What does everyone do for a living?

Former backcountry horseback packing/hunting guide...now currently an apprentice Lineman for a helicopter powerline company.
About ten years ago I graduated with a degree in wildlife biology. I promptly went to work full time managing a farm where I had worked seasonally for the previous 7 years. For the last 3.5 years I have worked for my inlaws' landscape company. In the spring, summer, and fall we maintain subdivisions, mow lawns, build fence, some custom farming, light construction, etc. In the winter I feed cattle on our lease and service/fix all the equipment we abuse the rest of the year. (4 Walker mowers and 2 JD tractors) Lots of welding and wrenching. And if I get all that done I weld up odds and ends for myself and am currently building a house that should be about done before spring bear season.

I do have to deal with family dynamics of small business (my brother works for us as well) but it also affords me an awesome amount of flexibility. Kid stuff, home stuff, work stuff, no problem. And the best part is they are family and know what makes me who I am! Last year I logged over 45 days afield and 29 nights. It pays the bills I guess.
Oilfield automation, I manage various teams including R&D, Design/Panel fabrication, PLC Programming, and Field Installation, currently, but have also worked on the telemetry/tower climbing side as well...
I did acquisition integrations for a large industrial conglomerate. I hit my quarter life crisis and decided a career change was in order and am now becoming a certified home inspector. It gives me fantastic flexibility with my schedule and it's nice to work for myself and escape the corporate BS.
Ancillary Services Manager for a private medical practice serving the Front Range of Colorado. Just turned 29 and I can't believe I have been stuck in an office for 5 years already...is it September yet?!