What did you do in the reloading room today?

Shot the last of my 108s yesterday and ran a quick ladder on the 112 Match Burners.

The middle of the road charges seemed to shoot best. 40.5gr and 41gr at .47" and .53", respectively. The Hornady 105s and 108s have shown a preference for a little more powder.

Got all 36 cases cleaned and prepped for next week when my next batch of 108s arrive.
If I had the time. I've had a few ask but have to find time to do it. Have complete building items as well as wiring schematic. Cost me about $80 in materials.

Yeah, I’d be on the list for parts too. Surely we can crowd fund you a bottle of whiskey for your efforts?
I just walked by mine and sighed today.... :(

On a bright note, I'm making 50 pounds of snack sticks and 50 pounds of link this weekend.
Put my new shell holder in my press and got some primer on the bench. Slowly getting ready.

Also looked at pictures of an upcoming gun auction at guns I won't be able to buy but at least I can drool over the pictures of a a couple 1873s in 44-40 and 38-40 and some model 94s in 25-35. One day.... One day...