- Joined
- Sep 14, 2016
Did you really say MURDERED!! People like YOU really need to get a grip man.
Yes, murdered. Specifically, it's depraved indifference murder, although it's happening too often for anyone to get around to prosecuting all the offenders, and it's too hard to prove individual cases. The specific definition varies by state, but in general it's that "defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a "depraved indifference" to human life."
Hundreds of thousands of Americans who are now dead would still be alive if everyone had followed what the science says we should be doing: minimize public interactions in enclosed spaces, keep your distance from other people in public as much as you can, and wear high-quality masks correctly for any closeup social interactions with people outside your immediate household. Soon, getting vaccinated will be at the top of the list of common-sense obligations for everyone who cares about their country or the people in it. Reckless people who flaunt all these precautions and end up spreading the virus to somebody who dies are personally responsible for those deaths. They're every bit as responsible, and almost as stupid, as hunters who shoot at anything that moves and end up killing a person.
As for "getting a grip," I had a very close relative who could barely walk and barely breathe for two weeks, after being incredibly careful and catching the virus anyway due to somebody else's recklessness. I take this personally. It was awful for me worrying about them, way more awful for them to go through, and still we were the lucky ones. Millions of other Americans have similar stories that ended in a lonely death and a funeral nobody could safely attend. And this is all so completely preventable. Again, we're looking at deaths approaching a hundred 9/11s, and we still have some people who claim to be patriots doing the equivalent of standing on the towers with glowing orange batons waving the jets in to their target.
Also, as a Ph.D. biologist, I look at the arguments people make for ignoring Covid precautions and want to throw up. The dumbest people in our society are all suddenly armchair epidemiologists who know more than all the experts in the field because they saw a video on Facebook with spooky music.