What did you do in the reloading room today?

Yesterday but pulled bullets on more of my cousins old hand loads. For every five that are the mystery ball powder there's one that I assume is 4831 based on it being an extruded powder but I am still dumping all of the powder from them on the lawn when I get done
Retuned a 243 predator load with the 75 gr vmax; getting near 5 SD around 3380 ft/s.

Testing a 300gr Sierra flat point jacketed bullet in the 45LC
I reached a point of the ultimate nightmare. CCI large rifle magnum have become as rare as a virgin in a whorehouse. When I went to winchester primers the results were not comparable. That occured as I completed a 1 lb can of H4350 and hornady quit making 175 gr interlock round nose bullets.

For this many variables I'm back to building a ladder on 0.1 gr increments to see if I can re-establish the consistancy I had for 45 years with differant parts.
I reached a point of the ultimate nightmare. CCI large rifle magnum have become as rare as a virgin in a whorehouse. When I went to winchester primers the results were not comparable. That occured as I completed a 1 lb can of H4350 and hornady quit making 175 gr interlock round nose bullets.

For this many variables I'm back to building a ladder on 0.1 gr increments to see if I can re-establish the consistancy I had for 45 years with differant parts.

Scheels has some in stock and on sale if your near one with them in stock.

If that dosnt work blue collar has them

Let me know who to bill the finders fee to.
I was in Missoula scheels a week ago because someone told me they had some. The store told me hadn't had any for some time (CCI 250) but they certainly had everything but those.

I can predict when they are coming in. The day after I complete a new load with what I have. I still have 4 boxes of hornady interlocs 175 grain rn 175 gr. I do my testing on spire points and the fine testing on round nose. I hate to change those things that work.
Loaded another 100 45 ACP yesterday.
Need to get to the range for some more Load Dev on a few rifles. Weather here has been bad, so haven't been for some time.
Have 6.5CM,243, 300WSM & 7MM-08 Load Dev to go through.
Then need dies for my 6mm Arc and 223 to start those.