to repairing those lines of communication.

Mostly, I'm bummed that anyone would say that. Sucks!
You are right, the conversation needs to happen.

The national debt burden on the generations to come is undeniable. That can be placed directly on the elected people of congress. By buying votes with free stuff we are slowly eating ourselves. It has been going on for at least 70 years and it will not end well. Yet we vote the same people into office time and time again. Think term limits.

No doubt the younger generations will become more resentful of past generations as the burden grows from the continuation of free stuff. Somebody must be blamed. Yet that is exactly what the young socialists want is more free, free free.

I would venture a guess that most over 65 folks want a better life for those to come.

The one thing that I find most disturbing, that is becoming more evident on several threads even here on rokslide, is the animosity and lack of respect of elders. The idea that the old are holding the progress up of the young is baffling to me.

I have never thought ill of those who came before me. Quite the contrary, I hold them in high regard and a source of learning from their experience.

Trying times expose of what we are made. Lets hope the apple did not fall far from the tree.


Apr 12, 2016
Things are starting to get crazy for sure. 3-4 weeks of unpaid vacation for thousands or even millions of Americans and things are bound to get crazier. I have a feeling there are gonna be more than a few desperate people out there in a few weeks and that’s a little alarming. I’m glad I don’t live in town, and I’m glad we have a freezer full of venison and a pantry full of staples.

I feel weird for my middle son, this is his senior year of high school, they’re out of school until at least April 28th...what a crazy way to finish out high school.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
The younger generation has renamed the Coronavirus to: #boomer remover

Think about that

To be fair, I think this is just a tiny handful of people who have posted this, and, realistically, they haven’t thought it through to the fact they that they are talking about the deaths of their grandparents. It’s just a generational thing and many Boomers resented their parents generation when they were the same age (1960s anyone?). Gen X is such a small generation sandwiched between two giant generations that they (we) aren’t the target of our offspring’s generational angst. The boomers, for the second time In Their lifespan, are the target of generational rejection. There’s all kinds of factors there, including the fact that Boomers are still in the workforce and still very much influential upon society, culture and economics (and still running for the office of presidency).
There is as much marketing targeting Boomers as there is Millennials and almost none targeting Xers. People are living longer and working longer, generational angst is a real thing and Boomers and Millienals have more to butt heads about than either generation does with Gen X, so they go at it. I wouldn’t take it personally, it’s just random shit posted on Twitter and shared a couple of thousand times. It’s not the collective sentiment of an entire generation or represent any meaningful intentional ill will. If Boomers actually start dropping dead in plague like proportions, life is going to get real shitty for every young person and one day, they too, will be grouchy old people, critical of all things youth driven, politically contrasting their offspring, shaped by the cultural environment in which they grew up in, over romanticizing the days of their youth as the “good old days” and dismissive of their generational faults and shortcomings.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
*I’m running around shaking all the WWII veterans hands. Screw those guys, I need a latte and to socialize. That’s way more sacrifice than those old dudes will ever know.......

And the best part is.........those WWII and Korean War vets WILL still shake your hand. They've been through much worse than a virus scare.
Jan 17, 2013
That's maybe the dumbest thing I've ever read. There's a big difference between short term financial hardship and death. One you can recover from. I'm glad you would be ok with my kids growing up missing their grandparents so you aren't inconvenienced for a month or two, though.

My kids have grandparents too. That doesn't change anything.

I don't have any animosity for older generations. It just seems to me that the simplest solution to protect them from exposure to this virus is for them to self quarantine. Many already do this during normal flu season anyway. My surviving grandparents are pushing 90. They already limit their exposure to the common flu in a normal year, not much has changed for them this year.

In the 2018-19 flu season about 35,000 people died in the US. The vast majority were elderly. Nothing shut down. When looking at estimated flu deaths this season, coronavirus has added .4% to the total. And that's much less than the 2017-18 flu season when there were 61,000 deaths.

So I stand by my previous comment that the financial cost of all these shutdowns is not justified by the small number of deaths that could result. Like it or not, governments and other organizations make calculations based on acceptable loss of life all the time, and each person lost is loved by someone.
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
My kids have grandparents too. That doesn't change anything.

I don't have any animosity for older generations. It just seems to me that the simplest solution to protect them from exposure to this virus is for them to self quarantine. Many already do this during normal flu season anyway. My surviving grandparents are pushing 90. They already limit their exposure to the common flu in a normal year, not much has changed for them this year.

In the 2018-19 flu season about 35,000 people died in the US. The vast majority were elderly. Nothing shut down. When looking at estimated flu deaths this season, coronavirus has added .4% to the total. And that's much less than the 2017-18 flu season when there were 61,000 deaths.

So I stand by my previous comment that the financial cost of all these shutdowns is not justified by the small number of deaths that could result. Like it or not, governments and other organizations make calculations based on acceptable loss of life all the time, and each person lost is loved by someone.
hopefully most understand what you're actually saying.... can't say ANYTHING these days without offending somebody.... seems like many won't listen to anything that's actually being said, because they are preoccupied trying to get offended by something.

I have heard some good perspectives lately, but you cannot share that stuff with hardly anyone, because they will twist it around until they are offended by it, missing the message completely.

pays to have a sense of humor in these times, without that, it would be tough to remain sane..... I probably would be sitting at home guarding my wall of TP drinking purell to take the edge off
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Things are starting to get crazy for sure. 3-4 weeks of unpaid vacation for thousands or even millions of Americans and things are bound to get crazier. I have a feeling there are gonna be more than a few desperate people out there in a few weeks and that’s a little alarming. I’m glad I don’t live in town, and I’m glad we have a freezer full of venison and a pantry full of staples.

I feel weird for my middle son, this is his senior year of high school, they’re out of school until at least April 28th...what a crazy way to finish out high school.
besides my daughter being 10, it's exactly the same in my life. they aren't wanting to jail anyone either, unless it's something really serious.... that gives a person a warm fuzzy feeling.

like you, really glad I don't live in town, and there is no riff raff around me, or a reason for them to be anywhere around here... that's nice. gonna have to keep tabs on the house we're selling though.... probably go by there tomorrow just to make sure there is nothing around there to get stolen..... it's suppose to close pretty soon, and I would be irritated if I had to fix/replace anything else before that's all finalized, we just dumped more money into it than we wanted to.

it will be a relief when that's all said and done, but until then, keep living the twilight zone...


Jul 11, 2019
I'm glad those young men & women are protecting us as I was thinking all the Boomers needed to find a safe place we could cuddle with a teddybear or have a special place to cry as things are really badddd.
Try dealing with Agent Orange and then tell me about bad