Can you clarify? I think you are saying that from a prone position, fully supported, with all the time you want and +\- no wind, on a 10” target, you think if you do this 100 days in a row you’re pretty sure you’ll miss on at least one of those days? And that most shooters miss at least 1/100 at 75 yards?
On animals? Yes. Without question.
How many hunters have missed a deer shooting from a sandbag in a box blind with a deer feeding on corn at sub 100 yards? Nearly everyone that has shot more than a handful of deer has.
Certainty is a lot, I get that. But I guess Im pretty confident I can hit a 10” plate at 300 yards 100/100 in cupcake conditions.
Have you ever tried walking out and shooting prone at 300 yards, on a 10” plate, 100 days in a row, with every single day being in a different location/range, with no practice shots between days? If not, I would say you are vastly over estimating your percentage. I don’t mean that rudely.
Beyond that, 100 shots at animal at 300 yards? I’ve done that. I missed more than once. Have you? Again, if you haven’t, I would suggest it won’t go as you think it will.
Im betting you can too. And Im 100% that barring a sharknado or purple unicorns falling from the the sky and cliuding my vision, Im 100% well past 100 yards with those criteria. Are we talking about different targets?
I wasn’t asked about a specific person, I was asked about median shooters. Let me put it this way, if you lined up 100 average shooters, had them show up to a ranch/farm 100 days in a row, I would bet $1,000 per shooter, that they each will miss the lungs more than 1 time in 100 shots on animals at 100 yards. You could make it $10,000 per shooter and it wouldn’t matter.
Just driving to and from the hunt each day would cause zero shifts in the vast majority of scopes. Let alone flinching, rifles, stress from work, an angry spouse, etc. 99% is an extremely high confidence level, and most have no clue what that actually means in the field because they’ve never taken a hundred shots at animals, let alone killed 100 animals.
For clarity, I am at either 5 or 6 missed shots on animals from 10 yards to 1,106 yards in the last 250 or so. 3 of those missed shots were follow up shots on moving animals after the first hit. In those 250 animals for me, I have seen a lot of misses by others- a lot.
Much like the cold bore challenge, with multiple people that argued that I was wrong about hit rates and that they are “on demand” from 600, 700, 800, whatever- that then missed one or both of their sub 600 yard cold bore shots.