What do you think he Scores/Age

Dylan Sluis

Nov 8, 2021
I got permission to some new ground this fall. And just set out cameras on Friday. Literally the next day I get a picture of this buck. I am curious what you guys think he scores and what his age is. I have shot 2 8 pointers in the 100-105 range. And he looks slightly bigger to me. I think he scores about 110. Originally I thought he was 2 and a half. But looking at the pics more I now think he's 3 and a half. He already has a very large belly on him, and to me it looks like some of his points are bladed. I don't think a 2 year old is doing that or has this type of build at that age. For reference this deer is in Northern, MN around the Bemidji area where they don't grow near as fast as farther south. What do you guys think. Thanks.

110 but he may disappear when the bucks make their shift to their fall ranges. Summer pics are always fun, but lots of times those bucks you have disappear and new ones will show up, once they start shedding velvet.
110 but he may disappear when the bucks make their shift to their fall ranges. Summer pics are always fun, but lots of times those bucks you have disappear and new ones will show up, once they start shedding velvet.

Oh I know. Happens all the time. All I got going for me is that this land is loaded with does so I am hoping that will keep him here. Or at least a little bit to give me a chance.
I think about 110". He's got nice palmation giving him more mass. Post pictures if you shoot him.

I've noticed that to. Obviously he looks like he has extra mass now because of the velvet. But even without it he has a lot of mass. And I definitely will. Lots of work to do to make that happen. Hopefully he keeps showing up and I can put the pieces together.
OP looks like a buck that needs to grow a few more years. Probably three years old and maybe 110. IMHO the only way you kill bigger bucks is to let the "decent" bucks walk. I probably see an average of 25-30 more inches since we went to only shooting older bucks 140+. Had a lot of 125-135 bucks three years ago and now a lot of 150-160 bucks. They seem to jump a lot in size between 4 and 6 years old.
I'd guess 100-105" not a ton of beam lenth and unfortunately you don't gain anything for thick tines