My reloading bench is pretty messy right now but here you go.
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I installed two flush mount Inline Fabrication mounts so I can swap equipment out as needed. One is on my main reloading bench and one is across from it on the peninsula bench which makes it nice if I want my bow vice on it. I also use that spot for trimming with Henderson. Love that thing.
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I use all three types of brass cleaning tools: a dry vibratory tumbler, an Ultrasonic cleaner, and a rotary wet tumbler. I really can't decide which I like best. Cleaning brass is one of my least favorite parts of reloading.
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I use the Benchsource two-torch annealing machine. It has worked really well for me.
In my opinion, the Primal Rights CPS is the best priming tool on the market.
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The Autotrickler V3 has been an excellent investment. I just wish I had a couple more of them.
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I really like the Redding T-7 turret press. It has worked well for me. I had two of them but never used the other one so I sold it.
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The Inline Fabrication rails, trays, tool holders, risers, and bins really make it easy to set everything up just how you want.
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