
Will you take the vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 163 50.6%

  • Total voters
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I voted no but I’m guessing the liberals will start requiring a vaccination in order to be eligible for our constitutional rights. I’ve already seen how some airlines are talking about requiring vaccinations to fly with them.

As to why I won’t take it, covid has a 99% survival rate, no need to get vaccinated. I also don’t care about other people’s health, that is their responsibility and if they feel they are vulnerable, it is their right to get the vaccine. People need to take responsibility for themselves, not expect others to do it for them.
I have no respect for people who say "the liberals" or "the conservatives".
Refer to the drawing with any questions

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I reference my comments above on critical thinking. This is a communicable virus. Your continued attempt to portray the anti-vax perspective as one of personal responsibility in not logically consistent. Your failure to take personal responsibility will negatively impact others who have no choice in the matter (unless you are planning on solo living in a hole into the future). That's how we are in the mess we are currently in. You are saying you will not take responsibility for your actions, which is the opposite of personal responsibility, then turning around and saying people should take personal responsibility. We all have opinions, we don't have to agree. But in order to have any sort of meaningful civil discourse on important matters that pertain to us as social animals and hunters we all need to be logical. The hilarious irony here is that you also have 1000's of internet points. So you must value other's opinions of you if not their lives. Mostly just trying to understand your perspective here as it is one of the most confusing I've come across during many years of lurking.

If you want to take an unproven vaccine that is 100% your right. I choose not to. Besides, if all the people who are scared take the vaccine, then why does it matter if I do??? I mean they are vaccinated right???

And I’m not “anti-vaccination”, not at all, I get my flue shots, I vaccinate my kids. I am not going to rush to be the first in line to be a vaccine tester. As I’ve said from the beginning though, I am 100% in support of your right to choose what you do with your body. If you want to take the shot, do it!!! If you want to smoke it, it’s your body.
I don’t have strong opinions about the vaccine. I’ll likely have to get it for my job. A co-worker who is in better shape than me got covid and symptoms were mild, but his lungs aren’t the same. Doesn’t sound fun.

I do wonder about the level of skepticism though. I wonder if people in the US were this pessimistic about Polio vaccines or MMR vaccines? Were they “sheep” ? Both were developed with far less testing and scrutiny. Am I a little nervous? Sure. Is the compressed timeframe for testing ideal? Not really. But I also view it as a potential triumph. What could be better than US ingenuity figuring this out quickly and playing a key role in ending this mess. Rising to meet world challenges used to be something that was celebrated in America.
I will take the vaccine. I have sick people in my family I’d like to protect and be able to see. My 6 year old God Daughter, who is my best friends daughter that we spend a lot of time with has been battling leukemia the last 2 1/2 years. We go off what her doctors say. He says he will take it, it will be safe, and that we had a head start because it’s so close to SCARS. Not going to argue with anybody, just going to believe what he tells us because I’m no expert and not going to claim to be.

From the poster above I had the virus in early October. Was pretty mild, didn’t seem anything to be real concerned about, but I after I cleared and returned to work I had the weird lung issues. Any little thing made me winded and very fatigued. Still don’t seem to be 100 percent
I hope the big pharma companies have it right because 2020 will be child play compared to what 2021 is gonna be after 150 million people take the vaccine and it ends up not working as intended and the virus keeps rolling, the consequences of it not working is very disturbing.

They need to add a maybe button in the polling because it isn't only a yes or no question

I won't be in line to get the vaccine but will consider it in the future, I am hoping that it works as intended.
I haven't read this whole thread so excuse me if its been discussed. I see people are worried about the unknown long term side effects from the vaccine. Are you guys not concerned with the unknown long term side effects of covid? I work with two guys very closely that are still having issues after having very mild symptoms months ago
I will not be getting it.... because I just got back from a boat based hunt in Alaska where 4/5 guys got the 'rona.

I know this will fall on deaf ears for the people who need to hear it, but hey, why not try and sway some internet opinions. All of us are fit dudes in their 30' and 40's (smoke jumper, army ranger, veterans, etc.) Dude who should've gotten the sickest had the mildest case. One dude who lived with us all week didn't get it. The fittest guy on the boat cannot walk on the treadmill more than 10 minutes as of yesterday - he was a freaking machine before covid. I had about 5 days where I was debating on going to the hospital a few times each day - couldn't breathe. I am still short of breath and very lethargic. Now it is waiting game to see if/when my cardio and lung function come back. I think it is going to be a long road. Covid is real and it doesn't just mess up old people.

If I could go back in time and get a vaccine to prevent this, hell yeah I would do it. As to the 'everyone fend for themself' attitude that is so ubiquitous on this thread I would say I look at it differently... I served in the army for over a decade trying to make America a better place and if I can get a vaccine to help America get back to normal and help confer greater immunity to society then I am all for it.
Damn, man.....

That paragraph about says it all. Thanks for laying this out for all to see and hope that better respiratory health arrives soon for you.
If you want to feel really good about the vaccine (I jest), read how the "effective percentage" was arrived at.

Talk about new math.......
If you want to feel really good about the vaccine (I jest), read how the "effective percentage" was arrived at.

Talk about new math.......
I looked at their releases and the data they published. I guess the question I have for you is have you ever taken a stats class? Because statistics is not intuitive. I know very few adults that have even a small grasp on calc. When I started grad work, I hadn't done any of that in about 8 years and I had to re-learn a lot, despite having a great understanding of it prior.

The math checks fine.
I looked at their releases and the data they published. I guess the question I have for you is have you ever taken a stats class? Because statistics is not intuitive. I know very few adults that have even a small grasp on calc. When I started grad work, I hadn't done any of that in about 8 years and I had to re-learn a lot, despite having a great understanding of it prior.

The math checks fine.
Maybe a class or two....

I should have stated it more plainly. The entire premise of 90% effectiveness, etc. is so full of holes.

Since the test does not involve subjecting the applicants to Covid, the procedure is to take a "control group" (no vaccine), and a vaccinated group. Turn them loose and then see, after X period of time, home many are positive.

How do you control that loose of an experiment? You don't. Period. You have no control over who was exposed, who was not, natural antibodies, etc., etc.

While I sincerely hope a reliable vaccine is one day available, creating mass hysteria over a "90+% effective" vaccine, given these test procedures is ludicrous.
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